Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Sandy Jones

I didn’t go home that night. I drove around, and when I ran out of gas, I got more, to drive around more. I stayed downtown, went into the suburbs, and in the surrounding areas. My mom would be pissed, Rob would be even more angry, I had almost hit him with his car. I kept glancing at my cell phone, waiting for a text or a call, but it never came.

Finally, at 5am, I parked the car in the school parking lot and yawned. I was used to staying up multiple nights in a row, away from home. It happened frequently now. I grabbed my cell phone and set it up to text Dani. My fingers hovered over the keys.

Are you awake? I texted

I am now. What is it? She responded after a few minutes.

I smiled as I read her text.

Wanna skip school tomorrow with me?

I have to pass in a project, so no. I pursed my lips slightly.


Why aren't you asleep? I could almost hear her yawn as I read the message.

I'm not even at home. I told her truthfully. I could have lied and said that I was a early raiser, but what would that get me? Just about as much as telling the truth, nothing.

Why not? Where are you? There was a slight panic to her words. Why would she worry about me? Perhaps I was just imaging it.

I’m just driving around, hanging around the school right now. I told her.

She didn’t respond for a few minutes, I thought maybe she had fallen asleep again, until I got her next message.

Stay there.

I didn’t respond to her, just waited. My eyes started to droop, but before I got the chance to fall asleep, a small, green car drove into the parking lot. I saw Dani, yawning, in the front seat.

I got out, and climbed onto the hood of my car, to wait for her. She got out of her car, after turning it off, and walked up to me. She shook her head.

“Don’t you ever sleep? Now I’m going to be stuck with a grouchy Sandy all day, worse then you’re normal bitch-self,” she whined, but it was half play. I yawned.

“Well, my mom goes to work around 8am, and Rob doesn’t come home until 10am from his job, and he goes straight to bed to sleep, so all I gotta do is go home around 8:30 and sleep until Rob has to go to work again, around 3pm, and my mom comes home, around 2pm. That gives me, about,” I counted from 9am to 1pm, getting, “4 hours of sleep.”

She gave me a blank stare and instead of dealing with me, sat on the hood of my car.

“So, we’ll work on the project tomorrow?” I asked her. It was Friday now, and tomorrow was Saturday, everyone was going out so we had the whole day to work on it.

“Sure, I’ll be at your house around...noon?” She suggested.

“Sure,” I mumbled and laid back, the windshield creating the perfect arch for my back. I had professionally parked my car so that it was facing the sunrise, and I could see the first rays of sunshine.

“Sunrises are so pretty,” I mumbled.

She nodded and laid back too, her elbow touching mine. We just laid there, watching the sunrise. It could have been the perfect picture, had the first teachers not start to arrive. They ignored us, none of them ready to deal with any students this early in the morning without caffeine.

I groaned and got off the hood, and dove into my backseat, dragging a bag out. Dani looked over at me, in alarm at my sudden movements. I opened the bag, it was full of clean, fresh clothes.

“Just one sec, stay here,” I said as I bolted into the school, to change into new clothes. I can out in black skinny jeans and a black tank top that hugged my figure and made my boobs look amazing. I smiled to myself as I looked in the mirror. Not that I was dressing for anyone.

I went back out and sat, cross-legged, on the hood of my car, looking at Dani.

“So, whats with the new car?” I asked, “Why don’t you drive it?”

She smiled.

“It was a birthday present, but I didn’t have my license yet, so I can’t drive it.” Her smile turned into a somewhat devilish smirk. I thought it was cute, her thinking she was so bad.

“Alright, so we have to drive to your house, you drop off the car and I’ll drive you back here,” I suggested. Dani’s face completely changed.

“I don’t-”

“Want me at your house, yeah, got that last night. Ok, how about I park away from your house, and then once you drop off your car, you just walk over to my car and I never see your house once?” I said. She sighed, knowing there was no winning with me, except when they were her games.

“Yeah, okay, sure.” She grumbled, and got off my car to go to hers. I smiled in victory, and followed her small green car, until she told me to stop. I parked on the side of the road, and after a few minutes of not seeing Dani, she was jogging back to my car. She got in and I dropped her off at the school.

“Alright, well I’m going to go now, have a good day at school,” I said, and patted a shy hand on her hand. She looked like she was going to say something, but then she saw a car she recognized, probably another cheerleader’s, and she scrambled out, and away from my car. I revved the engine, gave one last glance at Dani, then sped out of the tiny parking lot, lighting a cigarette on my way out.

Friday passed in a blur, and I didn’t sleep until that night, after having a huge fight with my mother over the car. I ended up losing it for the week, so I had to walk an hour to and from school, and a good few slaps from her. Rob stayed out of it, but had suggested that I lose the car for a good month. My mother stuck to a week.

Before going to sleep however, I snuck out again and went to a neighbors house, a neighbor I knew quite well. I knocked on the door, $30 ready in my hand.

When she opened the door, and saw it was me, she let me in to walk down to her basement. This mysterious neighbor was known as Mrs. Vicky, the neighborhood drug dealer, and one of my best resources. In her basement, she had just about every type of weed you could think of. I picked a plant, and gave her the money, and she gave me a zip-lock bag full of the drug, dried up, rolled up into joints and ready to be used.

I took it home with me, put it underneath my bed, and fell asleep quickly, ready for the revenge the next day. See how my mother-dearest likes her house smelling like the drug she hates the most, one of the more harmless of the illegal drugs.

I woke up the next morning to banging on my door and my phone vibrating on my night stand. I groaned, reached under my bed, took out one of the many joints, lit it like I would a cigarette in the morning, took the first puff, then went downstairs to let Dani in.

I opened the door and she took in my bed head, pajamas, and finally, the joint between my lips.

“Is that-” what I think it is, is what she tried to say.

“Yup.” I interrupted her.

“Are you-” really smoking it?

“Yup.” I interrupted her again, somehow knowing exactly what she was going to ask.

She stayed silent, just staring at it.

“Wanna join me?” I asked with a goofy grin, taking another drag, then blowing the smoke up and away from Dani.
♠ ♠ ♠
Being put back up