Status: Finished

The Calamity

Chapter 9B: Somehow, I Knew You Were There

Chapter 9B: Somehow, I Knew You Were There

He nodded returning the smile, “You know me, Kyra, just as long as you’re okay I won’t blame myself.” It may have been a lie but it was good enough for me, as long as he came back alive. He pulled me into a quick hug and ruffles my hair gently, “Vincent and the others will come for you soon,” Cloud whispered into my ear causing my heart to skip a beat, at the thought of Vincent, right before I passed out from the damage I took from earlier.

All around me coursed the life stream. I was rather confused by this sight, perhaps I was part of the life stream now. A silent drop of water fell from my face and onto the ground. A splash was heard and I looked down to see a ripple in the water that came up to my ankles. Looking back up, I didn’t see the life stream, but someone’s back.

“Hello?” I asked the figure.

The figure turned around and its yellow eyes glowed feverishly. I’ve seen those eyes before, their Chaos’s eyes. Chaos slowly strode over to me and put his hand on my face. I was too stunned to do anything, first this demon was going to shoot me not it’s being kind? However, Chaos gave a malicious smirk and placed that hand on my neck starting to squeeze with an alarming amount of pressure.

With the little breath I had left I whispered in a raspy voice, “Vincent, help…”

I was being gently shaken by someone. I slowly opened my eyes and winced at the brightness of the world.

“Kyra, wake up,” A worried voice rang in my ear drums. I groaned slightly, “Kyra, please wake up.” It sounded like Vincent’s voice.

My eyes bolted wide open to see his pale face gazing down upon mine, “Vincent?” I started sitting up only to have my head rack with pain, “What happened?”

“Kadaj knocked you into the wall giving you some pretty severe damage, you should take it easy for awhile,” He answered.

“Kadaj...Wait, where’s Cloud!?” I stood up quickly, moving out of his arms ignoring my pain but stumbled slightly causing me to fall. Luckily, Vincent’s strong arms caught me, “We have to help him, he could get hurt or worst.” I closed my eyes tightly at the thought.

“He’ll be okay…We’re on our way to where Kadaj was heading, we’ll be there any moment. We can go to the bridge if you want,” Vincent’s voice soothed me and I started to relax.

I nodded my head wanting to go to the bridge (1). I figured that I was currently on the Highwind and everyone would be there. It would also provide a nice view on Cloud’s situation. Vincent put his arm around my waste in order to help me walk. Even though he was helping me, I couldn’t help but blush. I prayed to the Goddess (2) that he couldn’t see it. Luckily he didn’t seem to. If he did he could figure out that I like him, and that would be horrible, for it could ruin our friendship.

A few minutes later, we made our way to the bridge to see everyone waiting there with an anxious look on their face. I looked out the window to see the Highwind pull up behind Cloud as he was looking to where Kadaj was.

“Cloud, I brought you materia!” Yuffie said with a handful of materia. She stumbled forward as the Highwind came to a sudden halt, “Whoa, hey watch it!”

“Yo Cid, park this turf!” Barrett said getting his auto-mail like arm ready for battle (3).

Cid glared over at Barrett, “Shaddup! You wan’ off then jump! Get off ma’ back!”

I couldn’t help but giggle, “Someone’s in a bad mood.”

“He’s always like this,” Vincent whispered down at me and looked back up. “He can handle this alone.”

“Huh?!” Yuffie nearly screamed at us.

Vincent glanced over at her with a slightly annoyed look, “Kadaj is a remnant of Sephiroth. Think of him as a sort of larval form.”

“Larva!? You mean, he’s an insect!” Yuffie grimaced, causing most of us to sigh at her “blond” moment.

“Lassie shut your gob!” Cait Sith shouted at her.

Cid looked over at Vincent, “So the bug’s gonna become Sephiroth?”

Tifa also turned around and looked at Vincent, who for some reason had all the answers. “Vincent, does Cloud know, about Kadaj?”

“One would think,” he replied in a monotone voice.

