Status: Completed

I Am Invincible


Prom is something I want to forget. Without a doubt, one of the worst nights of my life. I felt dirty, disgusting and worthless as I found my way out of the bathroom after being left there to fend for myself…


It had started out okay. Tiarna, Jackson and I were greeted by Silver, Ebony and Ivory, who all looked incredible, as soon as we entered the venue. Excitement was prominent on everyone in our grade’s features. People were talking to people they would never associate themselves with any other time and looked like they were enjoying themselves doing it. Guys and girls were mixing and talking to each other confidently, which, generally, wouldn’t happen any other time, some were dancing to the music that was playing though the large speakers near where the DJ was set up. I caught a glimpse of a kiss here and there and it made my stomach do an odd flip-flop. I had always wanted to attend prom with Zach, you know, do the whole cliché thing where you’re dancing to a slow song and the short one (i.e. me) rests their head on the tall one’s shoulder and then the short one looks up and meets the tall one’s eyes and they kiss? Yeah, I had wanted to do that ever since I started dating Zach and watching people do that whole mushy scene on the dance floor hurt.

I had managed to tear my eyes away from the happy couples and join half-heartedly in my friends’ conversation for a while before deciding to go over to the refreshment table and grabbing a paper cup (obviously the teachers decided that we weren’t to be trusted with glasses like normal people). I looked around for something to fill it with and my eyes found a large punch bowl with a bright red liquid filling it. I filled the cup up to the top and took a sip, choking a little when all I could taste was vodka. Oh, great. Someone spiked the punch. How original, I thought, taking another sip. I didn’t know how exactly whoever put the alcohol in the punch managed it with a million teachers around, but I didn’t really care. I continued drinking as I went back over to my friends. Jackson asked me what I was drinking and I told him that it was the punch but if he didn’t want a cup of what was essentially red vodka, he shouldn’t try it.

It didn’t stop me though. I finished my cup and immediately filled it again, downing it in one breath. I should’ve stopped there. I’ll forever regret that I didn’t. Even though I was single, I still was in love with Zach, and I never wanted to do anything with anyone that I didn’t love unconditionally. But I did. I hate myself for it.

I was drunk, that would have been obvious to anyone. I was one of the last people left at the prom. My friends had been picked up either by their parents or had driven home themselves. I’d been offered a lift, but, stupidly, I refused. I had lost count of how much punch I had consumed after the fifth cup. I was in a daze. I danced with everyone, I made a lot of noise, I flirted, I kissed people and I drank and drank and drank until I felt a rough hand on my shoulder that began to steer me towards a door. My vision was too hazy to read the sign on the door, but after I was led into a bathroom, I giggled drunkenly before turning around and looking at the tall blonde who had taken me into the bathroom. I barely recognised his face, but nevertheless, I wrapped my arms around his neck and attacked his mouth with my own.

When I felt his hands lift the bottom of my shirt, I pulled away and looked up at him seductively from under my heavy eyelids. Before I knew it, my shirt was on the tiled floor and his hands were working on the buckle of my red studded belt. After having undone that and my pants, the guy let them drop to the floor, leaving me in my underwear. I struggled to do even the simple task of removing his shirt and he chuckled before slapping my hands away and instead immediately going for the button and zipper on his pants. I frowned in confusion, but quickly forgot about the fact that he didn’t want to get completely undressed when his hands grabbed my hips roughly as his mouth attached to my neck.

My underwear was soon removed and I was groaning in drunken pleasure, panting when he hit that spot over and over. Soon, the pleasure became overwhelming and I cried out profanities as I was sent over the edge, with him not far behind me. I expected him to linger, to kiss my lips, to hold me. Did that happen? No.

“Thanks for the fuck,” the blonde said with a smirk, before zipping his pants up quickly and leaving me staring after him as I sat slumped against the wall on the dirty floor of the bathroom with nothing covering my nudity and my head thumping from the alcohol.

I let out a sob and placed my head on my knees that were curled up tightly to my chest. Tears fell from my eyes like a tap that’s been left running. I cried for hours, and not one person bothered to come looking for me.

When my tears finally let up, I allowed myself to shakily get to my feet and pick up my clothes. I dressed slowly. Prom is something I want to forget. Without a doubt, one of the worst nights of my life. I felt dirty, disgusting and worthless as I found my way out of the bathroom after being left there to fend for myself…
♠ ♠ ♠
Gah! -slaps self-
I HAVE to stop doing this to Cameron. Bloody hell!

Anyway, comment?

Thank you
Danny Worsnop.

Check out my other story? Do You Remember. Original slash :D