Status: Finished

The Calamity

Chapter 5: Stop Running!

The Calamity

Recap: I glanced at him hoping to get a smile, but only his eyes showed a little amusement while the rest of his face remained emotionless.

A/N: Hey! This chapter is going to be a little weird. I’m going to have it between Cloud’s and Vincent’s POV, then I might go back to Kyra’s! Oh! I’m cosplaying as Cloud right now! XD I just need blond eyebrows and mako filled eyes (or blue…Blue works too). Anyways, I’ll shut up now!

Chapter 5: Stop Running!

Vincent’s POV:

I went out looking for Kyra after I heard a scream and a roar of a couple motorcycles. The scream of pain was oddly familiar, but I couldn’t place my finger on it. I soared up to the roof in order get a better view over the city of Edge. There was Kyra, her dark brown hair shielding her face that was wrecked with pain. One man with silver hair held her as he drove off into the outskirts of Edge and towards the Forgotten City. Blind rage boiled within me. I was confused why my emotions were getting out of hand because of this, but I knew I had to remain calm or Chaos may become unleashed. I took a deep breath and began to stalk the three men who took Kyra. Cloud just drove by obviously missing them. I was about to say something, but he was already a great distance away, so I continued to save that girl I had only just met.

Cloud’s POV:

‘Damn it,’ I thought to myself. I’ve had no luck finding Kyra, it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have let her leave like that. The streets of Edge are dangerous, especially for her, she’s an attractive young woman. Wait, did I just say she was attractive? I shook my head. I have to focus on finding her. If she’s hurt or worst—No I can’t think like that, I won’t let someone else I love get hurt, my sins are far too many.

Just then bolt of light surrounded me. I was standing in the middle of a field of flowers. I sensed a presence behind me, but it was a peaceful one, kind of like Aerith’s.

“There’s something bothering you, isn’t there?” Aerith’s voice rang through the air. I kept quiet not wanting to answer. Aerith giggled slightly, “You love her, don’t you, Cloud?” I turned to look at her but she was gone, as well as the vast field of flowers. Was Aerith right? Do I actually love Kyra? That would explain why I always get a little nervous around her and why I always want to protect her.

-----Few Weeks Later: Vincent’s POV:

I’ve finally tracked down Kyra’s location. It’s been hard trying to find the perfect moment to save her from Kadaj and his gang. Right when I was going to approach her, the gang arrived with what looked Tseng and Elena. Kyra screamed furiously at them for hurting them, but they disregarded her and walked into their hide out where Aerith was murdered by Sephiroth. After they left, Kyra immediately started mending to them with some of her materia. I then approached her, obviously startling her.

“Who’s there?” Her voice trembled with fear. I showed myself to her so she wouldn’t have to be afraid. “Mister Vincent!” She cheered causing the corners of my mouth to twitch upwards.

“Be quiet, we don’t want Kadaj and the others to hear us…Come on, we need to get Tseng and Elena out of here,” I stated walking over to the half dead bodies. “We’ll help them walk out of here, but we need to be fast.” We later both took them over to a lake in the Sleeping Forest.

“Mr. Vincent, you do know that Kadaj and the others are after their “mother,” right?”Kyra questioned breaking the silence. I nodded in response of her question thinking. “Well, why are we keeping their mother form them? It’s too cruel!”

Her outburst surprised me and I simply sighed, she didn’t get it. I told her that their so called mother that they were looking for was Jenova’s head and no good would come from that if they were to get their hands on it. I looked at her to see her staring at my claw which made me slightly uncomfortable. She’d probably think I was a monster because of it, but she only seemed intrigued.

“Mr. Vincent, how do you know Cloud?” I looked into her jade eyes and raised my ray of vision towards the sky remembering what happened two years ago.

“I was in the basement of Shinra’s Mansion at Nibelheim. I was in a sort of deep stupor. Turns out that Cloud went into the basement to try and find out what Sephiroth was after…Him and the rest of AVALANCHE found me in a coffin and woke me. I later joined them in their quest,” I responded to her question.

“Nibelheim!? How long were you in that basement?” She questioned or more as shouted. No surprise there though, it was her home town…I wonder if she was the girl screaming that I heard outside of Shinra’s mansion. That was the first time I woke up in that dreary place. I glanced at her anxiously awaiting my answer.

