Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Dani Worthington

“That bitch” Brad muttered under his breath. He was the quarter back that everyone thinks I’m going out with. Of course they would, he follows me around like a damn puppy.

I turned around forcing him to stop quickly, “It’s whatever” I smiled. His face became soft. I felt bad for him. I hate it when people fall for me. It’s pointless.

“Want me to take you home?” he asked opening the passenger door in his car. I smiled, I would have liked it any other day, but rain is my favorite.

“No thanks, I have a ride. I’ll see you tomorrow” I smiled then turned to walk away.

But he quickly grabbed my wrist and turned me around quickly and crashed his lips against mine. I froze. Shocked. After 5 seconds of him kissing me and me just awkwardly standing there he pulled away smiling. My hand quickly slapped his face. His soft blushing face turned into a hurt and shocked expression.

“Wh-what was that?” his naturally husky voice boomed.

“It’s what you deserve sometimes. Really? Why the hell would you ever try to fucking kiss me?” I wanted to yell. Of course I can’t tell my friends about my…situation. But still it pissed me off when they did shit like this.

“What? You don’t think I’m good enough for you?” he asked hiding his hurt by replacing it with anger. Typical.

“No. I don’t think you’re good enough for me. Just. Go away!” I yelled then turned sharply on my cute shoes. Wiping my wet hair against him and stomping away.

“Fine bitch!” he yelled. A typical fight with him. He will be all over me again either tomorrow morning, or evening. So it didn’t matter.

I just walked home to my giant lonely house and went to bed where I did my homework and planned the next few years of my life.

The next day of school started early. Had to get up by 3:30 to make sure I was in school by 5. I wore my cheer leading uniform with my hair straight and my squeaky clean white tennis shoes. God, I hated this. It was Friday, had a game later tonight and a party for the cheerleaders and I formed a pimple! Right on my forehead. So of course I had to apply a ton of make-up on, more than usual.

Life just sucks!

The morning went…slow. I was officially the president for the student body, making me loved by all and also very busy now. Cheer leading went perfect, everyone was listening to me and doing what they were supposed to. Which is a good sign. Meaning no screw ups during the game!

Oh and Brad was talking to me again. Shocker there.

“So babe, about that kiss. I’m sorry, you know I am” He smiled, I just grinned and gave him a hug. It’s hard to hate the big teddy bear.

“It’s whatever” I smiled.

Me and my posse hung by the court yard, we pretty much took all the good spots. Which is fine, we are the most important group in the school so we deserve it.

I was enjoying my time before school. The football team were making fools of themselves and the other cheer leading girls were being cute and laughing at them. It was just blissful, but of course that bitch, Sandy, had to ruin everything. Her ‘bad-ass’ walked out into the court yard, OUR property and started smoking. Blowing that un-healthy shit in our faces. We are professionals and need to be treated like professionals. So we don’t need no wanna be popular girl blowing cancer in our faces and into our perfect lungs.

“Excuse me” I spat, “Can you not try to impress us? Kay thanks” I narrowed my eyes at her. He turned sharply at me.

“Excuse me, can you stop being an ugly slut? Kay thanks” she mocked taking another puff and blowing it once again towards us.

Anger boiled in my blood Who does this low life think she is? She doesn’t deserve a life if she’s just going to waste it any way on drugs and getting into trouble.

“Bitch, listen,” Taylor stood up trying to start shit. “no one here likes you, so put out that cancer stick and go back inside. We actually like ourselves and our bodies so we don’t need a stupid stick to make us feel better” She smiled in the meanest way possible. I really do love Taylor sometimes.

“Obviously you love yourselves, that’s why I hear you in the bathroom throwing up everyday after lunch” Sandy barked back. Taylor’s face grew red, in anger. I think.

The bell rang suddenly telling us class is starting in 5 minutes. So everyone got up and was heading back inside. I looked back to see Sandy still outside looking up taking in a last hit of her cigarette then tossing it down to the ground.

If she lost that damn attitude maybe she would be more attractive. Maybe if she lost those habits too. Oh well, I don’t care. She’ll just grow old alone. Not that I care or anything. She could rot away in jail for all I care.

There are two types of people. My type, the type that matters in life and that will make a difference. Then her type, the kinds of people who will die alone or become rat food in jail. I am so glad I am not her type.
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Being put back up.