Status: Work in progress

World Ended

World So Cold

Braxton stepped back with a shiver of disgust as the thing that was once his brother, Brendan, fell to his knees. They had been attacked a mere twenty minutes ago. The bite hadn’t been that deep but it was enough to corrupt him. Braxton knew it would come down to this but he hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself. He wasn’t even sure he would have the strength to kill his brother, obviously he had. Since the whole thing had started he had killed numerous of people. None had ever left him feeling as raw and filthy as this one. He had ended his owns brother’s life. The only person he had left in the world was gone.

With tears in his eyes he trudged forward, away from his dead brother. He wasn’t sure where he was going exactly. The sun would be going down in another hour. He needed to find sanctuary or he would be dead too. Wiping his brother’s blood onto his pants he replaced the knife in the waistband of his jeans. The blade was cool. It gave him comfort because with that knife, he had a chance.

He winced as his stomach growled. He wasn’t sure when he had last eaten. It could have been yesterday, or maybe Tuesday. Wait, what was today? He couldn’t remember. Days didn’t seem to matter when you trying to stay alive. The only thing you ever needed to know was where was your weapon and how much time did you have before the sun went down. Life had become a game, except when you died here there wasn’t a reset button.

Braxton continued to walk as the sky lost it’s brightness. He was in desperate need of a shelter but he needed food first. With every step he took his stomach yelled at him. He was beginning to have sharp cramps shoot through his middle. It didn’t help that his muscles were aching and his throat was dry; He couldn’t remember the last time he had anything to drink either.

He pretended that everything was alright and he felt perfectly find. All of his focus was on walking to the next town. There were a few cars scattered around that he could take but they weren’t reliable. They were often low on gas or damaged in someway. It was also just easier to walk around the destruction in the street then try to drive through it.

The sound of growling entered Braxton’s ears. His instincts kicked in and he soon turned toward the direction with the knife once again in his hands. He had expected another mindless but it was just a dog. Granted the dog was pretty big and had a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, Braxton didn’t feel threatened. The dog seemed to be anxious of him, like he was going to attack him. Braxton hadn’t seen many animals around. Most of them had been mindless or dead.

Slowly he replaced his knife and held his hand out for the dog. He was a black Siberian Husky. Braxton had one before everything happened. Like Brandon, he lost her too. The dog approached him slowly, with caution, and stared him down. Without warning he leaped at him, licking his face. Whatever he had seen on Braxton’s face showed him that he was safe and wouldn’t hurt him.

The dog had distracted Braxton. He hadn’t heard the footsteps. He didn’t realize there were other people around until he felt the pain in the back of his head. He fell to the ground with a groan. He tried to focus on his surroundings but everything was fuzzy and dark. The back of his head was throbbing and his breathing was shallow. He could barely see the people standing above him but he knew they were there. He tried to grab his knife but his arms refused to move. Soon he blacked out, leaving himself completely defenseless.
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I hope you enjoyed this. Please comment and tell me what you think.