Kings and Queens of Promise

Got One on the Way.

“Violet, you have to come over,” I whined into the phone. “Brian misses you and I have no one to perform for.”

“Did you just say Brian was there?”

“Yeah, but...Dangit, I want you!”

“Okay, I’ll be right there,” she laughed through the phone, then hanging up on me.

“Go pick her up, Brian,” I snapped impatiently.

“You’re anxious today,” Alex said, sitting next to me.

“I wanna play,” I said, bouncing up and down. “I’m gonna go crazy!” I jumped up and grabbed my guitar, jamming for awhile. I played one of my favorite songs, Madhouse. My favorite part was using the whammy bar.

Brian and Violet got back just as I was shredding the solo, abusing my poor whammy bar.

“You’re too late,” I said, unhooking my guitar. “The urge is gone. But, if you want, Pierre made the most amazing cupcakes. Do you want one?”

“Does a squirrel love his nuts?” she replied, following me into the kitchen where Pierre was finishing up the last of the cupcakes.

“Hey, P, this is Violet. Vi, this is Pierre, AKA my baby daddy,” I introduced them.

“Hi. I hear you’re the man to see about some cupcakes.”

“That I am,” he laughed, handing us each an absolutely perfect chocolate cupcake.

“I think I’ve died and gone to cupcake heaven,” I smiled. “Oh, I know, let’s watch a movie.”

“Did I hear movie?” Alex asked, popping his head in the room.

“Yes, but you’re not invited,” I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

“Pwease?” he begged.

“You can join if you do everything we tell you to for the rest of the day,” Violet said.

“Yes!” I grinned.

“Deal,” he said.

“Okay, will you bring me a bra? I’m feeling kinda unsupported,” I requested. Alex’s face was hilarious.

“Nevermind,” he said, turning to walk out.

“No, no, I’m kidding!” I said, grabbing his shoulders. I wanted to jump on his back, but my 34-week baby bump wouldn’t allow it. At least my stomach wasn’t as huge as Violet’s. Her due date was a week ago, and her stomach was humongous.

“What are we watching?” she asked.

“Beauty and the Beast!” I declared, running to get the DVD and plug it in the living room. I stopped short and looked at Alex. “Go get it. It’s in the nursery.” Alex grumbled, but obeyed.

We got about halfway through the movie (we being me, Violet, Alex, Brian, and Pierre), singing along to all the songs, when I noticed Violet making a weird face.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, noting that she was holding her stomach.

“I’m fine,” she replied. “Just a little indigestion...or cramps...or death.”

“Oh, my God, you’re going into labor!” I exclaimed, jumping up.

“Or that,” she said, scrunching up her face as a contraction started.

“Brian, get the car! Alex, grab her a coat! Pierre, fix me a to-go bag!” I shouted, grabbing Violet’s hand and helping her stand up. I led outside where Brian now had the truck pulled up. We helped Violet crawl into the front seat and I jokingly whispered to her, “don’t you dare break your water in my truck.”

“Come on, come on!” Brian shouted as Alex ran outside with a jacket gripped in his fist. He gave it to Violet and then joined me in the backseat as Pierre hurried out. Once we were all in, Brian rushed us to the hospital.

We got Violet into a wheelchair and a nurse wheeled her into the back, Brian, Pierre, Alex and I coming along behind. I had a grip on Alex’s hand, so he wouldn’t get lost or something.

“Only family in the delivery room,” the nurse told us when we reached the door.

“They are family,” Violet said, taking my hand and then Brian’s.

Before today, I had always liked to think that the miracle of childbirth would be more...pleasant. I sort of imagined that you’d get in there, do that push thing, and then POP, out comes the baby.

In reality, it’s actually much more...disgusting. And, I dunno about you, but all that screaming makes it sound like it’s really painful. It was certainly painful on my hand, as Violet squeezed the life out of it. Brian and I both stayed by her side, for support. Alex actually didn’t make it through the delivery. I’m not sure when it happened -about the time the doctor said ‘push’, I think- but one minute I looked behind me and he was on the floor.

Then, all at once, it was over. The screaming had stopped and the nurses had vanished with the bloody bundle that was Violet’s new son. Once she was breathing normally, I let go of Violet’s hand and went over to Alex, who was still on the floor.

“Alex,” I said gently, giving his shoulder a slight shake. “It’s over, Alex. You can wake up.”

“Huh?” he asked groggily, sitting up slowly. “What happened?”

“You passed out,” I said, chuckling lightly.

“Oh. Where’s the baby?”

“The nurses are cleaning him up. No one wants their first memory of their baby to be bloody.”

“Gross,” Alex said, his face screwing up in disgust.

“That’s the miracle of childbirth,” I said. It didn’t seem like we’d been here as long as we were: in actuality, we had been stuck in the labor room for almost three hours before she was taken into the delivery room.

“Did you tell everyone else?” he asked. I blinked and, realizing I hadn’t, jumped up and ran out into the waiting room.

“It’s a boy!” I shouted. Everyone in the waiting room (Jared, Pierre, Frank, Zacky, and even Jack) applauded and Jared stood up, sweeping me into his arms.

“How was it?” he asked.

“Absolutely traumatizing,” I replied. “I think little Ellie’s just gonna have to stay put.”

“Good luck with that,” Jared laughed. I then bid him farewell and returned to the room where Violet was now holding a blue bundle of blankets. Alex was sitting in a chair by the window, still looking a little pale. Brian was standing next to him, unable to look at the mother and her son.

“He’s beautiful, Em,” Violet beamed when she saw me. Then she cooed to the baby, “wanna meet your Auntie Em?”

“What is this, the Wizard of Oz?” I joked, walking over to her side. The baby was gorgeous, with thick, dark hair and sky blue eyes.

Brian,’ I thought out to the man staring out the window, ‘come look at this baby. I know you have issues with commitment, but I’m telling you now: one look at this baby, and your insecurities will run away screaming.

Slowly, Brian stepped away from the window and approached the bed. He gazed down at the little baby and a look of affection lit up his face. A look of uncertainty lingered, but I knew he was a goner.

“You wanna hold him?” Violet offered Brian. He hesitated, but then extended his arms, taking the little bundle of blankets. He held the baby gently, looking afraid to hold it too tightly or loosely.

Brian’s courage had made Alex curious, and he slowly made his approach.

“Looks kinda like one of those wrinkly dogs,” Alex said. He let out a yelp as Brian stomped on his foot. I watched this exchange fondly, my hands coming to rest on my stomach. Only another month or so and it would be my turn.

“What’s his name?” Brian asked Violet.

“Sebastian,” she smiled. Brian grinned, gently running his finger over the baby’s white cheek. Little Sebastian’s tiny hand came around Brian’s finger, looking unbelievable small in comparison.

I bet fifty bucks that they’re engaged before ‘12,” I thought to Alex. He looked up at me and mouthed, “you’re on.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 1,297
Running Total: 57,547

Sad that this is coming to an end yet again. There's only two chapters left, I think. Until then, I'm gonna focus on Just A Dream and drag out the updates on this one a little bit longer. But I love all you guys and I want you to know that. It's the best thing ever to log on and see a new comment and read the great things you guys say, whether it's a new commenter or an old favorite, it warms my heart and I love each and every one of you. =) Thank you for all the support.
