I Really Hate Riddles

I Think I'm Gonna Change For You

PUCK pov.

I grabbed a guitar, stepped up to the piano and sighed.

“Well, I guess this is to anyone I've terrorized in the past couple years. Especially Kurt. I'm really, really, sorry for everything I've done to you and I promise to stop. But honestly guys, I'm going to try and be better...Starting now.” I added that last part with a bit of embarrassment, remembering that just before second period I had thrown a slushie at Rachel.

I felt myself blush a little as everyone's eyebrows shot up into their hairlines. Kurt's reaction to my little speech was a half-smile and a slight nod. I'm not quite sure what that means but I'll take it.

'Wow this is really awkward.'

I took a breath and began.

“I am I, you are you, we are we
We could live in such harmony.

Can't you see, apathy, lies beween
We could live in such harmony.

And I am praying for the day
When you an I and he and she are we
When you and I and he and she are we
Humanity will sing harmony.

We start a war, but what's it for? We fight for peace
Peace will find us with harmony

So trade your guns, and fire with doves. We fight for love
And peace will find us with harmony

And I am praying for the day
When you and I and he and she are we
When you and I and he and she are we

Humanity will sing harmony.”

I closed my eyes and sang the last verse and chorus. I really didn't want to know what they would think after this. ' God I hope none of them think I'll do them favors. Well I'd do Kurt favors...'

“So one for all, and all for one, we for we
We could sing in such harmony

I work for you, you work for me, we work for free
And we could sing in such harmony

And I am praying for the day
When you and I and he and she are we
When you and I and he and she are we
Humanity will sing harmony”

When I heard the clapping I opened my eyes to see everyone smiling at me. It was an odd sight. Not even Quinn was scowling at me right now. Maybe I should have tried to do this earlier. I wonder if I'll be allowed to sit at the 'gleek' table now; it would be a nice break from sitting with the jocks at lunch. All they do is plan other peoples torment and mock me for being in 'Homo Explosion.'

I felt a hand clap on my shoulder and turned to smile at Shuester.

“I'm proud of Puck. It's nice to see you trying.” He stepped back and I took that as my signal to go back to my seat.

“Wow, I'm pleased with all of your performances today guys. You really did a good job relating this artists music to your life. We time for one more. How 'bout you Kurt? You look like you want to say something, why not sing it.”

The little kicker slowly stepped down from the risers and just about danced to the piano. I can't believe I never noticed how graceful he is. Or how great his ass looks when he walks.

Kurt gave a sad smile and said, “I choose this because at the moment I feel as if people expect things of me and I'm not sure I can live up to these expectations.” He looked straight at me.

'Is he saying he wants to tell people what happened? Or that he wants to talk to me about it? Does he think I'm expecting something from him? 'Cause I'm really not.'

He began to sing,

“I don't know how to put this right
Except we're screaming at the stoplight now
And I cant breathe

I got the notion through all this commotion
That I was in the wrong
Through trial and error
I found myself putting on things I hate

If I had a dime for every apology,
That was never said I'd be a rich man

Where do we go when no ones home?
Where do we run when I'm alone, alone?
Were do I hide when I'm afraid
Afraid the world is gonna change
Without me?

I stratagize playing tic-tac-toe
And dominoes
Anything to get me through the day

I stratagize playing tic-tac-toe
And dominoes
Anything to get me through the day

This is me trying to live my life
With your standards, your god-awful standards
They wear me down

Where do we go when no ones home?
Where do we run with I'm alone, alone?
Were do I hide when I'm afraid
Afraid the world is gonna change
Without me?

Where do we go when no ones home?
Where do we run with I'm alone, alone?
Were do I hide when I'm afraid
Afraid the world is gonna change
Without me?”

With that, He walked out of the room. Before anyone could say anything the bell rang, all of us began gathering our things and leaving. I must have had a determined expression as no one tried to stop and talk to me. I strutted down the halls sweeping the space with my eyes. Kurt was no where to be seen.

'Where the fuck could he have gone. It's only been like 2 minutes.'

I went outside to check the parking lot but his car was still in the spot.

Rolling my eyes I figured there was only one other place that he might be. The girls bathroom.

'Well this will be fun.'

The sigh that left me came out more as a groan as I contemplated actually going in after Kurt. I didn't even know if he was really in there. I might go in there just to have a bunch of chicks hit me with their lipstick. But I had to find Kurt and talk to him. We had to figure this out. Whatever this was. It isn't like we're best friends or anything and honestly, I don't think anything will come of this. But I refuse to go around wondering how he feels about the kiss. I want to know if I scared him or if he just wants to forget it.

So I raised a hand to my eyes, took a breath to prepare myself, and entered the girls room.
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