Status: Complete

Romeo, Romeo, Grow a Pair, Dear Romeo

Part 4: Cinderella

"We're leaving," my mother, a short, black haired, tan skinned, loud-mouthed woman, announced as she headed towards the large white door of my grandmother's house. The day was through, the hour nearing six thirty. The last day of summer was cool and comfortable. The sky was full of large story-book clouds and the sky was just beginning to fade into night. Sunset, I had discovered hours before, was at seven so the sky was just hinting those desired red and orange colors.

"Coming," I replied as I kissed my grandmother's cheek and rushed off to follow her. I raced down old, wooden stairs of my grandmother's large house to plant my feet on terra firma. I moved my black hair out of my face and looked up, only to find the boy again, sitting on his porch, petting Buddy gently. I looked at my mom and smirked. I had a thought pop into my head that very moment. In retrospect, the thought was actually a crazy whim I shouldn't have acted upon. I had thought it would be a good idea to talk to the boy, already vexed by his silent charm. "I'll be right back," I said to my mother as I walked over to the large blue house. I slowed my pace, feeling nervous for some reason and slipped my hands in my back pockets. "Hi," I said smiling a little at the boy. He looked up at me and stared as if I were a ray of sun. "You live here, right?" He nodded a little without a word. "And, that's your dog?" He again nodded without a word. "I call her Buddy," I said as I started forward, my eyes locked on the dog.

"H-her name is Leigh. Like….Vivian Leigh." I smiled at him, noticing his eyes were stuck on the ground near my feet rather than up at me, and sat down next to Leigh. I rubbed her head gently for a moment before looking at the boy.

"Gone with the Wind is a long-ass movie." I said, making him grin. "Thank goodness," I said with a sigh. "I thought you were going to just frown at me all day." He looked away a little and I bit my lip. "Sorry, I shouldn't assume everyone smiles as much as I do. I'm not sure what else to do if I don't smile." He looked at me boldly for the first time.

"It's…It's a nice smile." He said softly. I smiled so wide it felt like my face split open, a faint blush on my cheeks, and pet the dog mindlessly.

"Thanks," I murmured. "I'm sure if you smiled more, yours would be nice too." I said as I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He smirked, his cheeks a pale pink.

"Leah!" I jumped at the sound of my mother's stentorian voice rupturing the silence, and looked at the boy apologetically.

"Sorry, I'll be right back." I said as I walked to my mother's car. "Hey," I said as she rolled down her window. She glared at me with her brown eyes that were like mine only, scarier and more intimidating, and I swallowed down the lie I had to tell her. "I'm going to walk Mrs. Wright's dog. She said she doesn't feel very well." My mother stared for a moment, trying to crack me but soon gave up and nodded none the less.

"Come right home after." She instructed. I nodded and smiled at her before kissing her cheek.

"I'll be done in about a half an hour." I said as I started across the street. She pulled out of the driveway and sped off, the sound of her engine keeping the peacefulness of the final day of summer disrupted. I walked around the gray truck and saw the boy staring at his feet awkwardly, his hands fidgeting around. I wondered what he was so nervous about. He had nothing to worry about. At least nothing from me. I bit my lip before moving to sit down next to him. He looked up at me with a sudden hesitance "Would you like walk Buddy with me?" He looked at me, his own brown eyes seeming timid and fearful. What was he so terrified of? Me? He looked down at the dog, who placed her head in my lap, before clenching his jaw a few times.

"I don't even know your name," he said softly, as if it were some sort of apology to me, while looking up at me, his brown eyes shining dimly in the dull orangey haze.

"It's Leah," I said politely as I held out my hand to shake his.

"Patrick." He replied as he took my hand gently before letting it go. I stood and stared down at him.

"How's that walk sounding?" I asked. He stood up silently, reaching a few inches taller than me. He made my stomach flip; I loved tall guys. I stared up at him, his brown eyes leering into my own. His lips were pulled back in a grin--the largest one I had seen out of him all day.

"I'd love to go for a walk." He said shyly before looking down at Buddy. I smiled down at her as well and moved away from Patrick to start down the street. He followed after me while Buddy walked between us. "So, Leah…." he said carefully. I looked at him casually. He didn't say anything. Just let the words hang and confuse me.

"Yes?" I prompted, fighting a laugh.

"Sorry," he said quickly, glancing my way suddenly as his cheeks flushed. "I just…" He laughed a little--a sound that seemed nice and quiet-- before looking at me. "Never mind." I chuckled at his strange demeanor and looked down at Buddy.

"Now that he smiles," I said to her. "I sort of miss his handsome scowl." Buddy barked loudly and I glanced up at Patrick. He fought a grin as he shook his head at me.

"You're a lot funnier than I thought you'd be." He said as we walked down the hill of asphalt towards the large peninsula that was the Pumping Station.

"You didn't know I was funny?" I asked as I looked up and down the streets to check for cars, though there were few on that street anyway, before crossing. "I'm the funniest person you'll ever meet!"

"Tell me a joke," he demanded with a smirk.

"What do you call a penny in the gutter?" I asked him.


"A dirty penny." He smirked before laughing.

"That was awful!" he proclaimed loudly. I grinned and shrugged.