Tifa nodded turning back with her arms crossed over her chest and smiled, “Then you’re right, it’s his fight now.”

The world’s greatest ninja then turned around gawking, “What? I don’t get it! Why can’t we help out!?”

Cid waved her off obviously used to this behavior, “This is Man Talk.”

I couldn’t help but feel a little offended but I held my tongue, unlike Yuffie. “Sexist! Sexiiist!”

“Lassie, shut your boos!” I looked over at the puppet that put some force down on Nanaki’s head. Nanaki didn’t seem too pleased with that, but knowing him he’d forget about it quickly. I gave a small wave at the feline and looked at Barrett when he back to speak.

“Men don’t get it either.”

“Two years ago,” Tifa said more to herself than anyone, “Think of the strength we all had when we fought that last battle. It’s only been a couple of years, but already that feeling is gone. But Cloud, I think he’s found it again.”

I looked down to see Cloud with a determined voice, “Maybe it’s because he’s finally moved on and forgave himself,” I mumbled quietly.

“Pssh, he’s got ten minutes,” Barrett said slightly jealous that Cloud was taking all of the glory.

“That Cloud’s a royal pain in the ass, like always,” an annoyed Yuffie stated to Tifa.

Tifa smiled, “Cloud is Cloud.”

“Way to defend him Tifa!” I laughed, but wouldn’t defend him either. Everyone then silenced in support of Cloud. He was our only hope now.

No One’s POV

“Good to see you, Cloud,” The prince of darkness smirked and pushed Cloud off with brute force. “You’re geostigma’s gone, that’s too bad.”

“Sephiroth, what do you want?” Cloud Strife yelled demanding an answer.

Sephiroth looked down at Cloud, “The last thoughts of Geostigma’s dead. Those remnants will join the life stream and girdle the planet – choking it, corroding it. What I want, Cloud, is to sail the darkness of the cosmos with this planet as my vessel – just as my mother did long ago.” Sephiroth raised his gloved hand and summoned dark magic to make the cloud’s in the sky spiral and cause the skies to darken. “Then one day we’ll find a new planet, and on its soil we’ll create a shining future.”

Cloud growled, “And what about this planet?”

“Well…that’s up to you, Cloud,” Sephiroth smirked leaping forward towards Cloud as a fierce battle broke out.

A little further away, above a bar, resided two young children, hand in hand. The older one held a hand over his geostigma while the younger one looked at him with worry. A drop of water fell to the ground. The girl gasped, “Is it her?!” A girl in pink walked towards the church in the streets readying everything for the coming children to heal. (3) A male next to her, which resembled a puppy, made his way to where the fierce battle had broken out in order to assist his friend.

The battle kept on going and Cloud’s strength was slowly draining away. Both Sephiroth and Cloud were outside. Cloud’s breath was growing short and ragged; he couldn’t keep on fighting like this. Sephiroth seeing this smirked and walked over.

“Is this the pain you felt before…Cloud?” He smirked viciously, “Let me remind you. This time, you won’t forget.” Sephiroth raised his sword, of which was longer than himself, and stabbed Cloud through the right shoulder and lifted the body into the air as Cloud grimaced. “Tell me what you cherish most,” Sephiroth mused. Cloud grabbed Sephiroth’s sword as he had in Nibelheim. “Give me the pleasure of taking it away?”

Cloud’s anger erupted, fiercer than any volcano to have awakened. Images of the people he loved flashed before him as he tore the sword out of his flesh and lifted his own sword. “I pity you!” He shouted, “You just don’t get it at all! There’s not a thing I don’t cherish!” He ran to attack Sephiroth but Sephiroth dodged just in time and soared into the air, his on wing helping him. Cloud fell to the ground and grasped his should, blood covering his hair; he was too weak to finish him off.

“If it were me, I wouldn’t be throwing in the towel yet!” A familiar voice shouted behind Cloud. Cloud knew that it was his fallen friend, his best friend, Zack Fair. “No matter how hopeless the situation seemed! Embrace your dreams! And…never, ever let go of your pride as a SOILDER! Well, okay, so you never made SOILDER.” Cloud looked down slightly ashamed of that, Zack sensing that grew more serious, “Cloud, you remember what I told you?”