“A long time,” I stated flatly not wanting to tell her I was in there for about thirty years. She then looked at the ground and muttered something that I couldn’t hear. I was about to ask what she just said but she spoke before I had the chance.

A day later if my calculations are correct! Cloud’s POV:

“Where are they?” I questioned Rude and Reno.

“They’re at their base now, the Forgotten City,” Rude answered me.

“And there’s also something you should know, Cloud,” Reno looked at me, “We found Kyra.”

I paused for a second thinking over the situation. If I go I could get Kyra hurt. I’m not fit to help anyone, not my family, not my friends, nobody. “Go. I have to talk to Rufus.”

“Stop running!” Tifa shouted from behind me, “I know, even if you find the kids you might not be able to help them! Maybe something will happen that can never un-happen, that scares you doesn’t it? But you need to think about now, really take it in! Look at you! You think you’ve got it so damn hard! Well, you hate being alone, so let people in. Sure you might not answer the phone, but I don’t see you throwing it away either!”

“You go, the base is all yours,” Reno said slightly pissed that he couldn’t go and fight Kadaj and his gang.

“What is it, a memory or us?” Tifa questioned slightly upset.

I walked out of the place, “None of those…I’m doing this for Kyra.” I mounted Fenrir (look at A/N) and drove off to the Forgotten City.

About an hour later I made it to the Sleeping Forest only to enter the field of flowers again. Aerith was behind me.

“You came, even though you’re about to break,” she placed her hand on my geostigma infested arm, “That’s a good sign. So, why did you come?”

“I think…” I thought for a moment, “I want to be forgiven, mmm, more than anything.”

“By who?” She questioned slightly amused.

I turned to look at her but she was gone. A gun shot rang through the air and I put my attention forward to see Yazoo shooting with his Velvet Nightmare. Kadaj walked forward motion his hands for the children to jump down in front of him. Denzel was in front of all the children, but his eyes, they were like Sephiroth’s. I quickly swerved to try and not hit the children. I fell off grunting from the pain. Kadaj jumped over the bike and bent down towards me.

“I’m glad you could make it!” Kadaj smirked.

“I only came for Kyra and the kids.”

“See this man? He’s our big brother, but alas, in our happy flock he’s what you call a black sheep!” Kadaj glared and raised Souba ready to strike me.

“Cloud!” Kyra’s voice screamed.

“You…” Kadaj growled quietly and directed his attention towards the screaming giving me a chance to grab First Tsurugi. Kadaj turned back towards me quickly and a fight between me, Yazoo and Loz broke out. As I was trying to fight the both of them off and try and take down Kadaj, I saw Kyra lead Marlene away from the area. As I was watching her, Loz punched me down to the ground. I was about to be killed until Vincent showed up shooting at the brothers and lead me away.

Kyra’s POV:

I had just taken Marlene away to see Cloud thrusted down to the ground. I was about to run and help him, but Vincent had already taken care of that.

“Marlene, we have to get out of here,” I said in a slight panic seeing that Kadaj was looking around for me. She nodded quickly and started running with me right behind her. I hope she knows where she’s going, because I sure as hell don’t.

“See, I knew I’d be no help,” I heard Cloud’s voice off in the distance indicating that he was okay. “Vincent, what do you know about this?”

“I come here often,” Vincent stated and moved his cloak in a dramatic fashion, “I’ve seen what Kadaj’s group is doing. The stigma; it’s a symptom of alien matter infesting the body. The body tries to eliminate it and over compensates. Inside our bodies is a current, like the life stream. That current is what fights off any malevolent intruders.” Vincent had placed his clawed hand on Cloud’s arm causing him some pain. He then got up and walked over to a tree and crossed his arms.

“What do you mean by intruder?” Cloud questioned.

“The Sephiroth gene, Jenova’s mimetic legacy; call it what you want.”

“You’re well informed.”

“Tseng and Elena, they were brought here have dead. They must have been brutally tortured. I did what I could to save them, but, well, we’ll see.”


“They had it coming; they got their hands on Jenova’s head.”

“Then when Kadaj says he’s looking for mother…”

“Heaven’s dark harpencher (A/N: If you know exactly what he says right there let me know…), the calamity, Jenova. If they wanted to, they could recreate Sephiroth.”

“Kadaj, what is he?”

“Humph, I’d rather not know,” Vincent looked up at the sky.

