Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Dani Worthington

I felt myself blush as her finger touched my nose. Whip Cream was smeared on her finger, then she asked the question that I was hoping she wouldn’t. I thought it over, tomorrow was Friday right? Maybe it was the best day I could have her over. But then again why would I trust a girl like her at my place? I don’t even let my real friends see it.

“Huh, I don’t know if that’s a good idea” I stuttered, “I’ll talk about it with my parents. I’ll let you know tomorrow” I smiled. I took another bite of ice cream which was so good, some kids would say ‘it was like an orgasmic explosion in my mouth.’

I smiled as she watched me, “This is great” I covered my mouth trying not to let the ice cream slip past my lips and onto the front of myself.

I felt myself giggle. Like a school girl! It was so pathetic.

“It’s weird” I broke the silence. “A girl like you, liking a place like this. I was kind of expecting a bar or a club where you get drugs and laid and stuff” I shamefully looked down at my almost empty ice cream glass.

“Yeah, figured you would think that” she said, watching me. I can feel her eyes burning into me. I slightly glanced up and saw a sort of hurt look on her face.

“Well we should go soon” I quickly said sitting up leaning forward stretching, trying to avoid eye contact with her. She sighed, obviously not wanting to go home.

I had this kind of petty feeling for her, I wanted to hug her and comfort her. Which was WEIRD, but I’m over it now, now that I remembered what she does and who she is.

“We can do something else if you want” I smiled, also not wanting to go home. I hate my place, maybe as much as Sandy hates hers. Maybe not though. She actually has a reason to hate hers. Compared to her situation I’m just a whiney bratty baby I guess.

“Whatever, I can drop you off at home” she sighed leaning back in her chair.

“No!” I jumped forward. She jumped also in my response. “I mean, you can take me to the school. I’ll walk home from there” I smiled innocently. “my house is near it.” I lied but smiled anyway.

“It’s not a problem” she said sitting up, but then sighed “Fine, whatever” she said standing up throwing some money on the table and walked out. I stared at the money in shock, I didn’t even know she had money on her. She looks like the kind of person that wouldn’t know what a 20 dollar bill looks like. But then I have no room to talk about stuff like that.

I quickly got up and followed her and jumped into her car. It was almost 7 and the sky was dim and pretty with purple, pink, orange, and blue swirled as the sun started setting.

I really couldn’t help myself but smile, I felt like a moron smiling about nothing really. It was just the sun setting and sky reacting. It was still pretty though.

By the time she reached the school the sun was further down, by the time I walked all the way to my place it would be pitch black. I sighed not wanting to, but I rather walk then have her drive me.

“Oh, do you have a cell phone?” I heard myself ask before jumping out of the car. She looked shocked and confused.

“Yeah, unlimited and everything like that.” I was glad. Well to hear that. For her I meant.

“Well, let me give you my number. Just in case.”

“Just in case what?” she questioned.

“I don’t know, just in case I’m not going to be in school or your not. We can let each other know”

“We just see each other in school. If we don’t see each other, then we know the other one isn’t there”

“Fine” I said getting out and slamming the door shut. With my book bag tossed over my shoulder I started walking away from her.

“Wait,” she called as she rolled down her window. “Fine,” her phone was then out and held towards me. “Put in your number” she sighed. I smiled in victory and jogged back over to her car. I placed my number in then waved bye and walked back away.

Few moments later she was out of the parking lot. My lousy phone started vibrating, I pulled it out quickly and got a text, *hey?* I smiled knowing it was Sandy. I saved the contact and texted back.

*Kay thanks. Have your number now :)*

*Okay, see you tomorrow*

*You will. Good night* I then shut my phone and threw it in my book bag.

For the rest of the night a stupid smile wouldn’t leave my face.
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Being put back up