Bound in Matrimony


His bride was gorgeous. She was a little taller than the little brunette that she was walking next to, but she also had a far different look on her face. While the little red head was docile and demure, her eyes lowered to the floor, the brunette his future wife was glaring at him. No, she was more than glaring at him. Glaring at him probably would have been gentle in comparison to the evil eye this little woman was giving him. He reached up and pulled at his collar with a finger. "Um...Luke," he whispered at his brother. "I think she hates me."

His twin looked away from his own bride for a moment and Law was the only one who caught the gleam of a smile on his face. The gift of being a twin. "Yes she does," he assured his brother. There was a hint of satisfaction in his brother's nuetral tone. Always stoic his brother. Sometimes Law wanted to strangle him and then Lucas would imitate him and it would make him feel better. Today, he wasn't doing that. The jackass. No, instead, he was being his proper self for the wedding and celebration. Law just wanted it done and over with. He was glad that his brother was going to be king. He couldn't imagine the responsibility. His brother was better suited for the role in the first place.

Lawrence sighed and rann a hand through his hair. "I'm so screwed!" he growled. "Should we get this done and over with?" he asked looking over at his brother for confirmation.

Lucas nodded. The ceremony had been over for several hours and their mother had stolen their brides as soon as it was over. Law was fairly certain he hadn't even heard his bride's name yet. That was the really screwy part. And now he had to walk up to her and tell her to the deed with him. He was definitely screwed. If she hated him now, she was really going to hate him in a minute.

Luckily for him, Lucas led their way over to their mother and brides stealing away his wife first and leaving Law with their mother and his own bride. "Um, mother, if you will excuse me..." he said trailing off. His mother made him nervous. It was stupid, but she did. It was probably because she treated him like he was ten. Yeah, that never helped a guy.

"Of course," she waved him off. "Go before your uncle starts making the announcment." Law grabbed his bride's hand and started dragging her away. He knew he was being rude but the last thing either of them needed was people following them up to his room and listening at the door (or worse yet) sitting inside the chamber making sure that they legitimately were married. No, just certain things were too private in Law's opinion. Sex was one of them. Hence why he had never taken part in an orgy.