Status: Hiatus Until Thanksgiving Break, college sucks :(

Dear Mom, Thanks For Sending Your Human Daughter to a Boarding School of Supernaturals

In Absolute Darkness, There Is One Light

Waiting for the moon to rise again
Across the darkened sky
Stars they will shine again
They're shining above you
Satellite dreams come raining down
Keep falling to the earth
Now as they hit the ground
And shatter around you
Any given minute we'll witness
The planets falling from on high
Sparkle as they're falling
Through the twilight sky

-- Midnight Juggernauts "Dystopia"

Chapter 9
Cristanto called John Rye up who came immediately after the incident. He took Richard and carried him to the hospital wing of the school and I followed just as quickly. When we got the door, I stayed behind and watched the unconscious vampire get carried away to a nurse who looked shocked and then she shook her head.

“Don’t you attract all sorts of trouble?” A familiar voice sighed.

Jessica was a little girl who looked about seven but her mentality was wiser than any teenager I’ve seen, she was also a demon along with her brother and they happened to be the strongest race of supernatural beings. Speaking of which, her brother Victor is becoming a demi god of demons and as such he works on doing terrible deeds such as inflicting pain or torment with enjoyment. He stood next to her with his huge height and wide upper body still wearing the same clothes from earlier that morning.

“Are you… okay?” He seemed hesitant to ask because he was probably trying hard not to be nice.

“Honestly if it helps you, you can laugh at how miserable I am.” I said wearily.

Jessica was the first to take that offer up as she gave uncontrollable giggles but Victor stayed silent. His hand pushed back his hair from his eyes as he peeked inside. “Richard’s not going to be able to feed for a long time. Without his fangs, he can’t survive long. A vampire can go a week without blood at most. Then either they die or lose themselves to the madness.” Victor sounded a bit somber as he explained. It made me bite my lips hard until they started to bleed.

Jessica sighed. “It’s really such a shame. I was thinking when I got old enough I could see what all the girls were yapping about when it came to his libido.” Jessica shut up.

Inside I heard a moan and I wrenched myself at the small window of the door and gasped. Richard was lying on a bed looking as white as his sheet. There was even a sheen of blue that was starting to appear on his fingers and the edges of his face as if he was rotting away.

“I could help him grow his fangs back faster.” Victor said distantly.

I swallowed. Jessica’s breath hitched with some excitement as I turned around with a teary face. I wiped it away with a swift hand and nodded. “It’s my fault, so please help him.”

Victor gave a small smile. “Of course… it’s at a price.”

So you’d think that’s an easy “I’ll pay anything!” kind of thing but it’s not. When you’re stuck in a school full of monsters and killers, you’re not too sure who to trust. If Dianthine were with me, I might feel more at ease dealing with a demon ascending to a demi god but she’s not here so I have to make a choice before he changes his mind.

Richard’s not the nicest person I’ve met but when I think about it, he’s really helped me out despite his rejections and constant complaints. Sure he leaves and says he doesn’t care but when there’s trouble he’ll run over. I still question why he does it but I can’t get an answer if he’s going to be dead right? I owe my savior.

With a brave but curt nod, I gave an agreement.

“You will come whenever I beckon for you.” He said as he bent down to kiss my forehead. I felt a rush of warmth flushing to my cheeks and I know I wasn’t embarrassed of the kiss. It must’ve been a spell.

Afterwards, Victor entered the hospital wing and walked over to Richard to do his part of the deed.

“Wow, you’ve helped my brother ascend to his new demi god status.” She said with awe. “A contract with a human is the last thing needed to ascend to a god.”

I was too absorbed with the situation that I hardly cared what Jessica had to say.

Dianthine came to me while I sat outside on the campus field. She wore all grayish black from head to toe. Her eyes were huge and sad as she sat next to me. “I can’t believe my little Treadol died.

Treadol was the faerie that was guarding my bedroom the night Cristanto and Victor had their little jump at each other. Unfortunately for the faerie, he died. Dianthine spent those next two days throwing a funeral and an after-party. She sighed as her grey outfit quickly vanished and it was replaced with her usual white gown.