"So I don't have an official punch line as of yet. I'm working on it! And! It did make you laugh." I pointed out as I held up a finger to him.

"Try again." He ordered gently, his smile broad and spread across his face. So I sighed and rubbed the back of my head.

"Alright alright. What did the Island Gobbling Sea Monster say?" Patrick shook his head and stared at me.


"These islands are Philippine me up! I need Samoa Tahiti!" He grinned and shook his head at me again.

"You are not funny at all." He said as he kept an eye on Buddy, who was way ahead of us, frolicking in the grass. I pouted a little and crossed my arms before stopping where I was. He turned to look at me and in all my stubbornness, I stared at him defiantly.

"I am too funny." I said as I stuck out my tongue. He smiled at me and I looked away from him at the water. The sun was a burnt red color, tainting the sky around it an orange and crimson color. The water was sprinkled with the light of the sun but the blue was still dominant. The ocean was fairly calm, the waves disturbing the reflection of the sinking sun only slightly. The blue of the water, however, was fading to a deep black and it seemed…empty some how. Like though the water was there and there was sand below it, it felt like if you had just stepped in it, you'd go on for miles and miles. I loved watching the ocean and wishing to get away from the small town I lived in.

"Leah?" Patrick asked softly, his hand touching my shoulder. I looked at him and smiled a little.

"Sorry," I said as I walked towards the grassy hill. "I like looking at the scenery. In a movie once, the main character said, 'When you get old, all you want to do is look at the scenery'. I know I'm not old but we all have those days you know?" I looked back at him and he seemed lost. I forced a laugh. "Sorry, I blame the books I read for making me so depressing." I sat down, my jean-covered legs laying out straight in front of me. I leaned back on my arms and watched Buddy run around in the fading light. He sat down too, his arms on his knees. I hadn't noticed that he wore jeans too. Loose ones that most guys wore and a black t-shirt that had some name on it I hadn't really gotten a chance to see.

"Sunsets are beautiful," he said softly as if trying to make me feel better about my strange thoughts. I nodded and looked at him, my chin resting on my left shoulder.

"A lot of things are beautiful. I only wish I had more chances to see them." He smiled and looked away, as if he had something to say but was too afraid to say it. I turned my head before looking at Buddy again, who was jumping around chasing a butterfly or something at the bottom of the hill.

"What made you come over?" asked Patrick suddenly. I looked at him again and shrugged.

"I'm not going to be around anymore and I wanted to say goodbye to her." I looked at Buddy and smiled. "She's a great dog and I'll really miss her. I used to have a dog but she ran away."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I smiled a little and nodded, staring at the sky ahead of us. This part of the sky was already a blend of purple bleeding into the blues of night time. Dusk was the best time of the night.

"Me too," I said. "But it's OK. It was a long time ago." Patrick was silent and I moved a little to lay down horizontally on the hill.

"What are you doing?" he asked. I looked at him, lifting my head to do so, and smiled wickedly.

"I'm going to roll down this hill." I said casually as I lowered my head, squeezed my eyes shut and let myself roll. At the bottom, I was giggling like crazy and when I looked up, Patrick was coming down too. I moved aside, Buddy already climbing all over me. She licked my face and I had to push her away to stare at Patrick as he laid on the ground, face up and eyes closed, breathing hard. Buddy and I moved to stare down at him. "Psst," I whispered, making his eyes fly open. I smiled at him and stared into those big eyes. "You're not supposed to pass out after you roll. You're supposed to laugh." He swallowed, his chest rising and falling harder than before. "Are you okay?" I asked, moving closer, my hand resting on his neck to find his pulse. He moved my hand aside gently and smiled while sitting up.

"It was just…..déjà vu." He said softly as he leaned close. I stared at him, confused as to what he was thinking about. He licked his pink lips before stopping just inches from my face. "You're a lot prettier up close." I felt my cheeks begin to heat and my eyes fly open.

"P-Patrick," I stammered. He placed his hand on my cheek, his smile fading.

"You're not a dream," he whispered, almost as if to himself. "You're real." He looked into my eyes and I stared back.

"Are you alright, Patrick?" He nodded and let his hand drop. He stood, turning away from me to head up the hill. He looked back and smiled a little.

"Are you coming or are you going to sit there?" he asked. I stood and walked over to him, staring at him as if he were crazy.

"You sure you're alright?" I asked him, making him nod. He stared at me for a long moment before nodding again.

"I'm great." He said smiling at me. His eyes were so beautiful at that moment. His smile was so handsome. I didn't know it then but he loved me. He and I had just met but he loved me. I didn't feel the same way at first, hell I didn't even like him like that at first, but he…Patrick was--is--a man who can change you. Now a days, I don't see him since our paths have changed but if I did, if I could, I would probably feel the same now as I did then. I wish with all my heart I will find him again, just to see if maybe he'd still like me too. How many years have gone by, you ask? A lot of years. Probably as many as you've been alive. Patrick is the first person I loved in my entire life.

Loving someone is easy, really. Just give them all of who you are and expect nothing in return. That way, when they give it, you'll appreciate it so much more. Patrick taught me that. Now, I'm all grown up and have many chances to find someone else, I'm sure he has done the same, but Patrick and I….well, we had our summer and now, we can have a summer with someone else. My timid Romeo standing by a broken Cinderella.