Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Sandy Jones

I got out of the car and Rob was standing inside the door, out of the rain, waiting for me. The moment Dani got out, I saw his eyes roam her body, stopping at her skirt and breasts. I glared at him, and shoved past him, leaving enough space for Dani, so he couldn’t even try to touch her.

“Don’t be late to work Rob,” I sneered and led Dani into the living room. She sat tentatively down on the couch, as if it would open up and eat her. I sat down on a comfortable recliner and looked at her.

“So, what do you want to start on first?” I asked her and she gave me a blank stare in return. I nearly slapped myself, of course the cheerleader wouldn’t know what to do.

“Do you want anything to eat, or are you trying to stay a size zero?” I asked sarcastically, getting up to get myself a bowl of chips and juice.

“Just some water, I guess,” she mumbled meekly, looking around. She must not believe that someone like me lived in such a nice house. Yeah, it was nice alright, over a hundred-thousand dollars worth of furniture just downstairs. Upstairs was almost two-hundred-thousand.

I came back with her water, my juice and a big bowl of chips to share, putting that between us.

“And just hold on one more sec, I have to go change,” I said, my tone not having a spark of sarcasm in it. I went upstairs and changed into a pair of baggy sweats and a tight Three Days Grace t-shirt, then went back downstairs, but stopped at the foot of the stairs when I heard Dani talking to a certain someone, my mom. I hurried into the living room and saw my mother in the kitchen, putting away groceries, and Dani sitting at the counter talking to her civically. I stared for a second or two, then walked slowly into the kitchen.

“Hey mom, how was work?” I asked quietly, my gaze snapping between her and Dani.

“It was good. You didn’t tell me a friend was coming over for dinner,” she said, a tone of threat in her voice, and I took a safe step away, to sit at the table we ate at.

“I didn’t know we were going to be matched up for a project. We’re working on it until it’s done,” I told her, and looked at Dani, who was picking at her nails.

“So, all this week then? And what about the weekends, will you two be working on it then, because Rob and I wont be home on Saturday and we need you to stay home to watch the house,” she ranted. I frowned.

“Well, maybe. Would it be okay if she came over?” I asked safely, and Dani’s head snapped up, to glare briefly, at me.

My mom nodded as she bent down to put away other groceries. I got off my perch at the dinner table and went to the living room, motioning for Dani to follow.

“Ok, well, we’re going to get to work,” I whispered and we did. We finished the outline for the essay.

“So, whats the deal with your mom and you, are you her devil spawn or something? And whats with the attitude change, you’re a bitchy bad-ass at school, but here you’re some quiet nobody?” Dani said, once we were done with the outline and my mom was out of the room.

“Whats with you and wanting to know the aspects of my life?” I snapped back, and she glared.

“Hey, I’m just here to finish this stupid project, get on with my life, and spend the least amount of time with you, got it bitch face?” She growled back and looked just about ready to slap me.

“Then get the fuck out of my house, we’re done here,” I hissed as the oven beeped. Dinner was ready and my mother was expecting Dani to eat with us.

“Dani, is Sandy being mean?” My mother said from behind me and I jumped. Dani’s face sort of softened and she looked up at my mother, who stood behind the recliner I sat in.

“She just doesn’t want me to sit and have a delicious dinner with you guys. She’s just being a bit rude is all,” she smirked.

“Sandy, come with me,” my mother said strictly, and I flinched. I glared at Dani hatefully, and got up to follow her. We went into the laundry room and once we stopped, she turned toward me, and I waited for the onslaught.

“What have I told you about being rude?” She asked and my face became a void of all emotion.

“Not to be.” I answered.

“And what were you to Dani? She’s such a nice girl, a good friend for you, and you’re already pushing her away?” She lectured.

“I was rude, yes, but she is not my friend.” I spat out.

“She is being nothing but nice to you, and here you are being a spoiled little brat. I swear, sometimes I just wish you weren’t just a little bitch, and you’d just grow up and be the daughter I wanted.” She hissed and slapped me once across the face, nice and hard, then barreled past me, to go finish dinner and apologize for my rudeness.

I marched out to the living room, and cleaned everything up, ignoring Dani completely. She kept trying to look at me, but I kept ignoring her.

Once dinner was served, we all sat down, Dani across from me, my mom at the end of the table, and if Rob had been home, he would have sat across from my mom, making a perfect square.

I stared dead ahead at Dani, letting her see the bruising mark on my face, where I had been hit. I didn’t touch my food once, instead just stared at it.

Once Dani and my mom were done eating, they put their plates up and I threw mine in the garbage, plate and all, and went outside. I sat on the step and pulled out a cigarette. I stared at that too, but felt no want to smoke it. I threw it to the ground and Dani came out and stood next to me.

“When is your dad coming home, I need a ride to the school.” She whined.

“He’s not my dad, he’s my mom’s boyfriend. And call one of your minions for a ride, I’m not spending one more second with you,” I hissed, and went inside, leaving her in the rain without a ride. I saw her pull out her cell phone and start chattering on it, looking in briefly at me, then quickly looking away when she saw that I was looking at her. I went to my room and stayed there for the night, but once I heard Rob come home, and both of my “parent figures” go to bed, I snuck out of the house and went for a long jog, spending the whole night out, only going home once, before school started, to change clothes and to grab the car, to drive to school.
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Being put back up