“I heard about Richard.” She said with calm voice. “It’s been two days and he’s already got his fangs halfway back. Nothing but nubs sticking out of his gum.” She eyed me suspiciously. “And I saw Victor there too… by any chance did you…”

“Strike a deal with a demon? Yeah. Did I make him a god? Yup.” I answered both questions even though she didn’t for the second one. I added it because I knew that was next. I heard her give an exasperated sigh. I mean it’s not like I had much of a choice.

Dianthine stood up quickly. “With a new demi god on the loose, we need to keep on our toes. I assume he’ll be seeing you every night from now on.” She patted me gently on the head. “I pity you now that he’s trying to court you.”

I snapped my head at Dianthine with a shocked expression. “C-court me? You mean like… marriage??”

“What else could that mean?” She said without a hint of sarcasm.

She left without another word and I was already on my two feet following a good distance behind her back to the school. I felt so tired. There was just way too much crap going on for me. I’m just a normal person. Sure I have anger issues, and I have unbelievable strength for a girl but I feel like a magnet for trouble ever since I landed in this school. I wondered if I called my mom and tell her to get me out, she’d get me out. But then again I really have disappointed her for the past few years. Ever since I turned 13 I’ve been one emotional wreck to another.

Now I just feel like I don’t have the anger in me anymore. I’m just worn out. Next week would be my birthday and I nearly forgot. When I got inside I saw John Rye standing at the office getting a few faxes. He noticed me immediately and when I looked at him I saw him hesitate before approaching me cautiously.

I was very, unbelievably angry at him but the sad thing was, I missed all the comfort and care I received from him. So without thinking much about it, I wrapped my arms around his waist. John seemed startled and then he awkward patted me on the shoulder. “Iris…”

“I would’ve very much liked it if you really did get me out.” I said in a low voice. He heard anyway and it’s probably his heightened senses. “But you didn’t and you destroyed the trust I had in you.”

He stayed silent and then he wordlessly pulled me out of the hallway and into an empty classroom. The lights were dimmed but we stood there in the dark able to see each other’s faces very clearly.

“I was… I really was going to release you, but Cristanto told me I couldn’t let you go no matter what. You don’t realize it Iris but you’re important to this place.” His head bent low and he lifted my face to his.

But I wasn’t in the mood for that, and I surely didn’t want to kiss someone I still disliked. I moved my face away before his lips touched mine and felt his warm mouth on my ear instead. I didn’t want to think about how I’ve been seemingly enchanting all of the males in this place. Considering Dianthine however, I seem to attract these supernaturals period.

John paused and leaned away. He looked flushed and his body radiated more heat than usual. I had to say that it felt nice considering how cold this school was kept. Demons and Vampires love the cold and since they were the top of the hierarchy, the school was built to their comfort. The cold wasn’t very nice to me. I loved the warmth so I leaned into his feverish body and held him against me thinking maybe I could forgive him since he hasn’t harmed me much by his own hands. Cristanto probably forced him to do what he did and John’s too kind to do anything really cruel.

“I don’t think I can trust you like I did before but I do forgive you for what you did.” I said as I looked up to his dark eyes. His hair fell over his face as he leaned down to kiss my head. I wasn’t sure what the rules were for teacher and student relationships, but if there was a line, I’m sure as hell we crossed it.

I was going to tell him more but I felt something tugging at my chest. My eyes darted around me to see nothing and then in front where John was. His face looked alarmed. “Iris! You’re disappearing!”


I looked at my hands and they were very obscure as if I were fading! “John! What’s happening to me??”

But everything faded around me and then I suddenly felt myself standing in mid air and then drop on hard stone floor. I looked around my surroundings to see that I was standing in some sort of Danish house. The floors were stone, the walls were stone, and I could see the hay through the supporting wood of the roof. I was standing in the hallway of the house and looking in front of me at the end was a throne like seat where I saw Victor sort of napping away.

