Status: Finished

The Calamity

Chapter 2: The Price to See it End

The Calamity


“Don’t mind Vincent,” Tifa said as she passed out the drinks, she probably noticed me eyeing him. “He’s one of our friends.” She sat down at a table and beckoned me to do the same, “I think it’s time for you to tell us what happened to you after Sephiroth destroyed our town.”

Chapter 2: The Price To See It End

“Are you sure you want to know? It’s not that interesting of a story,” I said lazily while taking a sip from my glass.

Cloud gave me a cold glare, “We haven’t seen you in years and you’re not even going to tell us what happened, Kyra?”

Shocked by his expression and tone in voice I defended myself, “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you guys, it’s just a bad memory is all! Geez, Tifa was right, you have changed, Cloud.”

“Kyra, just get on with it,” Tifa urged me.

“Fine, fine,” I said and looked up at the ceiling remember back to when my life turned into Hell.

I was in Tifa’s house to grab some climbing equipment she asked me to grab. The door opened and I turned to expect Tifa, but it was Cloud instead.

“Cloud!?” I ran and tackled the chocobo head in a hug. “It’s been so long! Did you make it into SOLDIER!?”

Cloud chuckled at my actions and hugged me back, “Not yet, but I’m almost there.”

I grinned up at him, “If anyone can make SOLDIER you can, Cloud! So what are you doing here?’

“I was sent here with some other first class SOLDIERs to inspect the mountain. Guess who one of the other SOLDIERs is?” He smiled at me.

I thought for a moment, “No idea.”

“Sephiroth! Sephiroth’s here! Isn’t it amazing, Kyra? I’m still kind of star struck,” he chuckled and looked around the house. “Is Tifa here?” Cloud walked upstairs to look for her with me trailing behind him.

“Nah, she’s getting ready to climb the mountain. She asked me to get some climbing equipment, but I can’t find it. Wanna help?” I asked hoping to spend some time with my long lost friend.

“I don’t see why not,” He said walking into her room. Cloud then started looking for the climbing equipment while I started to stall.

I saw the climbing equipment on Tifa’s piano and grabbed it as quickly as I can. Though I was quick, I wasn’t all that graceful. I tripped over my feet, “Gah!” I shouted and closed my eyes waiting to feel the floor in a matter of moments.

“Careful, Kyra,” Cloud’s voice rang through my ears as I felt a pair of strong arms around me.

“Th-thanks, Cloud,” I stuttered embarrassed by my carelessness, “I, err, found the climbing equipment…” I looked down as I held it up regaining my balance.

Cloud nodded smiling slightly, “I can see that. Does Tifa need it right away?” He looked down at me.

“I don’t think so, why?” I sat down on the bed while Cloud sat on the piano’s bench.

Cloud shrugged, “I was just wondering. Listen to this. I learned it a few months back in between my SOLDIER training.” He popped his knuckles and started playing a melody. I closed my eyes taking in the every note that he played.

He came to a sudden stop. I opened my eyes and looked at him in question, “Cloud, why’d you stop?”

A sheepish smile grew on his face, “I didn’t exactly learn all of it.” This caused me to laugh lightly as he stood up from the piano bench, “Come on, I want you to meet the rest of the SOLDIERs.” He grabbed my hand gently and led me out of Tifa’s house to two other men with mako filled eyes. “Kyra, I want you to meet Zack,” Cloud pointed to the dark haired one that had a goofy grin on his face and then pointed to the silver haired one, “And Sephiroth.”

I stuck my hand out and shook their hands, “It’s nice to meet you! Thanks for keeping Mr. Chocobo head here safe!”

Zack laughed at my comment while Cloud pouted, “It’s no problem! You know there were a few times that he—“

Sephiroth cut Zack short, “Do you know where we can find the tour guide for the mountain? We were supposed to have two of them, but I’m not sure where we were supposed to meet them.”

“You’re the people Tifa and I are supposed to guide up the mountain?!” I almost screamed but kept it in.

“Alright, who’s ready to climb? Cloud!?” Tifa screamed interrupting us.

“Tifa, you know the rest of the story, right?” I asked looking back down from the ceiling towards her.

Tifa nodded, “Yeah pretty much, the rest Cloud, Zack and Sephiroth go inside while we’re forced to wait outside.”

“But that still doesn’t explain what happened to you after Sephiroth went insane,” Cloud stated dully.

“Yeah, yeah,” I waved my hand in dismissal, “I was getting there!”

A little while after Tifa and I escorted the SOILDERs up the mountain, Sephiroth and I have gotten to be pretty good friends. I was on my way to Shin-Ra mansion to pay him a visit, considering he rarely comes out of that place anymore. He’s always too busy reading. Anyways, I walked into Shin-Ra mansion and made my way down to the basement. I paused as I walked by a door I haven’t noticed before. My curiosity got the better of me so I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I figured I’d ask Sephiroth if he knew anything about it. I ventured a little further to where Sephiroth read regularly I found him standing there with his back to me, something was off.

“Sephiroth?” I questioned him; my voice was filled with worry.

“Kyra, get away from him!” Cloud’s voice came from behind him.

“What do you mean, Cloud?” I started to turn towards Cloud but paused midway as Sephiroth started to laugh darkly. Before I knew it, I felt a pressure on my neck and passed out. The last thing I heard was Cloud yelling my name.

I paused once again and started to walk towards the door, “Kyra, where do you think you’re going?!” Tifa’s voice came from behind me.

My hands formed into fists, “You know the rest of the story, Cloud, Tifa. Sephiroth burnt down the rest of the town! One of my best friends destroyed our home town! After we all confronted Sephiroth this scientist, Hojo, I think it was took me,” I turned around to find Vincent’s face showing some sort of pained expression, I shook off the confusion that overcame me, “He performed some experiments on me. I don’t know what they did to me and I don’t tend to find out!” I opened the door to the bar and walked out slamming the door behind me. I didn’t want to deal with any of this right now. It still hurt to think back to when Sephiroth murdered my family and my friends’ family. I looked up at the sky as a rumble soared through it, “Great, just great.” I mumbled and started to walk through the streets of Edge.

No One’s POV

From a distance where the brunette girl just walked out of the bar from sharing her story stood a man with shoulder length silver hair and his two brothers.

“Hey, Kadaj, is that girl friends with brother?” A man said with longer silver hair.

Kadaj glanced over at him, “That’s possible, Yazoo.”

“Will she want to play with us?” The other man asked Kadaj. This man had the shortest silver hair out of the three.

“She probably won’t want to, Loz,” Kadaj smirked, “But that doesn’t mean we won’t force her.”

With that the three remnants made their motorcycles roar and they raced towards where the girl was walking. Only a few minutes later a blood chilling scream filled the air, over powering the booming thunder.
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