Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Dani Worthington

“Answer the door,” I shouted, pounding on Sandy's bedroom door.

No one was home and the door was unlocked. Acting like one of the girls from a horror film, I walked into her house and was stopped at her locked bedroom door.

“Sandy!” I shouted again getting pissed off. But trying to hide it. “Just answer the door!” Suddenly the door flew open and I jumped back, surprised at the quick movement of the door. She stood before me, tired-looking and hung over. I wanted to slap her!

“What,” she whined, holding onto her head.

“Where were you yesterday?” I barged past her, into her room. I looked around and couldn't help but smell the alcohol she had been drinking the night before.

“Out with my boyfriend,” she snapped. My heart dropped slightly. I turned toward her sharply. My voice dropped.

“Oh, you have a boyfriend?” I asked, quietly.

“Yeah, and I decided to hang out with him.” She sat on her bed.

“That’s fine, I don’t care what you do.” I slightly lied. “But we still have a project to do, so we have to work on it” I allowed my voice to rise again.

“Fine, whatever.”

“Are you coming to school today? Or just going to skip again?” I asked, feeling annoyed. She shrugged.

“Well, I’m leaving now,” I stated, as if she wanted, or rather needed to know. I turned on my heel and went to leave. “Oh, and maybe we can double date some time. You know, you and your boyfriend, me with mine.” I smiled then waked out of her house without another word from her.

Oh god, why did I lie?! She was just frustrating me! Crap, now I need to find a ‘boyfriend’.


“Hey,” David greeted as I jogged up the school parking lot. I smiled and walked to him.

“What’s new?” I didn't answer him, instead I grabbed his head and pressed my lips against his. It was weird, and nasty. He kissed back though. When I pulled back, he looked shocked.

“What was that?” he asked almost afraid.

“I just wanted to see how it felt.” I smiled.

He blushed a bright pink. “What did you think?”

“I think you’re my best friend-” his face looked disappointed, “I want to try to go farther with you, but I’m afraid when I mess this up, you wont be my friend” I truthfully told him.

“No” he said putting his hands around my shoulders. “I will always be your friend. Even if you shot me in the foot” he smiled.

“Even if I dated you, then broke up with you?” I asked.

“Even if you break my heart into thousands of pieces.” He smiled a dazzling smile. Perfect, knew he would be perfect.

“Good, I would never want to hurt you, but I need you right now” I smiled, then passionately kissed him again. Well tried to passionately kiss him, it ended up being weird and nasty for me, but I guess it worked out for him.

“So. You’re my girlfriend?” he made sure before I ran off for school. I smiled and nodded my head yes. “I’m so glad” he smiled, kissing me again then me turning away and running to school.

The day went slow, and by the end of first period EVERYONE knew I was dating my best friend. I maybe should have thought this through more.

“What the hell!?” Taylor came up to me in the hallway near the end of the day.

“What?” I smiled, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

“Dating David? REALLY?” she asked looked a little confused yet happy for me?

“Yeah, it just happened” I shrugged.

“I have known you my entire life almost, and this is your first boyfriend!” she squealed hugging me.

“Yeah, I know. Insane” I smiled. Not as excited as she is, obviously.

Last period rolled around, and no Sandy. I was so pissed off. I worked on other school work during that period.

Once school ended I found David waiting for me in the parking lot. He greeted me with a kiss. Then gave me a long and awkward ride to Sandy’s place.

“Sandy!” I pounded on the front door waiting. Her mother answered, which scared me.

“Oh, hello Dani” she smiled.

“Hello, is Sandy home?” I asked politely smiling.

“Yeah” her face went serious then moved aside letting me in. “Just go up stairs to her room” she then turned around and left into the kitchen. I went up stairs and opened her bedroom door slowly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Being put back up.