Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Dani Worthington

The ride was silent. More awkward than last time. I watched her carefully as she angrily drove down deep into the park.

“I’m sorry” I muttered. “He’s such a douche bag” I kept going. This time guilt filled my entire insides. It was my fault he punched her. Also the fact he’s a moron but mostly mine I guess.

She then quickly swung into a parking spot and shifted into park. Her body turned towards me and watched me, angrily.

“Well, let’s go and finish this damn thing up” She spat and got out of the car. I followed with all of my supplies. We found a spot on a picnic table. It was wooden though so there were lines, so we ended up moving to the ground. But it was full of pebbles and itsy bitty rocks that kept leaving weird imprints in the poster.

“Maybe we should go somewhere else” I shyly suggested, slightly afraid she was going to get pissed off and freak out like last time. “Maybe, a library. Or to a restaurant. We can maybe get drinks and work on it inside.” I suggested, making sure I didn’t say anything about my place or hers.

“Maybe this project is stupid and we shouldn’t do it” she spat. Obviously a lot more tired than I thought.

“You can take a nap” I said watching her. She didn’t look up. “You can take a nap and I can work a little on the project or other stuff” I kept going on.

“How the hell is that suppose to work out? Am I suppose to just lay on the grass and sleep?” she snapped.

I smiled, “Yeah. Lay in the grass. Take a nap and I’ll work on other stuff, maybe our project a little.”


“Because, I guess it’s my fault you’re like this today” I muttered. “I’m sorry” I tasted as the bitter words spilled from my mouth. I am not used to saying that! It tasted weird as fuck! “Just really, take a nap. Or at least relax. Watch clouds or something” I smiled.

She watched me like I was a moron so I packed our stuff up and placed it onto the table in a giant pile so nothing would blow away. Then I crawled a few feet over into the grass and found a place with no mud or dirt. My body collapsed and I was watching the clouds above. Fluffy white clouds filled the sky leaving only a small percentage light blue. Wind started blowing, blowing the white clouds away it looked like.

After several minutes I heard her move towards me and lay down also. Her head was by my head but maybe a foot away. Our bodies made a perfect 90 degree angle, from what I can tell.

I laid watching the white fluffy shapes blow on by and change while it did. I glanced over to Sandy, I couldn’t tell if she was also looking at the same clouds as I was, or had her eyes closed. All it mattered was she would chill the fuck down and maybe be less crabby. Sandy? Be less crabby? HA I would need a fucking god mother or magical fairies to make her less crabby. Or maybe, she just needs a friend.

HA! Well she better find one, and quick. I will not be able to work with her any longer if she give me attitude one more time!

It was just weird, no one has ever talked to me like she did earlier. Yelling at me, and pure hatred in her eyes! People yell at me all the time, but I never really felt hurt because of it. I could feel from her eyes that she despised me. For what?

Probably because I’m popular.

A lot of people hate me for that, oh well. Not my fault! WAIT! Maybe, if I made her a little more popular she wouldn’t hate me and maybe she can get a decent boyfriend or something and maybe a life. Then possibly she wouldn’t be so angry at the world. Also, if she was popular maybe her parents would have more respect.

I don’t know, she’s not the popular kind of person.

I sat up and glanced around. The park was silent and calming. It made me smile, I have never done something like this. This kind of crap happens in the movies. The kind of crap that you can lay in grass and watch perfect clouds without kids screaming or parents yelling.

I looked over at Sandy and her eyes were still open.

Even with a girl like her, this was a picture perfect moment.
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Being put back up