Status: Work in progress

World Ended

Rescue Me

“Why did you go and do that,” Avery snapped at Ariah. He was always acting before he thought. It was obvious by the way Griffon threw himself at the man that he wasn’t a mindless. Griffon knew the difference by now and he would never get that close if he wasn’t alright. She pushed her idiot brother away from the man he knocked unconscious.

“He could have been a mindless. Even if he’s not we don’t know if we can trust him.”

Avery rolled her eyes at her brother but she could understand why he was still sketchy around strange people. After what their mother did to them she wasn’t sure she would ever truly trust anyone either.

She glanced down and was instantly drawn to the fallen man. He was gorgeous, in his early twenties. His long black hair was covering half of his face. His fall caused his glasses to break though she was surprised they had lasted him this long. There was dirt and blood smudged all over him. He was wearing a tattered shirt and a black jacket. His jeans were filthy and the hole in his knee showed that he had a small wound that was leaking blood. For some reason she was noticing the smaller details like the initials on his converse. “B+B=Survival” Considering he was alone she was pretty sure the other B didn’t make it.

“We should get out of her guys,” Sammy said looking around nervously. “It’s starting to get dark.” Sammy was a great fighter and a better scavenger, but when it got closer to the dark hour she got twitchy. She didn’t want a mindless to take her away from her daughter, who was at their current hideout. She was only ten years old. It always made the child, Hope, angry that she could never help the others go out for food or other supplies but she was secretly grateful that she was safe inside.

“She’s right. What should we do with him?”

Avery tore her eyes off of the man to glare at her brother. “We are taking him back with us. We can’t leave him where a mindless could get him.” She continued to talk even while Ariah tried to protest. “And since you decided to knock him out, you can carry him all the way back.”

Ariah mumbled something under his breath but obeyed. He let the rock that he hit the gorgeous man in the head with slipped through his fingers before hauling him over his shoulder. Ariah was surprised how incredibly light the man was. He could practically feel his ribs on his shoulder.

The hideout wasn’t all that far away. They had just left it to get more food, which Avery held on her back. Of course she could have went alone to get their supplies but Ariah was strict when it came to the group. If anyone was to leave the refuge they had to have at least two other people with them. There were only nine people in the group-They had started out with 20. It was depressing how death was so common these days.

They soon came upon the three bedroom house where they were currently staying at. When the world was ending they could have chosen a mansion but they had to be smart. It had to be big enough that everyone could fit inside and small enough that they would know if a mindless was around. All of the windows were nailed shut and blocked off, as well as all of the doors but one. Sammy knocked on the door and waited until there was a knock back. Whenever anybody left someone was to stay beside the door to let whoever back in; another one of Ariah’s rules.

“It’s us Hope. Open up.”

There were sounds of locks turning before the door flew open. They quickly entered and shut the door.

“Where have you guys been? It’s getting dark out there. Rule number two get inside half an hour before the sun goes down! I was worried sick!” Hope’s eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. Her rant came to a complete stop. She was a bit of an overdramatic child. “Who is that?”

“We don’t know,” Avery told her as she released herself of the bag. “Ariah knocked him out before we could ask.”

“Better safe than sorry sis.” He dropped the guy on his back on the couch. He groaned in pain and writhed a bit.

“Come on Hope. Let’s go get dinner started,” Sammy told her daughter uncomfortably. She didn’t trust her daughter around strangers. She barely trusted her with the group who she had been with for two months.

“But mom,” Hope whined. Sammy gave her that look, the one that only mother’s had, and she went into the kitchen without a fight.

“I’ll warn the others we have an extra,” Sammy said before leaving quickly.

Avery turned her attention to the man who was now blinking awake. As soon as he saw Ariah and Avery he immediately grabbed his knife.

“Who the hell are you,” he demanded.

“Hey it’s okay,” Ariah said softly with her hands raised slightly in front of her. She met it as a peaceful gesture but he took advantage of that. As quick as lightning his hands shot out and grabbed her. He had her against his chest with the blade pressed into her neck before Ariah could grab for his weapon. Fear gripped him; He couldn’t lose somebody else he cared about. Especially his twin.