Mielisairas Rakkaus - a Crazy Dudesons Love Story

Meeting The Family

After an hour of waiting in the airport, most reiently spent in silence, Squint’s shrill cry announced the arrival of his brother. However, it wasn’t his brother’s name he was sobbing as he sunk to the floor.

“James! Oh James, don’t cry!” an older woman with dark hair cried as she knelt beside him, kissing his head and rocking him gently as he hugged her back, crying twice as hard. “Mommy,” he whimpered as they held each other. “I missed you too, James.” She laughed through her tears.

Twelve years. It had been twelve years since she had seen her son, and here he was crying in her arms, and calling her “Mommy” as if nothing had happened between them.

“Jamie!” a redheaded man beamed once their mother finally released him, grabbing him by the back of the hair and pulling him into a tight hug. “I missed you so much, you have no idea!” he sighed while suffocating him. “I missed you, too… Jim-Jim.” Squint cried, continuing to break down through the reunion as a beautiful young woman with strawberry blonde hair joined them, smiling with tears in her eyes.

“Jamie, this is my wife-to-be, Jill.” He smiled, putting his arm around the woman and pulling her into the hug. “N-nice to, meet, you.” He sniffled.

“Jamie, James, it sounds so weird… I almost forgot what his real name was.” Lynn laughed quietly to Nikki, who was watching with tears of her own threatening to spill. “I know, but I’m so happy for him!” she beamed, watching as a fourth stranger ran up to them.

“I take one piss, and get abandoned in the airport! What is that shit?!” he demanded harshly. “Watch your mouth, Jackson.” Squint’s mother ordered harshly. “Jack?” he gasped, staring wide-eyed at the newest addition to their party.

“Holy Christ, Jamie?!”

“Jack!” Squint squealed, tackling his other brother in another emotional hug.

“Okay, can we meet your family now? Please? Pretty please with a bunny on top?” Lynn begged. “Only if the bunny is dressed in blue, and knows how to fly an airplane.” He teased, knowing that comment would make Nikki giggle. He was right, she did.

“Okay. Mom, Jim, Jill, Jack, these are my friends, and basically I see them all as family, Nikki, Lynn, Dave, HP, Jarno, Jarppi, and Jukka. Jukka, Jarno, Jarppi, Nikki, HP, Dave, and Lynn, this is my Mom, Michelle, my brothers Jim, and Jack, and Jim’s wife-to-be, Jill.” He introduced, pointing to each person in turn. Everyone exchanged hellos, and nice-to-meet-yous before breaking into their own excited conversations with each other.

They had only been speaking for a few minutes when Jukka cried out in pain, and fell to the ground. “Holy shit, Bam Margera!” Jim gasped, staring wide-eyed at the skater who sat proudly on Jukka’s back. “In the flesh!” he grinned.

“You know, you look a lot like a friend of mine… who happens to be standing beside you.” He announced. “Bam, this is my brother Jim. And that, is my other brother Jack.” Squint introduced. “Jim, Jack, and Squint?” Dunn questioned. “Jim, Jack, and James actually.” The three brothers corrected in unison.


“Yeah.” They answered together, making everyone laugh. “Eleven years, and you still share a brain.” Michelle smiled with tears in her eyes. “Forever and always.” Squint nodded, quickly wiping away his own.

“So, you’re friends with Bam Margera?” Jim questioned his brother excitedly. “There’s no hiding that your brother’s a fan, Squint.” Nikki laughed, leaning her head back on HP’s chest as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. “No, I-I mean, I,” he struggled, blushing lightly as Jill leaned her head on his shoulder and laced their fingers together. “She’s messing with her best friend’s big brother, that’s all baby. That cute blush of yours just let her win.” She smirked.

“I like her!” Lynn nodded. “Me too!” Jim grinned, pulling Jill closer to him.

“Well, we should get going. We’ve got lots to do, I’m getting married tomorrow!” Jim announced excitedly, kissing Jill deeply just because he could. Nikki’s smile instantly fell as she tightened her grip on HP’s hands, keeping his arms firmly wrapped around her. “Uh-oh, someone doesn’t wanna say goodbye!” Bam teased as he watched them.

“Wait, you two are actually together now!” Dunn announced. “Yeah,” they answered together. “Awe, how cute!” Bam cooed, but he couldn’t help feel that short stab of jealousy against HP; he still liked Nikki.

