Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Dani Worthington

Do I want to join her?! Of course not! I’m not here to get high with her, just to work on a stupid project with her. I stared at her though, she seemed kind of out of it. Kind of helpless. Something must have made her like this.

“No” I snapped pushing my way through, looking for any sign of parents or anyone.

“Are you insane?” I asked turning to her quickly. I can feel anger building up inside.

“God! What is your problem! Drugs are the most nasty things on this planet” I felt myself rant, yet my eyes were watching the joint and my mind wondering what it felt like. What it felt like once not to worry about every little thing and who is doing what and when.

“No,” I repeated.

She shrugged, “Whatever” she then shut the door and walked inside her house more, me following.

“What does it feel like?” I ended up asking.

“Amazing,” she turned around, her eyes glazed and that stupid smile on her face making her look like a moron. She took another hit blowing the smoke in my face.
It tasted nasty, but so strong just smelling it made me feel dizzy, and possibly high. I don’t know.

“But it will mess me up” I argued. I think mostly to myself.

She waved it around in my face a while, I don’t think she meant too, but she did.

“Fine.” I gave in. my stomach started turning, this sick feeling made me doubt my choice for a moment. But then she smiled and passed it to me. I placed the thick rolled up piece of paper between my lips and sucked in. I think I sucked in to much because my eyes started watering and my stomach started hurting.

“Hold it in for a second” she watched me carefully. I held it in then quickly blew it out. My head was spinning and my limbs started feeling like Jelly. “Good right?” she asked smiling.

The way that she smiled wanted me to do it again, I wanted to feel thoughtless and brainless just for a moment more. I took another hit, the affect grew stronger. I felt like nothing else in the world existed.

Just me and her, we were the kings of the world. Or queens. Whatever.

We sat there for hours in her room with the door shut to get more of an affect. The entire room was filled with the nasty yet awesome smoke. We sat there laughing over stupid crap, she even brought up chips and dip and pops and pop tarts and twizzlers. And other crap.

“I like you,” I said out loud, we both just laughed. “At first I thought you were a slut and who doesn’t deserve to live”

“And I thought you were a brainless bimbo who worries too much about her looks” she responded.

“But now, I think you’re kind of cool” I said through another hit.

"I really like you too" she smiled, her smile was looking more normal. or has it always been normal looking like that? is she even high anymore? ha who cares!

We sat there for a few more minutes, i think. i don’t know, it sort of felt like hours. the room was clearing up but my head was still spinning.

I glanced over at Sandy, she was staring at me intensely. I just smiled, but before I could finish my smile I felt her hands on my shoulders. Playing with my hair. Her soft lips firmly pressed up against mine. My eyes shot open. She would never! Never ever in a million years kiss me!

But instead of pushing away I let it keep going. My stomach did flips, her eyes closed right in front of mine. My hands moved to her arms, keeping her in place. Almost as if I didn’t want her to move. Then after what felt like the longest moments of my life she pulled away.

Her face was a light pink shade. Mine probably was too though. I smiled and everyone got dizzy again. It was too, weird.

Next thing I knew I saw darkness, then a light hand was shaking me awake.
“Dani wake up,” I heard Sandy’s voice call. I sat up moaning and grabbing my head.

“What happened?” I asked, then I looked at her face. The kiss. I remember!

“Nothing, you got high.” She smirked. Her facial expressions were normal. As if she didn’t get high, or kiss me.

“Really?” I sarcastically asked glaring at her. So it didn’t happen? Well obviously it couldn’t have. that’s the logical thing, why would Sandy Jones kiss me? She wouldn’t. Now a better question is why the hell am I dreaming of us kissing? Huh, I have no clue!

“I’m hungry” I stated out loud. She then laughed and passed me the chips.

“I think you did pretty well for your first time” she complimented on my drug skills, gee thanks a lot. She smiled and laughed. Her really pretty face glowed.

Oh, god. I dreamt we kissed!
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Being put back up