

When I was younger I used to think if I spun around in circles I would
be transported to another place. When things between my parents got
bad I would squeeze my eyes shut and spin around real fast, letting my
arms flail around me. I spun until I fell to the ground. I slowly
counted to three. My eyes popped open. To my disappointment I was
never anywhere else.

I was a long way from the little girl I once was, but as I stared down
at the little pink plus sign I found myself rising to my feet. Just
like I had so many years ago as a little girl hoping for a better
life, I spun. My eyes were shut as I fell to the ground. I counted to
three and opened my eyes. The white sink was still in front of me. The
bathroom tile was cold underneath my legs. I was still here.

Everywhere I went I felt like people were staring at my stomach. I
walked through the warm air and light rain that graced Washington
summers. Jacob just got back from vacation. I hadn't seen him since I
found out.

I spotted his sandy blonde hair and could care less look from a mile
away. When he spotted me he smiled slightly. Jacob and I dated for a
year and he never looked as excited to see me as I was to see him. He
just flashed a cute little smirk. This, in part, was what brought me
to him. He pulled me into his arms as I approached. I took in Jacobs’s
familiar smell and the way I fit perfectly onto his arms. My mind
however, was quickly returned to the infant slowly growing in my

We wandered along the water, our hands interlocked. I couldn't bring
myself to tell him. I had tried to form the words a few times, but
shied away every time.

"Sadie, what's wrong?" Jacob asked noticing I was distracted.

I had to tell him. If I didn't do it know I never would.

"I-I'm pregnant," I stuttered.

Jacob looked at me in disbelief. This was the most emotion I'd seen
him show in all the time I've known him. Jacob stood speechless.

"Will you say something so I know I'm not in this alone?"

Jacob turned around and walked away. As he walked down the busy
Seattle streets I felt tears fall down my face.

That was the last time I ever saw Jacob.