Status: oui ou non?

You are my Lovely


Mina bunched up all her hair into a messy bun on the top of her head. Rainy days were perfect for her to just mulch around on Facebook and Youtube all day until her eyes burned and were rimmed with red. Facebook pinged (yet again) and the red speech bubble popped up above Mina’s notification button.

*Yarris D. wrote on your wall*

Mina multi-blinked. ‘Whathefuu--?!’ Yarris… Mina hadn’t talked to Yarris in what? Two years? Mina clicked on the link,

Hey baby, what’sup?

Mina wrinkled her brow together. What was Yarris playing at? What a fucking idiot… Mina clicked the [Wall to Wall] button and then responded

I’m not your baby anymore, Yarris. Gtfo

Facebook pinged again, fifteen seconds later.

Aww… muffin, you know you love me.

Mina hated his attitude. His cocky, I know everything playboy attitude. The way he just always knew when someone was lying, how he could also differentiate people’s feelings towards him… What an asshole.

Yarris, you wish

No… she really didn’t love Yarris anymore. She never loved Yarris in the first place… She always did have a big whopping crush on someone else…

What are you doing beautiful?


Meet me at Timmies then… I’ll give you ten minutes

… wtf?

9 minutes…

What the fuck…? The Di Gennaro’s were back in town? Mina swallowed hot spit… Was Lovely back too? Mina never did find out why the Di Gennaro’s left in the first place. They were the most loved family in town… Well in Mina’s opinion anyways.

Mr. Di Gennaro was well-known as the orthodontist, and he was really good at what he did. With his blonde hair that was like fine wheat and his dark green eyes, many single (and non single) housewives fancied him. But Mr. Di Genarro loved his wife and would have done nothing to jeopardize their relationship. Yarris was the biggest playboy that Mina ever met, and he was beautiful. Sure, playboys are jerks, but Yarris was a nice jerk. He always knew the right things to say… and he always lent a comforting shoulder to cry on when things did get tough. But Lovely was the center of the family. She was basically… lovely. She was a breath of fresh air… a bright light of hope… a ray of sunshine in everyone’s lives…Was the perfect family really back in town?

Mina ran downstairs and breathed in a breath of shock. Her brother was sitting in the living room with a girl standing in front of him, sopping wet. Her wet blonde locks were dyed jet black, making her skin even more porcelain-like than before. Her eyes sparkled with happiness, like she’d never left and her chime-like laughter left Mina speechless.

“Hello Mina” She smiled at her making Mina’s heartbeat race and her face flush.

“Hey Lovely”
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I like Yarris... :D i love the jerks ♥