Status: Finished

The Calamity

Chapter 8: Giving Life to the World and Everything In It

A/N: Alright, I’m going to have to start adding some hints, because I’m going to have a story that follows this, and it’s for all of you Kadaj fans out there! It’ll be a hidden story or something. =D Kind of like the hidden ending of Dirge of Cerberus *SPOILER* and Genesis appeared and flew out of the cave thing! I was like, “Oh shit!” Yeah, let’s just say that I was rather surprised that he was alive…

Chapter 8: Giving Life To The World And Everything In It

Normal POV:

Vincent and I were almost to the city of Edge when a giant cloud erupted through the air. We ran as fast as we could to see what all of the chaos was about. When we arrived there, Shadow Creepers were scavenging any human that was running away from all the madness. To make matters worse, Bahamut Sin flew out of the cloud and landed on a shadow creeper that was right next to Tifa and Denzel. Wait! Tifa and Denzel were in danger I had to do something!

I started to run after them, but Vincent placed his right hand on my shoulder, “Wait…Tifa can handle this alone.” I looked up at him and nodded trusting his word.

Bahamut Sin started to rise above the monument thing that Shinra made and a ball of blue light started to form in its mouth. I watched in dismay as two Turks, one bald holding two kids and one with long red hair holding one kid, ran by.

“Is it after us?” The red headed Turk asked.

“I’m not lookin’,” Baldy replied running ahead of the other Turk as Loz and Yazoo ran after them.

“Vincent!” I shouted pointing at the two silver haired brothers. Vincent nodded calmly as I looked around for Kadaj, but to no prevail I couldn’t see him.

My searching was cut off as an explosion went off. I covered my face and felt Vincent grab me and shield myself and him with his handy-dandy cloak. I heard several screams and flames erupt from various places.

“Are we having fun yet?” I heard Yazoo question off in the distance.

“The time of my life!” Another voice shouted in rage and made a fighting cry and I assumed a fight started. I peeked through Vincent’s ragged cloak to see the more casual Turk jumping high in the air meeting Yazoo with a punch. Baldy and Loz went at a more modest battle and at a slower speed with various punches, head butts and kicks. I looked up at Vincent who met my gaze. He nodded in the direction to where Tifa was laying on the ground and Denzel started running towards Bahamut Sin.

“Son of a bitch!” He screamed furiously, although I thought the cussing was a little much for an eight year old. Denzel started running towards the summoned monster.

“He’s going to get killed,” I started to sprint towards the boy, but a muscular man with dread locks beet me to it.

A gun formed from his robotic arm as he started to shoot at Bahamut, “You look after mama!” (Sorry, I think that’s what he says =.=’)

Tifa stood up grinning, “Barrett!”

The man turned around, “Marlene better be safe, huh!” Barrett then started running towards the retreating Bahamut Sin. Just then an orange-ish, red-ish blur past him with a ball of fire on its tail and a cat puppet.

“Wait, is that Nanaki?” I shouted surprised that the feline I met while trying to find Cloud was here.

“We can handle this!” Shouted the cat on Nanaki’s, or Red XIII’s, back. Nanaki jumped high into the air shooting a blast at Bahamut, sending the monster towards a construction site.

While looking up at all the action, I noticed a large plane hover over the area and two people jump out of it with their parachutes out. The first to land got covered in the parachute, but quickly pulled it off of her. She smiled for a second and looked back at Tifa, “Alright, who’s been touching my materia?” She questioned her.

Tifa grinned, “The bad guys, naturally.”

“Oooh!” The ninja shouted sprinting towards Bahamut with an over sized shuriken.

“Who’s that?” Denzel asked Tifa. But before Tifa could answer, three shadow creepers leapt at her with their beastly mouths wide opened ready to kill.

“Tifa!” I screamed but relaxed when a middle aged man used a long staff and swiped them away.

“She’s a beaut’!” The man grinned point up at the air craft. “My Shera, the latest model!” He then started running where the ninja ran off earlier. “I’ll give you the grand tour afterwards!”

Vincent then walked off towards the scene as well while I was absorbing everything that was going on, “Hey wait!” I shouted running after him, he looked over his shoulder and I could have swore I saw a small smile, maybe I was just seeing things.

Turning back around Vincent focused on the battle going on, “Where can I buy a phone?” He questioned Tifa. Was he taking my advice on buying a phone or was he being sarcastic? Either way he made his way to the battle scene with me right behind him.

“Hey Tifa!” I waved, “Sorry I didn’t call earlier; Kadaj smashed my phone!”

No one’s POV:

Tifa grinned, “Who’s he?” She looked down at Denzel who just asked the question.