“Yeah,” Cloud nodded, “I’m your living legacy.” Cloud leapt to the sky to finish the job he started, to defeat the one that has brought so much sadness to the world and people in it.

“Not again,” Sephiroth muttered to himself knowing that his death was neigh. Cloud finished his last strength and landed on the ground and caught his sword.

“Stay where you belong, in my memories,” Cloud commanded as he looked in the sky towards the one winged angel.

“I will,” Sephiroth began looking down, “Never be a memory.” Sephiroth’s wing wrapped around his body changing back into Kadaj as Kadaj fell to the ground.

Kadaj looked around quickly for his sword. He grabbed it and started charging towards Cloud, but alas, his strength was diminished and he fell towards the cruel turf. Cloud, being kind, caught Kadaj at the last minute, knowing that these would be his final moments.

“Kadaj?” A kind and gentle voice said, but only Kadaj could hear it.

“Mother?” He questioned the voice finding peace inside him-self.

“Everyone’s waiting, if you’re ready,” The voice then reached out a hand only visible to Kadaj. Kadaj nodded in response and took the hand which sat him up right and sent him back to the life stream. Cloud, watching in awe, stood up and closed his eyes as the rain began to fall.

Kyra’s POV

“Oh yeah!” Yuffie jumped up and down for Cloud’s victory.

“See, I told you fools!” Barrett cheered joining Yuffie.

Tifa looked back at everyone, “A little push is all he needed!” A drop of water fell drawing both Tifa and I’s attention. “Somehow, I knew you were there. Thank you.” Tifa nodded giving her respects to her fallen friend, Aerith.

I smiled but then a sudden explosion was heard. I snapped my head in the direction to where it was and it was coming from where Cloud was. “No!” I screamed.

I started to run in that direction, but to arms held me back. I struggled with all of my might to get free, but it was to no prevail. Instead of trying to get free anymore I turned to the person who was holding me and cried into their chest. The person wrapped their arms around my back and tried to comfort me the best they could. I was still shaking, but wrapped my arms around the person too. I felt a cloak that was on the person’s back and realized it was Vincent. I closed my eyes calming down feeling safe in his arms. A slight blush came over my cheeks as I smiled softly.

“Thank you, Vincent,” I whispered not letting go of him as I felt him nod in response.

Vincent’s POV

I walked into the church knowing Kyra was hurt in some way. I swear, if Kadaj is still there I’d murder him personally. Pain started to overwhelm me as I felt Chaos taking over my body as my anger flared. This isn’t the right time, the church is near, and for all I know Chaos may try and kill Kyra, again. I quickly made my way into the church and saw Kyra with some blood running down my face, all the while fighting against Chaos. I bent down and moved some stray hairs out of her unconscious face, how it pained me to see her in this sort of state. I lifted her up and realized that she was very light. That or I was strong, which could be a combination of both. I made my way to the air ship and walked into a spare room, laying her on the bed. She was extremely captivating, how dare Kadaj do this to her…He doesn’t deserve to--.

I fell to the ground clutching my head as my body was being taken over by Chaos. No matter how hard I fought against this, I couldn’t stop this demon from coming ‘bought. I felt Chaos rise and walk towards Kyra.

“Chaos, don’t do anything to her! Do you hear me!?” I yelled at him trying my best to gain control.

Chaos’s hand reached towards Kyra’s defenseless body and grasped her neck. He started to squeeze, causing Kyra to stir and start to wake up.

“Chaos, please don’t do this! You can’t kill her! You have to stop!” I used all of my power to fight against Chaos, to help save Kyra. Somehow, it worked and I felt myself gaining control over my body one again. I immediately released my grasp around her neck hoping the damage wasn’t too severe.

Kyra started to wake up further, “Vincent, help.” Her voice was raspy, but at least I knew she was going to be alright.