As I slowly approached him he opened his eyes steadily and greeted me with a small but wicked grin.

“As part of the contract you are to spend three hours with me till midnight.” He said as he pointed at a grandfather clock beside him.

Oh right, I did strike a deal with a demon now demi god. I looked around and shivered from the sudden cold. “Where am I?” I asked him.

Victor stood up and glided over to me. All I could see was his nice chest and I forced myself to look up to his face which was smiling over me with slight amusement. “The demon realm.” He answered me.

“Oh… like the vampire realm.” I said remembering the climate there felt like nothing. No air, no cold, no heat, nothing. A place for the living dead and also a place with no sun but four moons did light up the sky.

Demon realm was cold. Very cold. Victor began explaining that in Demon Realm, there is no such thing as time but he brought a clock so I could keep track of my own time before I return to the Earth realm. Demon realm was empty and bare but there were many that thrived on the dark and emptiness. With me there, he said that the demon realm feels more comfortable though. Strange, I didn’t think I made much of a difference to this drab-like atmosphere.

Alone in that hall with him was pretty strange. I was constantly alert while he spoke in clear and slow words. The more he spoke of his world the less I listened. And afterwards he just sat down in his throne and gestured me closer. I had no choice. That tug in my chest pulled me towards him. I stood in front of him and stared around me. Anything but him. Of course he spent the next ten minutes silently staring at me.

After a while it got nearly unbearable. An hour here and I’ve done nothing but let him stare me. A couple of times I tapped my feet and started wandering back and forth the hallway. He never let me have a look around the whole place but I think it was to keep me within his eye sight. When I absolutely couldn’t stand it any longer I finally spoke up. “What the hell am I doing here?” I asked with a slight tone in my voice.

“Wanna fuck?” He said in a low but sexy voice.

I swallowed hard feeling my cheeks flush.

He laughed from the reaction he got and stood up doing that flit thing vampires do only faster. Victor towered over me in a terrifying way and he had the sharpest, whitest teeth I’ve ever seen. His cold and cruel eyes searched me all over with a hungry expression and he dove for my mouth kissing me hard.

I felt his tongue forcefully push through my lips and even parting my teeth. I gave a muffled scream while trying to beat and push him away with all I had. He stumbled a couple of times but regained his grip and pushed me against the wall to limit my motion.

Oh my god! He was touching me all over and I can’t even beat him away! Not even a kick to his groin stopped him. I pushed him harder feeling his chest muscles move trying to stay still on me and with a sudden burst of anger I managed to push him off.

Holy shit.

I didn’t just push him off, I THREW him off! Victor went flying in the air, slamming to the other side of the hall and knocking over his throne. He laid there unconscious as I trembled from where I stood.

It wasn’t three hours yet but I was afraid he’d get up and get me back for that… I don’t know what I did. So without wasting time, I scrambled myself out the door and ran into the dark and barren land. Hardly a sound except for whispers of other demons and spirits.

“Like a glow stick in the darkness.” One of them whispered.

“Yessss so pretty and delicious.”

I heard more things I’d rather not mention.

I stopped running. Behind me the cottage was no longer visible. To put it literally, I was standing in the middle of darkness. Everything was black. No shadow, no light, nothing. I hear the demons, and feel them everywhere.

And then I felt something else. Actually I saw a light. Or… something else other than black. It was a man. At first I trembled away because I thought it was Victor but as he got closer I saw that he had blond hair.

His eyes were large and boyish, but he was tall and sort of had a glow to him. Maybe he was an Angel. I never met one of the Angels yet. Then again, what would an angel be doing in the demon realm?

“What are you doing in the demon realm?” His face fell with concern as he knelt a little to get face to face with me. Gulp.

Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous.

“Are you an Angel?” I asked as he took my hand.

“No.” He said.

“A demon?”

“My name is Goddard.” He gave one soft smile and we were suddenly back in the light.
♠ ♠ ♠
ohhh yes :D finally introduced my final character! Behold GODDARD x3 a supreme being of all supernaturals. He's not a god but people have mistaken him for god many times.