She looked back up, “They’re our friends!”

A motorcycle pulled up to the two of them with Mister Chocobo Head on it, “Marlene’s safe, I took her home.” He started to situate his weapons on his bike, “I feel lighter…”

“Hm?” Tifa questioned slightly confused.

“Maybe I lost some weight, all that dilly dallying,” He responded glancing back at them as Tifa smiled knowing the Cloud was finally beginning to forgive himself.

“I’m going to go and see Marlene, okay?” Denzel said started to head off towards the bar. “We’ll see you there, won’t we Cloud?” He was hopeful that Cloud would come back.

“Mmm,” Cloud nodded causing Denzel to grin. Tifa then mounted the motorcycle behind Cloud and the two drove off towards the fight scene.

Kyra’s POV:

I flipped backwards multiple times on the pillars of the construction avoiding any of Bahamut’s attacks. Leaping towards Bahamut I readied my daggers to pierce through its eyes. It’s “hand” swiped at me before I got the chance and sent me flying into a pillar. I grunted in pain and started to fall to my death. But before I landed, a pair of arms caught me and landed nearby. I looked up to see Cloud and grinned.

“Thanks Cloud,” I cheered as he nodded getting his sword read.

“The hell you’ve been!?” Barrett shouted from below us causing me to laugh lightly.

Just then Bahamut began to flap its wings and another ball of energy formed in its mouth, “It’s going to try and destroy the city,” I shouted started to climb further up the unfinished building.

“Yahoo!” Barrett shouted sending Cloud after Bahamut to try and stop it from getting any higher, but alas he failed and fell backwards.

Luckily, (let’s say Kyra knows their names now) Cid spinned quickly gathering momentum in his staff to send Cloud flying back up. Nanaki and Cait Sith were next to assist Cloud. Nanaki grabbed Cloud’s turtle neck and threw him up with Cait Sith shouting, “Jings! Crivvens!”

Yuffie then flipped out from nowhere and also threw him up with a small grunt to follow. Vincent later soared out and took Cloud’s hand, “Fly!” He shouted at him.

It was Tifa’s turn to support Cloud in this fight, “No giving up!” She encouraged also grabbing his hand.

I looked down at Cloud as he approached me. I leapt out and took his hand looking at him, “You can do this Cloud, I believe in you.” He smiled slightly at me as I threw him up in the air waving as I fell back down to the earth. I tried to land back on the iron, but my aim missed. I gasped slightly and closed my eyes, but someone grabbed my wrist and lifted me back up.

I looked up and saw Zack, “I told you we’d see each other again!” He gave a goofy grin and looked back up to watch Cloud finish off Bahamut. Vincent landed next to me also looking up at the end of Bahamut Sins. I smiled when I saw Aerith there helping him.

“Ready?” She asked Cloud and sent him further up. Cloud’s blade began it emit a blue glow as he shoved the sword through the monster making it run through it as he ran up its body. Once he was at the end he flipped off coming down as Bahamut fell to its death. Cloud also landed next to me on one knee regaining his breath.

Out of nowhere, almost immediately after Bahamut hit the ground, a scream of blind rage was heard. Our heads all shot in the direction to where what looked like Rufus Shinra and Kadaj jumping off a building with an explosion right after them. Cloud and I quickly jumped off the building and mounted onto his motorcycle to chase after what had just occurred. Kadaj looked up at us approaching and mounted his bike with a box in his right arms and drove off with Loz and Yazoo right behind him.

“Cloud! I think he has Jenova’s head!” I shouted at him, causing Cloud to drive faster after the gang of remnants.

The chase began to start on the interstate. Kadaj growled when a sign appeared and ran through it sending it flying back to his brothers and Cloud and I. We both ducked not wanting to be knocked off the bike at this speed and continued the chase. I looked up hearing a helicopter above our heads as it flew over a tunnel. My sight of this flying machine was cut off as we entered a long tunnel. Yazoo turned his bike sideways sending bullets at us. Cloud dodged the bullets quickly. I yelped and tightened my arms around him. Cloud placed a comforting hand on my arms and I could have sworn I heard him laugh at me. The sides of the bike opened revealing Cloud’s massive sword as he removed it. He did it just in time for Yazoo came at him and tried to hit him with Velvet Nightmare. Cloud matched Yazoo’s attack with his sword. While Cloud was distracted Loz punched the ground and circle his motorcycle around using the inhuman strength in his legs and sent the motorcycle flying towards us.

“Hm,” Yazoo backed off smirking at us expecting us to get hit. I closed my eyes tightly and Cloud leapt off his motorcycle and sliced his sword through Loz’s. I moved up on the motorcycle and slowed the bike down, so Cloud would have an easier time landing back on it.