I started to shake her gently to try and wake her up and check to make sure that her wounds weren’t life threatening. If they were, I don’t know what I would do with myself. (A/N: You know what happens next. I’m moving on just a little later.)

A loud explosion came from the direction that Cloud was in. I was saddened by what happened, but I had to make sure Kyra was alright. I looked down to where she was and saw her start to sprint to the window; I held her back thinking that she could hurt herself. My heart racked with pain for every tear that escaped from her eyes. She finally stopped fighting against my gripped and turned around crying on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her trying to comfort her. She returned the embrace. It felt so right holding her like this.

“Thank you, Vincent,” she whispered.

I simply nodded in response not letting go of her. She shook a little bit more, until her breathing steadied. I looked down at her to see her sleeping quietly.

“Go to the church,” I told Cid, “Let me know when we get there.” I looked down at Kyra one more and picked her up bridal style going to the room we were just in before Cloud started fighting Sephiroth.

Kyra’s POV

“Kyra, wake up…” I heard Vincent’s voice whisper softly.

I opened my eyes to see his face. I smiled softly at him and looked around my location. It was the church from earlier. I saw a large group of children in the water and a taller male who had blond spiky hair, Cloud Strife. My grin widened at seeing one of my best friends still alive. Everyone started cheering all around me as some small specks of the life stream started flowing into the air indicating that their geostigma was gone.

While everyone was cheering I looked up at Vincent, wondering if he’s cheer, that’d be an odd sight. I didn’t expect him to be looking at me. As our eyes met I could have swore I saw him smile. He started to turn away motioning for me to follow him as he walked out of the church. I nodded and ran after him curious to what he wanted.

I’ve been following him for a long time and he hasn’t said anything, so I stayed silent. We finally made it to the Sleeping Forest, near the lake where Vincent, Marlene, Cloud and I met after Cloud came for the kids. He sat on the ground and motioned for me to sit next to him. I sat next to him gazing out into the lake. Something touched my hand and I looked down to see what it was; it was Vincent’s hand. I looked up to see if he did it on purpose and saw him looking at me. I smiled slightly and turned my hand to hold his. I looked back out towards the water with a slight blush at both his actions and mine.

“Kyra,” Vincent finally spoke. I turned my head in his direction see what he wanted. “I need to tell you something, but I’m not sure how I should tell you.”

“What is it Vincent?...” I questioned slightly nervous.

Vincent looked out towards the water, “You are…Important to me. It feels like I’ve known you longer than we have actually met face to face. That may have been because I heard your voice in my sleep when I was in the basement of Shinra mansion, but you are something special. Even though you know about Chaos, you don’t treat me any differently. When I hugged you, it just felt right…Kyra, I think…I’m in love with you.”

My heart skipped a beat as those words came out of his mouth; I swore I was going to have a heart attack. “Vincent…I…” Did I actually love him…I did care about him, a lot. Maybe I did.

“I understand if you don’t feel the same wa--,” I cut him off by tackling him in a hug, causing both of us to fall into the water.

We both rose to the surface. I was laughing like a maniac while Vincent had a small smile upon his face. Vincent and I went made our way to the dry land and sat down. I shivered slightly as Vincent wrapped an arm around me.

I looked up at him, “I love you too, Vincent.” I smiled and rest my head on his shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright! Let us get to where I had the number in parentheses, which means it has notes on what I meant, kinda.

(1) I play way too much Star Craft…Which is why I knew that was called the bridge, sad, I know.

(2) I figured they have a Goddess, because of the play “Loveless.” I shouldn’t have mentioned that play…I really want to read it…Hn…

(3) Barrett’s arm reminds me of auto-mail, if any of you watch Fullmetal Alchemist.

I think I got everything…If you have any questions let me know! I’ll make an epilogue for this and I’ll then move on to the next fan-fic in this world, or go to a Zelda one! Um…Thanks and message me with what you like, love, hate! I’d really appreciate it so I know what to improve one.

Oh and this is now 3,257 words!