Mielisairas Rakkaus - a Crazy Dudesons Love Story

The Party

It took three days for Nikki to heal up enough to leave her bed. She still had trouble moving around, and was very sore, but refused to stay in bed any longer; she needed to pull her weight around the house. She also needed to distract herself from her own life. What better way to do that than to clean up after the Dudesons while listening to them try and convince you that it was unnecessary?

In the days she had been with the Dudesons after the beating, Dave had fired and replaced her and Lynn with Sarah and her best friend, and Squint and Lynn had moved into a small place in town with a little financial help from the guys. Also, the friendship Nikki had with Jukka, Jarppi, Jarno, and HP had grown more than she could believe, especially with HP.

He had stayed with her for most of the time. The others stayed a lot too, but he for the most part refused to leave her side. Even when she tried her hardest to convince him to go play with his friends when they were going to build a flying machine, but instead he stayed to make sure she was all right. Which was a good thing because that day he was there to help her when she fell, “Holding her through the pain” as Lynn so often put it.

Since it was a nice day out, they decided to sit outside in some lawn chairs, as she told him all about her life before Finland. “So then we decided it was a great idea to play Naked Twister. You have no idea how awkward it is when the cops crash your door in, led by your brother, to ‘arrest’ everyone for one of his pranks. You’re in a group of five guys and six girls, and everyone’s in the buff and in a pile in the floor because we fell. I don’t think I have seen one of Dave’s pranks ever go so… perfectly, strangely, wrong.” She laughed. “Why did your friends decide to play that?” he asked. “I have no idea! We got bored, and back then bored and drunk meant somebody got naked for some odd reason, that nobody knows. That night it just meant we all were naked. The best thing, though, was that we all ended up dancing to ‘Pretty Fly (for A White Guy)’ after. Even the cops were dancing, and yes we were still naked.” She giggled, laughing at her memory of everyone completely nude jumping around singing that song, with the cops in their uniforms trying very hard not to look at the naked men who were jumping closer and closer just to make it awkward. Looking back, it was a very gay thing to see, but at the time it was totally straight and a wonderful idea.

That was one of her best memories of Dave. Not only had he joined in a prank war, and won, he acted like everything that happened was normal and was one of them for once. Instead of thinking they were trashy, whorish, and below him. Because it was such a fond memory though, it only made her miss him more.

HP noticed the change in her and put his arm around her shoulders. “He won’t talk to me. I call, and call, and he doesn’t answer. When he does he says he’s busy and hangs up. I know I screwed up, HP, but I really did think that if I told him it would somehow make it better. Instead I lost my big brother.” She sighed. “It will be okay. Everything will work out.” He assured. “He is the only family I have left. Now I don’t have anyone.” She whimpered, shaking her head and leaning away from him in an attempt to hide her tears.

“You have four crazy Finnish guys! And Lynn and Squint aren’t far away. Only because we are not related by blood, doesn’t mean you can’t be our family.”

She tried to get up and leave but from the angle she was sitting at it only sent pain shooting around her torso from the bruising of Jason’s beating. “Be careful!” he ordered, catching her before she fell and holding her as she started crying again. “I can’t do this anymore,” she whispered, trying not to let her voice convey her emotions, but it failed miserably. “Yes you can. Come on, the guys are back from picking up our friends.” He nodded and helped her back into the house so she could go to her room and recompose herself before going out to see Squint and Lynn; she didn’t want them to know she had been crying, even though they would probably figure it out anyway.

She was highly confused when she heard several male voices outside the door she didn’t recognize. “Jukka! Tell your friend that if he makes that joke one more time, I’ll bash his soul in!” Lynn bellowed, followed by laughter from what sounded like a whole crowd of people.

Nikki decided it best to stay in the room after hearing how many friends they had brought over. She thought they were just going to get Lynn and Squint, but instead they had gotten at least six other people, but it was starting to sound like more.

“Bam don’t you dare!” a woman ordered just outside the door. “Oh chill out, Ape.” He laughed, followed by a knock at the door that made Nikki jump. “Hey, anybody in there? Jarppi said there was a new Dudeson living here!” he shouted. “I… uhm, he lied. I’m not a Dudeson. Sorry.” She answered quickly. “Well are you joining the party? It’s in your honor!” he replied. “N-no, sorry.” She answered and ignored him until he left. She didn’t want to join a party with so many people. She hadn’t partied like that in a long time, and wasn’t sure she was ready to go back into a situation like that.