“Thanks,” I muttered to Cloud once he landed behind me.

“Don’t mention it,” He smiled softly and wrapped his arms around me causing a small blush to appear on my cheeks. I then made the motorcycle roar and zoomed past Loz and Yazoo and later the two Turks from earlier.

No One’s POV:

“Hey…Partner? This, uh, thing, have any bite to it?” Reno asked Rude while holding up a bomb.

“Shinra’s technology at its finest,” Rude said with a sense of pride lingering in his voice.

Reno looked over at the other Turk with a smirk, “Oh, so you made this?”

“If nothing else its…flashy,” Rude added with a pause to add a more dramatic effect.

Reno’s smirk grew wider, “Oh, good!”

Rude drew up a lighting device, “I know you’ll like it.” He then lit the bomb and set it closer to the exit of the tunnel.

Reno shifted his weight to one of his legs, “Looks like we’ll be clockin’ out early.”

In the tunnel Loz and Yazoo drove out to see a devise in their way. Reno smirked deviously as it was ignited sending blasts of fireworks everywhere that would kill the average person.

Kyra’s POV:

A blast wave hit the bike making me lose control of the bike making me fly off the road, which actually worked to my advantage for Kadaj was down there. Cloud drew out his sword once more and met with Kadaj’s sword making me flinch slightly. Kadaj pushed away knowing that it would stay like that forever if he didn’t and started driving in the direction of the ruins of the Sector 7 Slums. Cloud and I followed him and lost some control of the bike for the terrain was rough. The bike halted to a stop and we both looked at the Church. Cloud urged me to go on in that direction. I nodded silently and followed Kadaj in the pursuit against him.

No One’s POV:

Kadaj stopped in the middle of the flower bed in the church, “Mother!” A smile appeared on his face as he looked down at the box that he held. However, the smile faded quickly as he saw the box was damaged and a green ouze was leaking out. “Mother?” He questioned afraid that this ‘mother’ was hurt. “Mother!” He cried holding the box close to his chest in utter pain, but soon stopped when he heard a motorcycle right outside of the church. His eyes were filled of the utmost rage that the mother that he had long searched for was hurt.

Kyra’s POV:

‘Is Kadaj crying?’ I thought to myself as I neared the church confused. I peeked through the crack in the door to see him sitting up with a glare on his face. I felt sorry for him, he had no choice in life but to look for mother, he was just a remnant. Cloud placed a hand over mine to start the engine, he seemed impatient and just wanted to get the battle done and over with. The bike reared up and pushed the doors open. Kadaj used some of the materia he stole form Cloud and made a pillar fall over almost crushing Cloud and I if we haven’t jumped off.

I hit my head on the wall making my vision blurry, all I could see was Cloud holding his left arm, that was now sleeveless, over his geostigma. It must have been hurting him really bad for him to be holding it like that. Some blood dripped onto my hand and I looked down at it, my head was bleeding, just great. I wiped some blood off my head and looked over to Kadaj. From what I could tell he had a sinister look and a ball of light fusing in his hand. He laughed and began to move his arm to attack Cloud but was interrupted when a geyser of water shot up into the air. I saw Aerith standing there with a determined look to assist Cloud. I smiled lightly as I started to fade in and out form what was going on as my eyes started to grow heavy.

“Kyra!” Cloud shouted now in front of me. I felt him place his hand on my head, “Kyra, it’s going to be okay.” His voice was shaking and I couldn’t tell why. Maybe it was more serious then I thought.

“Cloud,” I murmured, “Be careful, alright?”

I could feel him nod, “I will, you be there when I get back, alright?”

“It’s a deal. Be careful when Kadaj turns into Sephiroth…Sephiroth knows how you fight more than he did last time. Oh, and it’s not your fault, Cloud,” I looked at him with a soft smile.

He nodded returning the smile, “You know me, Kyra, just as long as you’re okay I won’t blame myself.” It may have been a lie but it was good enough for me, as long as he came back alive. He pulled me into a quick hug and kissed my forehead. Cloud then whispered something into my ear right before I passed out from the damage I took earlier.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I hope you liked it! I actually had time after school to finish it! Hurrah for not having any homework! Anyways, this is the last chapter for it being a normal story. It’s going to split now depending on if you like Cloud or Vincent more. And if you like both then read both stories! I’m also planning on having a different branch of this story that most people wouldn’t expect! It’ll be in this ‘world’ and it takes place after Advent Children! =D I’m excited about it! Anyways, rate and comment! Let me know what you love, like or hate.