Status: Finished

The Calamity

Chapter 3: Bet You're Dying to Watch

The Calamity


“Will she want to play with us?” The other man asked Kadaj. This man had the shortest silver hair out of the three.

“She probably won’t want to, Loz,” Kadaj smirked, “But that doesn’t mean we won’t force her.”

With that the three remnants made their motorcycles roar and they raced towards where the girl was walking. Only a few minutes later a blood chilling scream filled the air, over powering the booming thunder.

Chapter 3: Bet You’re Dying to Watch

***No one’s POV***

Kyra just slammed the door and walked out with a shocked Tifa, Cloud and Vincent. “Well, I guess we know the truth now…” Tifa said looking down.

“But if Hojo did experiment on her…” Vincent said more to himself than anyone. Both Cloud and Tifa grimaced at the possible outcomes that could happen. They’ve all seen what kind of scientists that Hojo and the rest of the Shin-Ra scientists were and all of the chaos (pun intended, if you don’t get it look in A/N) they can create.

Cloud stood up, “I’m going to look for her…” He looked down at the floor and then mumbled, “I’m not going to lose anyone else I cherish.” The chocobo head walked out of the bar and mounted on his motorcycle.

“Vincent, I think you should go too. You can move faster than I can. I’ll stay here in case she comes back and I need to watch over Marlene and Denzel,” Tifa stated softly so it was almost a whisper. Vincent simply nodded and started to walk out of the bar. The minute he placed his hand on the door handle, a blood chilling scream erupted through the thunder, Vincent then became a red blur.

***Kyra’s POV***

A blood chilling scream came from behind me. I turned sharply and started running to where I thought the scream was coming from. I paused in the ally way to find the small girl from earlier that day holding her geostigma infested arm with pain writhing over her face. I approached her slowly; she lived longer than I thought she would. I reached my hand out towards her, “It’ll be okay…”

The girl glared up at me, “How will it be okay!? My little brother just died in my arms earlier today! What the hell do you know?!” She broke down into tears as I knelt down.

“Because if you do die, you’ll go back into the life stream where your brother is…” I looked down knowing it wasn’t a very positive answer, but it was still one.

The girl started to grunt with more pain consuming her. She fell to the ground clutching the geostigma. Her body started to move out of control from the stabbing pain as she let out a high pitched scream. I backed up not knowing what to do. I never have actually seen someone die and I didn’t want to. I started to run only to run into a wall of leather. Wait a minute, leather? I looked up to see a man with beautiful mako energy filled eyes; they were oddly similar to Sephiroth’s eyes. I backed up a little only to find it wasn’t Sephiroth but a boy who was about sixteen and had a murderous look about him.

“Sorry,” I mumbled having a hard time removing my eyes away from his. I started to walk away from him but stopped when he grabbed my shoulder I looked up at him only to find him smirking.

“I don’t think sorry is going to cut it,” His voice sent shivers down my spine. “You’re friends with that blond that was at Seventh Heaven, aren’t you?”

I glared at him, “That depends, what’s it to you?”

“Well you see, brother has something of ours,” He motioned back to the other two men behind him, “Or we should say he hid it. And we figured if we take something of his, he’ll give us what’s ours!” He chuckled lightly and turned his back to me, “So Yazoo, Loz, what do you say, should we take her?” I looked at these so called Yazoo and Loz to see them eyeing me with an evil smirk. “I’ll take that as a yes,” The leader said and turned back to me. I put one foot back horizontally while my front foot was in a vertical stance as I pulled out two daggers. “Oh, so you want to fight?” He said and took out a two bladed katana as Loz got in a fighting stance and Yazoo pulled out a gun.

“I’ll only fight in defense,” I said quietly holding true to my morals, “If you make the first move then I’ll fight back, but only if you do.”

“Fine, then I will make the first move,” Kadaj spun his sword around a few times and came at me with it. I held up my daggers in defense and caught them in between the blades and moved them so the sword would fly out of his hands. What happened next I didn’t expect. Loz came up quickly from behind with his Dual Hound and sent currents of electricity through my body like a stun gun. I collapsed the ground, paralyzed.

“Well, I was hoping for something more challenging,” Yazoo said in a dull tone and mounted his bike.

“It probably would have been if she would actually try and fight,” Kadaj said kneeling down to my level and lifted me off the ground.

“Put me down,” I growled weakly sense the electricity was still coursing through me.

Kadaj smirked, “Heh, why should I do that?” He walked over to the motorcycle and straddled it with me in front of him. “Lets go…We still need to find Mother.”

He started to ride off with the other two men that looked like him right next to him. I turned my head around towards Edge just in time to see Cloud drive by, he didn’t see me. A silent tear rolled down my face, “I guess we’ll have to catch up a different time I guess,” I whispered.

Kadaj looked down at me and smirked, “Don’t cry.” Little did I know that would become an inside joke between the three men who kidnapped me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! So like I said if you didn’t get the pun with chaos that’s because Doctor Crescent put the demon Chaos inside of Vincent! If you didn’t know that and you think you’re a hard core Final Fantasy 7 fan…You aren’t! ^.^’ Anyways, I don’t know why Kadaj/Loz/Yazoo keep on saying don’t cry in the movie…If you know why go ahead and message me. ^.^’ Uh…Thanks for reading I hope you liked it!!! Sorry that this chapter was shorter.