Status: Complete. c:

Nothing Lasts Forever


If you had asked me two or three hours ago whether or not I was expecting to get laid tonight, I would have given you an odd look. It would have been one that consisted of wish, hope, and lust combined. If you added a few incoherent curse words and a small glare, then that’d be the exact reply you received.

However, if you asked me now if I was expecting it or not I’d turn to you with a huge ass smirk on my face and state a simple ‘hell yeah’, before turning back and getting back to the task at hand.

The jingling of metal against metal was what caught my side tracked attention. My brown eyes flickered to Ashlyn's delicate hand, and a smirk formed its way onto my pale lips when I noticed that they were, in fact, a set of keys.

Instead of heading off to my apartment, she specifically asked if we could go to hers. I had been worried about getting directions, but she somehow managed to say them at least with some coherent thought.

I allowed my eyes to wander from her hand all the way up to her upper chest area. Lingering on that for a while, I scratched the back of my head and then looked back up to her bright green eyes. They were flickering from the keys and back to me every few seconds, I noticed.

Were we actually going to play this game? It reminded me so much of that one movie, Hitch. Thinking about it now however, I wouldn't mind. It meant a free kiss in the end.

So taking my cue, I took a small step towards the shorter girl. In turn she shook her keys once more and took a step towards me. Not once did our eyes disconnect from the small stare down. I leaned towards her slightly, and quickly she did the same. Ashlyn got on her tip toes, as I leaned a little bit further. Her eyes drifted shut just as our lips brushed up against each other.

I wrapped my arms around her small waist, and she her arms around my neck. The kiss lasted only a few seconds longer before Ashlyn pulled away and giggled. "Wow."

Wow was right. It had been the perfect start to a perfect night. It had everything; a spark, a campfire, fireworks. Whatever the hell you want to imagine, it was there. Even if the kiss hadn’t last that long, it still seemed to linger on my lips as I continued to look at her with a slightly dazed look on my face.

“You want to come upstairs?” The brunette questioned after a long moment, as she held onto her keys with one hand and the handle of the door with another.

“Only if you don’t mind,” I said with a small shrug, I felt like being a little bit of a gentleman. If I did go up, I hoped she knew what was in for her. I wasn’t going to go up and back down from my stand point. If I followed her, she’d be getting laid.

“Of course not, silly!” Unfortunately, this was the only response I got before my ears were being attacked by a fit of giggles.

Sure, the giggles had been cute… but now… now they were leaning towards the slightly annoying side.

After what seemed like the millionth time in the past five minutes, I heard the jingling of her keys. My eyes watched as she tried to get it into the lock to unlock the door. She tried once to the left of it and then once more to the right of it. Finally I heard the click I’d been waiting for an inside the apartment we were. However, turns out we had to walk up a flight of steps first.

I stuck my hands in my pockets and slowly followed behind Ashlyn as she wobbled up the stairs in her three inches heels. A few times she would lose her balance and fall back slightly. I removed my hands from my pockets and held them out ready to catch her if in fact gravity did take over and cause her to fall into my arms.

“Jack, I’m not feeling so go-” I stopped walking and then looked at her just as her sentence was cut off and she was bending over on the top step, throwing up. “-ood”

“You have got to be kidding me!” I muttered under my breath, turning my head slightly trying not to look at the thrown up contents of her stomach. A part of me was tempted to turn around then and there, forget about getting laid, me and puke did not mesh well at all.

Ashlyn turned around and wiped her mouth, a look of apology was written all over her face. “I’m sorry. Please don’t leave. Please?”

Her green eyes bore into my brown eyes for a few seconds, I twitched, but nodded. “I won’t.”

Turning back around, Ashlyn took her last step, avoiding the little accident. From the steps she made a left turn and traveled down a narrow hallway. I followed close behind, noticing that her steps seemed to be getting slower and slower.

Making a sudden right turn, she was situated in front of a door. Her keys were jingling slightly as she held them up to the door.


My eyes widened at the sudden loud thump, and my head turned to my right and then to my left. I didn’t see anyone or anything. Scratching my head I watched Ashlyn as she continued to stand at the door. “Uhhh, Ashlyn?”

No response.

I allowed my eyebrows to furrow in confusion. Taking a small step towards her I stood and beheld the sight; closed green eyes, an opened mouth, and a forehead up against the door.

“Ashlyn?” I tried once more, hoping maybe she was playing a joke on me. I wanted the giggles to come back; I didn’t give a shit if they were annoying. As long as the meant that she was awake, I would accept them. Though, unfortunately, I got no response. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

I ran off in one direction, and then I turned around and ran back to the door. I stood for a long minute, short of breath.

She fell asleep on me! How the fuck was I supposed to get laid now; I didn’t want to rape her! I may be a manwhore, but I did have some class. I buried my head into my hands and let out a muffled scream.

I heard a cracking sound, and turned around to see an elderly woman in her late fifties maybe early sixties. A confused expression was clearly written on her face as she looked at me. “Is Ashlyn okay?”

Rubbing the back of my head slowly I flashed a nervous smile at the woman. “Yeah, she’s perfectly fine, just trying to find the right key.”

With one last look at my brunette companion the elderly woman backed up into her apartment and shut the door. I let out a low sigh of relief and turned around to face the passed out drunk stranger. Nibbling into my lower lip I reached out and tried to take the keys from her hand. I tugged once, but failed at taking the keys. She had one strong ass grip on these things. Letting out another breath I took one last tug at the keys.

When they were finally out of her grasp, I found myself tumbling backwards from the strength of the pull. My arms were flailing wildly to help me keep my balance as I continued to stumble. But, to no avail, I ended up falling flat on my ass anyway. “Umph.”

Standing back up quickly I wandered over to the door and held onto Ashlyn as I lightly pulled her to my chest so I could have access to the door. I put a random key into the slot, and turned it. A click sound greeted me, and I cheered silently to myself. I picked the brunette up, bridal style, and then forced the door open with my foot.

I walked blindly into the unfamiliar apartment, and trusted the light eliminating to the hallway to help guide me to the couch. I found it, and set her onto it slowly trying not to disturb the sleeping beauty.

I maneuvered my way back to the door and flicked on the light switch before shutting the door and locking it. I hoped Ashlyn didn’t mind, I’d be spending the night just to make sure she made it through the night okay.
♠ ♠ ♠
The next chapter will be the last one.
Hope you like this chapter. c:
Comment and such, please? Let me know how I'm doing, it would mean the world.