Eventually he left, and she was able to lie in bed, listening to the party, which sounded destructive. A lot of things she heard reminded her of the parties she used to attend with Jason, and part of her wanted to go out there. She wanted there to be drugs and someone to take her to bed and make her forget about everything that had happened. She wanted to get so drunk she couldn’t remember who she was anymore. She wanted so much to forget about Jason, and her bruises, and Dave.

“Nikki, the party is ending without you out here… we’re all getting kind of worried about you.” Squint explained after knocking on the door and ripping her from her thoughts. She listened for a little while and realized that he was right, the party really was quiet. “I really don’t feel good, Squint. Just crack open the drinks and play some games… the guys can come up with something, I’m sure.” She replied.

“Oh hell no, open up!” Lynn shouted, picking the lock when she refused. “Arms.” She demanded, not bothering to close the door. “I haven’t been cutting, Lynn. Jukka took all the razors and hid them.” She sighed while pulling up her sleeves. “You haven’t been drinking either… come on. You need to have some fun, Nikki. You’re falling into depression and it isn’t good for you. We’re worried about you, even Bam and his friends and family is worried about you. The guys put this party together to welcome you to the family and make you feel better, the least you can do is attend.” She sighed.

“They really did all that, for me?” she asked flatly, not believing a word of it. “Yeah we did.” Jarno answered from somewhere in the living room. “If you need help to get out here, we can always carry you again.” Jukka reminded. “No, Jukka, I’ll attend!” she laughed, still wincing at the pain from her bruising, and very slowly stood up. “Get her a beer ready!” Squint shouted happily as she limped past him, taking one from Bam Margera himself.

He looked somewhat offended when she quickly brushed past him and ignored his very existence, but she couldn’t help it. Jason was a huge fan, and for that she didn’t like him; he reminded her of Jason. “Don’t take it personally, she’s been through a lot lately. Right now she just needs a case, and a good laugh.” Lynn sighed, patting him on the shoulder before jumping onto Jarno’s back and sending him and his camera crashing to the ground. “Payback for the outhouse prank earlier.” She smirked and sat comfortably on the couch.

“So this is Nikki?” a blonde woman asked with a smile. “This is Nikki.” Jukka nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Ape. The guys have told us a lot about you.” She smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” She smiled, shaking her hand awkwardly. “Yeah, a chick Dudeson… who would’ve thought?” Bam smirked. “I told you, I’m not a Dudeson. I don’t do the stunts, I don’t help with the filming, I avoid editing like the plague, the only thing I do is keep the house clean.” She frowned.

“Okay, subject change! Who needs another drink?” Lynn shouted, knowing that Bam and Nikki were going to start fighting if someone didn’t distract them. “Yeah,” Nikki nodded and was handed two.

After that the party went on without a problem. Bam and his crew made a huge mess of things with the guys, Lynn and Nikki sent the guys on three beer runs, since everyone was drinking heavily and the girls didn’t want to leave the house, and Nikki and Bam actually started getting along. She did punch him in the gut though for the way he treated Ape during one of their jokes; she hated when people treated their mothers without respect, since she knew what it was like not to have one.

Everything was great until Bam, and his friends Dico, and Raab got into a wrestling match. Nikki was standing in a corner talking with HP, Jukka, and Ape when they crashed into her from behind, sending near-unbearable pain throughout her body as she was knocked forward into Jukka. She instantly cried out as their fight ended, struggling to hold back her tears as Jukka and HP calmed and comforted her, Ape scolded her son and his friends, and the party stopped momentarily.

“I’m fine… I’m fine, it’s okay, I’m okay.” She breathed as Jukka and HP helped keep her standing. “We didn’t hit you that hard, did we?” Bam asked blankly. “You didn’t tell them?” she asked her friends in shock. “It wasn’t our business to tell.” Jukka shrugged. She smiled at him before turning to the others and lifting her shirt enough to show the wrap-around bruises.

