Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Dani Worthington

“I can’t believe that dirty vampire-wanna-be touched you!” Taylor rolled her eyes at the thought of someone different than us speaking to one of us. I kept myself from looking back at where she laid.

“Taylor, it wasn’t that bad. It was our friendship bracelet that I had forgotten. So she basically did us both a favor”

“How so?” She sounded like she was bored being rational and was content with trash-talking everyone and everything that went against her.

I glared at her, not even believing what she was saying. “Do you remember when we made these? We said if we forget them, lost them or even threw them away, our friendship is over. We swore.”

“We made them when we were like, five,” she snapped back. Obviously, she was still sore about me yelling at her this morning. I think the only reason she started talking to me again was to be able to trash-talk Sandy.

“It still means a lot to me,” I mumbled, putting on the bracelet and playing with it. I marveled over its rainbow colored beads and stretchy string. Back when I made it, I told everyone my favorite color was rainbow. Kind of ironic now though, considering I was on my way out of the closer.

“Whatever. She still didn’t deserve to touch you.”

“Whatever, can we drop it?”

“So Dani, what are you doing today?” David broke in, changing the topic.

“I don’t know, going home maybe,” I lied. We were walking towards David’s car now. I didn’t want to be around Taylor anymore, I couldn’t stand her right now. We are best friends and I love her, but she can be a spoiled brat. “I’m going to walk, I need the exercise.” I walked away from them without waiting for replies.

My walk turned into a jog. Sandy hated me. I needed to apologize, to explain why I hadn't stepped in to help her against Taylor. I had to make it up to her somehow.

About 30 minutes later, I made it to the familiar drive way. The car was in the drive-way. I cautiously went up to the house and started ringing the door bell, nothing happened. So I started knocking; that turned into a pound until my hand was throbbing.

“What?” Rob’s voice boomed as he finally swung the door open. I felt like he was undressing me with his nasty, dirty eyes.

“I’m here to see Sandy.” I tried to smile at him.

“She’s sick,” he snapped, slamming the door in my face. I continued to pound on the door. He opened the door less than a foot, and glared at me through the crack in the door.

“I just saw her , she looked fine to me.” I tried to seem nice, but it came out harshly. “Let me in to see her.” I commanded.

“Listen, get off of my property before I call the cops.”

“What I heard you don’t own this property,” I lied. I had no idea if he did or didn’t.

“Get off of my property,” he said once again, not buying my bluff, and slammed the door again. I grinned to myself as I remembered her window. I walked around the house until I found the pile of wood. I climbed up and onto the roof. I crawled over to her window and lightly tapped on it.

“Sandy,” I whispered. My heart raced and I started to grow nervous. What if Rob catches me? Then he’ll really call the cops. I couldn't afford to get arrested.

“Sandy, open the window,” I whispered a little louder, tapping more. No answer, I couldn't give up now though. She hated my guts. I had to try harder.

I grabbed a little ledge and pulled upwards. When it didn't move, I pulled harder. Finally it started budging; I smiled to myself. I was breaking into Sandy’s house.

I climbed inside and glanced around. Her seemingly lifeless body laid on her bed, wrapped up in the covers. I ran to her side and tried to shake her. Maybe Rob had been right, maybe she really was sick.

“Sandy,” I sang. “Wake up, are you okay?” She moaned lightly and peeked over the top of the covers at me, showing me she was alive. A smile appeared on my face. “Sandy, I am-”

“Get out,” she interrupted me.

“But Sandy-”

“Get out.” I could tell she was in pain, hurt in someway that I couldn't see. Why wouldn’t she want me here?

“Sandy, tell me what happened.” I pressed on. Something had happened between her getting taken by her friend and now. Something bad.

“Your friend.” I could tell that wasn't it. Sandy's strong, and wouldn’t get this upset just because she got pushed down like a prep like Taylor.

“Don’t you dare lie to me,” I snapped, staring her right in the eye.

Her face softened, unsure what to say or do. “Sandy, I want to know, please.” I pressed on more. “I want you to trust me.” I gave her a hopeful half smile.
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Being put back up