As I was eavesdropping on their conversation, Marlene ran ahead of me and made the bushes rustle. This caused both Cloud and Vincent turn around ready to attack one of the remnants.

“Marlene!?” Cloud exclaimed clearly shocked.

“Cloud! Denzel and Tifa!” Marlene hugged him worried sick about those two.

‘Wait something happened to Tifa?’ I thought and started to walk over to where they were.

“Tifa is alright,” Cloud said trying to calm the child down.

“I want to talk to her!” Marlene complained not trusting Cloud’s words. Cloud looked in his pocket for his cell phone but remembered that he dropped it and it fell into some water. Marlene looked towards Vincent, “May I?” Vincent moved his cloak to show that he didn’t have a cell phone, “You don’t have a phone?” Marlene questioned shocked.

“Didn’t I have this conversation with you about this earlier, Vincent?” I questioned coming out of the bushes.

“Kyra?...” Cloud looked at me like he was seeing a ghost.

I waved at him grinning, “Hey Spiky!”

Cloud walked over to me and grabbed me in a tight embrace, “Don’t run off like that again…I just got you back and I don’t want to lose you again…”

I smiled slightly and hugged me back, “Then you shouldn’t run off, chocobo head…” I let go of Cloud a couple minutes later, “Thanks for helping back there Vincent!” He nodded slightly.

Marlene pulled at Cloud’s pant leg wanting him to go take her to Tifa. “Vincent, can you take Marlene to see Tifa? I have to see Shinra.”

“I can’t do that,” Vincent shook his head.

“But I—!“ Cloud was cut off by Marlene.

“Forget it Cloud! Why don’t you ever pay any attention to us?” Marlene ran off to hide behind Vincent’s cloak. Now that I get a good look at the cloak, all I can say is that it kicks ass!

“Marlene, listen, there’s a battle to be fought, but it’s more than just fighting, do you understand?” Cloud bent down slightly to try and get to her level.

“No I don’t!” Marlene pouted.

Vincent looked at me then to Cloud, “Cloud, are you sure this is about fighting?”

Cloud looked down obviously in deep thought, “Are sins…Ever forgiven?”

I looked at Cloud shocked, ‘He thinks he has sins?’ I thought to myself.

“I’ve never tried,” Vincent replied in a dull manor. Wait, he has sins too?

“You mean…Never…tried?” Cloud’s gaze focused on the ground. He then looked at Marlene, “Marlene, let’s go.” Marlene nodded her head and ran over to Cloud. Cloud turned around, “Well I’m going to try, I’ll phone in the verdict,” Cloud raised his hand slightly and took hold of Marlene’s hand.

‘Wait, neither Cloud nor Vincent have a phone!’ I thought holding in a laugh.

“Kyra, are you coming?” Cloud looked over at me.

I looked between Cloud and Vincent, “Vincent has to come too; we can’t leave him alone here!”

Vincent’s POV:

“Kyra, are you coming?” Asked the man who just held Kyra in a tight hug. I have to admit I was slightly jealous when he did that. I became lost in my thoughts once again.

“Vincent has to come too; we can’t leave him alone here!” Kyra stated causing me to be surprised that she’d even want to be around me more than she had to. “Well, what do you say Vincent, want to come with us?” I looked at her to see that she was smiling softly.

I nodded, “I don’t see why not…” I walked over to her, ‘Lucrecia, am I developing the same feelings I had for you?’

“Great! We should probably spend the night here though…It’s getting kind of late,” She yawned and started to collect some wood for what I presumed would be a fire.

“You probably shouldn’t build a fire, Kyra. It could make Kadaj and his gang come over here because of the smoke,” Cloud said looking at her sitting down.

“Oh right,” Kyra smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of her head.

I sat down with my back leaning against a tree. A couple minutes she sat down in the middle of Cloud and I. She yawned and fell asleep. She looked like a beautiful angel. I shook my head; I must really be falling in love with her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hurrah! This is my longest chapter I think. It made it to page 6 on Microsoft Word! Anyways, I have some explaining to do! Fenrir is Cloud’s motorcycle. When Kyra fell from the tree near Shinra’s mansion she screamed in pain, causing Vincent to wake up for a slight moment and she also screamed when Loz got her with his Dual Hound. Oh, sorry if the conversation between Cloud, Denzel and Vincent is off, it was just from my memory! ^.^’ Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you love, like, or hate!