Status: RiMo, loves. Sorry. (last chapter note kinda explains)

The School Of Mystic

Chapter one: Lovely Dreams, And Sweet Goodbyes (Mira's POV)

“Kiss me?” I asked in a whisper—barely moving my lips to talk to him.

“Of course Mimi.” He whispered back just as softly, and I smiled because of that; he was ever the gentlemen, and I just loved that he never forced me to do anything--it was almost always me who asked.

We slowly leaned closer, and in the twinkling light of the stars, I saw his beautiful ice-blue eyes flash, and his blonde hair (how ever oddly) seemed to sparkle.

“I love—“

“Mirabelle!” I screamed and by jumping up, smacked my head on the canopy above my bed.

“Yes mother?” I said threw gritted teeth, I mean really? That was the loveliest dream I’ve had in… a while, and she had to bring her good-for-nothing ass in and ruin it. In addition to that, it was her fault that I’d just bumped my head.

“We have to leave so hurry up and get dressed. Kalila, Lakeria, and Minh are already waiting on you.” ‘Best friends much to wake me up?’ I muttered irritatedly to myself. “Stop griping Mirabelle, just hurry up.” And with those lovely words, my mother dearest (note sarcasm there) left the room.

I took a moment to just sit there and ponder all this threw. In about a day, I wouldn’t be sitting in my mansion; I’d be sitting on a dorm room bed—in Paris France—about 6,000 miles away, attending a boarding-school. Don’t get me wrong, I hated Mother, and Paris France wasn’t a bad place to be—especially with your 3 best friends right there with you—but when your mom just pushes you away to get rid of you, your not just all fine and dandy.

After lots of bruting and irritatedness on my part, I stood up and started to get dressed. Kalila and I had done some France research, and we’d found out that there weather was quite differing, so I at first didn’t know what to wear. I finally picked out a baby blue tank top with blue jeans. I took a dark blue sweater with me, just in case it got cold.

“Mirabelle! Hurry up—the plain takes off in an hour!”
I heard my mother shouting all the way from down below, and I decided that the best thing to do at the moment would be for me to hurry and get down there. I grabbed the handles of my suitcases, my purse (which I really didn’t carry often, it was just for a carry-on bag), and headed out the door.

“Mirabelle, hurry up!” Mother’s shouts were clearer to me now, and I shook my head in annoyance ‘Blow out my ear drums why don’t you?’

I finally made it down stairs to a sight of Kalila, Lakeria, and Minh eating pancakes.

“If y’all don’t mind, I want something left for me to eat…” I said to them, getting there attention.

“Hey Mira!” they said in a chorus with happy smiles on there faces which fell, when they saw my irritated expression.

“Don’t ‘Hey Mira!’ me, y’all didn’t wake me up! I had to rush to get dressed, or Mother would’ve thrown a hissy fit!” I barely contained my snarls of anger and irritation; the only reason I didn’t let them out, was because I knew how pathetic I’d look if I honestly cared about something as small as that.

“Aww but Mira, you were sleeping so peacefully…” Minh started to say, and then her words drifted off into a silent nothingness.

“Besides,” Ria spoke up “You sounded like you were having a nice dream.” She grinned at the end of her sentence while the other girls tried to suppress there chuckles.

I couldn’t help the slight tint of scarlet my cheeks got to them, but that just made them laugh harder.

“Hey!” I tried to say indignantly “It’s not my fault that I sleep talk!” Truthfully, it really wasn’t; I’d tried everything to get myself to shut up at night, but nothing worked.

“So who was the dream about Mira? Just come on and sit down; you don’t want your pancakes to get all cold do you?” Lela’s voice drifted to my ears, and I nodded in agreement at her suggestion. I quickly took my place between her and Minh, and started to devour my pancakes.

“So…?” I looked over to see Lela staring at me expectantly; her blue eyes looking curious and suspicious.

“So… what?” I asked her—even though I knew well enough what she was talking about.

“Who was it about?”

“At least let me eat my breakfast?” I asked her—trying to sound irritated, but failing miserably, and just sounding like a nervous wreck.

“Come on Mira, it wasn’t that bad by the sound of it.” Ria said with a grin. “And before you start giving me the ‘I hate your ass’ treatment, if you won’t tell us now, you never will.”

I pondered the thought momentarily, and by my facial expression, I think they could tell that I wouldn’t have wanted to tell them anyway, but eventually, I spoke.

“I don’t even know the person.” I started out quietly. “I remember thinking that I loved this person because he was gentle with me? But when the moon light showed his face, I realized it was one I don’t know. It was really cute, but like I said, I don’t know him.”

“Descriptive much?” Ria muttered sarcastically, and like she anticipated, I glared at her.

“I couldn’t really see where we were.” I said. “The only thing I was paying attention to was his face.”

“That hot?” Lela said with a laugh.

“It actually was.” I said—allowing myself a quick smile.

“Mira?” I looked over to see Minh staring at me—to tell the truth, I’d almost forgotten she was there; Minh was a very quiet person, and she didn’t say much unless she really wanted to.

“yeah?” I said back, staring at her expectantly.

“You don’t think that dream was a glimpse into the future—we’re ambernites after all….You could’ve had a dream vision.”

My mouth opened in slight shock at the idea that was in Minh’s head—me having a dream vision? It seemed so unlikely; I’d never had one of those before, and suddenly getting one out of the blue seemed so….surprising? I looked around me to see the reactions of the rest of the group, and they weren’t much different from mine.

“Have you ever….fantasized about this person?” Minh slipped into her interrogator mode, and I looked at her thoughtfully before responding.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: So ello, my lovely ones. Ya know what?
I'm just, terribly saddened. :(
Do y'all wanna know why it is that I feel such a depressing emotion?
Well even if you don't, I'll tell ya anywayyy.

It's cause my dear lovelys, I had to post a cahpter ahead of time.
Do any of y'all know what that's like? So depressing in it's earlyness. :P

Nah but seriously, I was hoping that I would've had at least one reader by now, but sadly, I don't, so I'm posting the actual first chapter to see if I can accomplish that goal.

Uh huh so yeah, the next chapter is already written out, and I won't be working on the chapter after that for a while, because I'll be working on the story that needs a chapter. In otherwords, I'm about to post a written chapter, then write one for it since it has nothing.

So again my lovelys, like previously asked for in the last Author's note I wrote to y'all, pleasepleaseplease comment/critisize/subscribe/show the love/hate for this story?
The mystery man asks of you. :P
