Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Dani Worthington

I sat in the student council meeting barley listening. Which was strange, usually I was the one talking and passing out things, but today, I didn’t feel good. So I had the vice-president do my job pretty much. So I sat in a desk facing everyone else just zoning out.

I think I was sick mostly because of the rain and having a game in it. Good news, we won. Bad news I couldn’t sleep. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the game, or Sandy.

I went to her house, a beautiful house may I add. Bigger and better than mine, but her family wasn’t the perfect family you would imagine to live in it. The daughter was an insane bitch, mom was well, two face. And the dad figure, was well, from what I can tell a horrible guy. I cant really judge, even though I do anyway. I haven’t known them for then a moment.

I still don’t understand why I lost sleep over it. I always make sure I get the same amount of sleep every night so I can be alert, and ready for my busy day.

Cheer leading practice went in a blur. Again I wasn’t feeling good so I sat out most of the time.

“Great game right?” David asked coming up to me.

“Huh?” I questioned looking around confused. “Oh, last night? Yeah” I muttered looking back down at my feet.

Really, that mark on her face. Was that because of me?

“You alright?” he asked, looking concern.

I gave him a fake smile, “yeah, just tired I guess,” I told him truthfully.

“Well, maybe you can go to the nurse and sleep for a little bit” he suggested. I would have loved to do that, but even if I did I still don’t think I would be able to sleep.

What if it was my fault? I don’t like her very much, but still no kid should get hit just because I was messing around and sort of lied. Yeah I was trying to get her in trouble, but never get hit.

“Yeah” I smiled, “good idea, I might do that during second period. English. Least favorite” I smiled. He smiled in response.

No, maybe she just fell…but that was definitely a hand print. What if she hit herself? A little too hard.

“Well I gotta head to class.” he waved goodbye. I stopped in the doorway of my classroom. Everyone was talking and doing work, that just wasn’t me today. I didn’t want to talk, I didn’t want to socialize. So I turned and walked out of the school.

I went to the bleachers and sat, it was cold and still wet from the rain from the previous days. But I sat there, memories and thoughts filled my head.

What if her mom does that regularly?

GOD! Why do I even care? She’s a spoiled brat who thinks she’s so important. But she’s not. Maybe she deserves to get hit, yeah maybe that one time was maybe my fault. But maybe she deserved it for another reason. So, I guess she got what she deserved. I stood up tall, feeling good. That I had a day to myself to think things through. I don’t know why I cared, her family and life is not my business. Just this project. Speaking of project, it’s going to be last period soon. Crap. Why couldn’t this class be first? So it could have already been done with.

Well, since I skipped all day, I might as well skip this class.

But what if she starts working in class and starts messing everything up? Crap, she’s going to fail me. I sighed as I realized I needed to go in. so I walked back to school and walked in the class as the bell rang. She was sitting in her desk looking pissed off as usual, then she glanced up at me. And our eyes met, just for one moment she didn’t sneer or roll her eyes. She just looked at me.

Just for that moment we looked at each other and I almost saw a real person behind that stupid attitude that she hides behind. And just for that moment I smiled. At her.
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Being put back up