Status: Work in progress

World Ended


Nobody believed this was how the world would turn out. Everyone just assumed that the world would go on forever. People were supposed to get old, die, and the people close to them were supposed to morn. Not everyone got to get old though. Some were dead before they could even be born and almost everyone died together. The survivors were too busy trying to survive to mourn over the dead. Maybe it was because we assumed such foolish things is why it all fell apart. Maybe this could have been avoided if we hadn’t been so oblivious. But we were, and now the world has ended.

That sounds a bit dramatic but there aren’t many other ways to describe what was happening. It started out as something as harmless as a bite. They didn’t instantly become crazed blood-thirsty mutants or anything, no, that came later on. The disease, the infection, took time to spread. It was sort of like cancer. It took time to eat away at your body, tour mind. It changed you, warped you. Made you into a monster. There wasn’t anything you wanted more than flesh.

No one was really sure where it all originated from and at this point no one truly cared. There were more important matters like, how did they stop it, to worry about. Of course there were a few that wanted to know, that had this crazy belief that if they figured it out then everything would be returned to normal like magic. They came up with many theories such as wild animals, chemical contamination, and even ghost possessions. Most of those people were all dead by now. Almost everyone was dead. There was no one out there to help. No police, no army, no FBI, nobody. The only person that could save you was yourself and if you failed yourself then you were dead and nobody would notice.

It seemed cruel but the world was a cruel, emotionless place now. There weren’t many people alive anymore. The ones that were alive kept themselves in hiding. It wasn’t safe to be outside, especially at night. When people think of evil they think of darkness. They couldn’t have been more right. The sunlight was the biggest enemy to the mindless monsters. The disease made their skin insanely sensitive to the light.Whenever they were in the sun it burned their flesh and eventually, if they were in it long enough, they disintegrated – kind of like vampires. Of course there were other ways to kill them. Stopping their heart worked pretty well. The disease didn’t turn them into the undead or anything crazy like that. It just killed off their humanity, though that sounds pretty insane in itself. It wasn’t something anyone understood but that doesn’t matter. Understanding won’t make anything right.

Nothing would ever be alright.