Bound in Matrimony


She was small compared to the others. She always had been. It was in part because she was their half-sibling. She had always been different. And to make matters worse, she was the bastard child. The family knew it, the villagers guessed it, but the records showed no sign of it. It worked best for them that way. Well, not for her. They didn't care what she thought though. She was their shame. And this was the way to get rid of her, to increase their own status and to pay off their debt to the royal family. It worked for everyone. Even the girl would be honored. She should be very grateful to them for what they were doing for her.

The mirror was taller than she was. She had heard of such treasures, but never before had she seen one in all of her life. She wanted to reach out and touch it, but the one time she had tried, her hand had been slapped down so that the maid could finish lacing up the back of her dress. It was beautiful and white and big. It was the more luxurious thing she had ever seen let alone worn. And it was hers. She had been told it had been made just for her and that no one ever had or would wear it besides her this day. It made her feel special for the first time in her life.

Her red hair had been pinned up in little braids and pins with a few curls left to frame her face while the rest was covered in a long white veil. She was afraid and yet excited for the time when that veil would cover her face. She was going to be a prince. She had been living for this day for as long as she could remember. Leanna took a deep breath. She had been taught to be the perfect wife. She could do this. Her fingers reached up and brushed the necklace at her throat. It sat exposed between the top of the valley between her two breasts because of the low cut of the dress. It had been a secret gift from her real grandmother, but no one knew that. They all just said it was a family heirloom.

"It's time!" One of the woman called. Leanna felt her heart start pounding. She was absolutely terrified. There was no turning back though. She took a deep breath and told her hands to stop shaking as the veil was lowered over her face and the flowers placed in her hands. It was time for her to meet her groom and to be wed.
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Oh my gosh! We're starting another story?! Why yes..yes we are! And it's about, you guessed it, arranged marriages, but you guys know us. We'll be sure to make it interesting enough to tag along for the ride.