Everyone who didn’t know yet gasped and stared in shock. “What the hell happened?” Dico asked, still staring wide-eyed at her stomach, which was green, purple, and blue. “My ex-boyfriend,” she sighed, “but it’s okay, really. I think between Lynn beating the life out of him, Jukka punching out my brother, and Squint keying his sister’s car, things are taken care of.” She smiled. “That’s not okay.” Bam frowned. “Sure it is.” Squint shrugged, “They aren’t together anymore. That makes everything okay!”

“No, what makes everything okay is Jarno got his second beating on tape!” Lynn cheered. “What second beating?” Nikki asked confusedly. “They didn’t show you?” Squint laughed. “She was asleep when they came, and then we forgot to show her because we were trying to build a time machine.” Jarno admitted. “Okay, well what happened was Jason decided to come here and take you back.” Lynn giggled. “Take me back?” Nikki asked blankly. “As if he was the one to cut it off last anyway!” Squint howled. “Yeah, take you back. Anyways, when they wouldn’t let him anywhere near you, he started saying some things, and then he tried to hit Jarppi. He missed, got clocked, went down, and then tried again. That time Jukka got a hold of him because he got Jarppi’s nose. Jason left bleeding, cursing, and limping. It was awesome.” She laughed. “And you taped it all, Jarno?” Nikki beamed. “As soon as he saw it was Jason at the door, he had the camera aimed and focused on him.” Jukka grinned. “I fucking love you guys.” She sighed, carefully walking over to the couch and sitting between Jarppi and Phil, Bam’s dad.

“Sorry he hit you.” She sighed, leaning her head on Jarppi’s shoulder; she was finally starting to feel the several drinks she had had. “I’m not sorry I hit him.” He laughed. She nodded and closed her eyes, whimpering quietly. “Are you okay?” he asked seriously. “My body hurts still,” she sighed.

“Do you want to go lay down?”

“No… I’ll be okay. Just a few more drinks is all.” She chuckled and forced herself off the couch, weaving through the party to snag another beer.

“Woah, slow down, you’ll get sick.” Dunn frowned as he walked up behind her after a few minutes in the kitchen. “Not yet I won’t.” she laughed, swaying where she stood. She was reaching a dangerous level of intoxication for her, right about now is where her logical mind started to quiet and her impulsive mind took over. “Come on, I think you’ve had enough.” He pushed, watching as she downed the entire contents of the bottle. She nearly toppled over, so he put his arms around her to steady her, but she had other ideas for their position and started kissing him.

“Uhm…” he frowned awkwardly, holding her up but away from him enough so that she wasn’t trying to get in his pants anymore. “What’s going on?” HP asked as he joined them, after seeing them and thinking he was the one initiating the kiss. “She’s drunk, really drunk.” He explained as she pulled away from him and fell into HP’s arms. “Nikki, I think it is time for you to get some sleep.” He sighed. “Only if you come with me,” she smirked drunkenly. He sighed again and helped her walk to the room that was once his. “Be careful with her, I don’t want to have to kill you!” Lynn laughed. “We aren’t going to be doing that!” he replied sternly and shut the door.

As soon as the door was closed she was kissing him and pulling him towards the bed. He really didn’t want to deny her, but he couldn’t take her like this. He knew it was wrong and that she would regret it; he didn’t want to hurt her like that.

She looked so small and broken when he pulled away and looked at her while she sat on the bed looking up at him with drunken, confused eyes. “You need to have some sleep.” He sighed, guiding her to lay down before covering her with the blanket. When he turned to leave though, she caught him by the hand and held tight. She had tears in her eyes when he looked back at her, and he knew he couldn’t leave her. It would only damage her more in the state she was in, something had set her off during the party.

Lynn had told him all about the things that could set her off, and the outcome they led to. During her binges after Jason left, the usual result was sex with a stranger, bruises, and fresh cuts along her arms and legs. She didn’t like to be alone, ever. When she was this heavily drunk, it was a near phobia; that’s why she would go with those men. Be it to their house, her house, a hotel, their car, the bathroom at the party, or the alley out back, she wasn’t going alone, and they always promised that they loved her and wouldn’t leave her. In the end though, they only lied to get laid, and most of the time were gone before she woke up.

With a sigh he sat down on the bed beside her and held her hand, talking with her until she passed out, which was only a few minutes. He stayed with her that hight, falling asleep in an awkard, half sitting, half laying, trying very hard not to lay across her, position, since if he moved his hand, she would wake up.
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I'm stating right now, this will *not* be a romance fiction for Bam.