“I will see you in a few days; you aren’t leaving back to Finland without us.” HP whispered into her ear, making her shiver with the way his breath tickled the skin on her neck. “I don’t want to wait a few days… maybe I can bring you as my date to the wedding.” She suggested hopefully, but Bam shot her down announcing that they had some business to do and big plans at Castle Bam that couldn’t wait.

“Dude, why are you so clingy now? You two have been apart before for more than a couple days before, what’s going on?” Lynn asked as she walked over to them, but Nikki didn’t get the chance to answer because Bam was already pulling their luggage away. “I have to go, Nikki. Be careful.” HP sighed, kissing her on the cheek before releasing her. “Hey, that wasn’t a good goodbye kiss!” she pouted, pulling him back by the wrist to kiss him properly.

Their short goodbye kiss was just about to turn into a full-blown makeout session when Lynn and Squint pryed her away from him, and carried her off while Bam and Jukka did the same with HP.

“I know it’s not much, but it’s home at least, right?” Jack smiled to Nikki, trying to cheer her up once they reached Michelle’s house. Squint couldn’t take notice of her sudden change in personality as he ran around the home he grew up in, checking out all of the rooms and nearly screaming in glee when he found his dad sitting in his old bedroom, which hadn’t been changed a bit.

“I love it.” She smiled, trying to convince him but it wasn’t working. “Look, I know how it is to be in love with someone, and have to say goodbye for a while, but it’s only a few days. What’s really so wrong that you need him at every moment?” he asked, not sounding judging, or offencive, but simply curious. Actually, he sounded just like Squint. “It’s a long story. Basically, my last relationship was really bad, and I’ve been having dreams about it lately that make it really hard to get back to sleep.” She explained awkwardly. “Oh… well, I’m a late night gamer, so if you ever have a nightmare and feel like shooting someone while you’re here, I have every Ghost Recon game ever released.” He grinned and walked off.

That evening the girls all went out to buy Lynn and Nikki something to wear to the wedding, while Dave and Squint went with Jack, Jim, and Squint’s dad, Jay to get suits.

“Forgive me, but Jay, Jim, Jack, and James?” Dave asked finally, unable to contain the question any longer. “They wanted to name their first son after him. But, they got three, so they decided to name us all with names that start with J.” Jim explained with a shrug. “Don’t feel bad, everyone asks that.” Jack laughed while giving Squint the suit he was to try on.

“So how’d he get the nickname ‘Squint’?” Jay asked curiously. “Because he’s just so little! We have to squint to see him in group pictures.” Dave laughed. “Hey now! We’re the same height!” Jack pouted. “Sadly, so are we.” Jim frowned. “Sorry,” Dave giggled and went to try on his suit as well.

Nikki and Lynn tried on every dress in the store before they found their perfect outfits. Complete with new makeup, shoes, underwear, jewlery, and hair accessories. “I wish HP was going to be able to see me wearing all this.” Nikki sighed as they drove home after their hours long shopping trip. “He’s going to. I’m a demanding bride, and what I want I get.” Jill grinned from her place beside her in Michelle’s van.

“I’m sorry?”

“Jim is a huge fan of Bam Margera. We tease him a little about his man-crush, but the truth is, he’s a pretty good skater who admires another skater. Your boyfriend is friends with him, my future husband’s brother is friends with him, so I want him at the wedding.”

“That’s a mistake.” Lynn warned.

“Yeah, with Bam and HP, will come at least Jukka, Jarppi, Jarno, and one or two of Bam’s friends. If not the whole crew.” Nikki agreed.

“How bad can it be? He’s just another skater, and your friends seemed nice. I’m sure they won’t be that bad.”

“Dude, they built a rocket out of a van and tried to launch it to mars.” Nikki laughed. “They also blew up the car Nikki crashed, just to make her feel better.” Lynn beamed.

“They’re crazy, and Jukka said that Bam and his friedns are just as crazy, so just that you’re warned.”

Jill fell silent for a few seconds before handing Nikki her cell phone. “Here, call your boyfriend and tell him and all of his friends to go buy suits. Bridezilla demands they attend her wedding.” She winked. This was going to be fun.
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Big thanks to NikkiSuomi, TheOneWhoWill, and my good friend Allie!! You three are the only ones who read this story I think hahahaha.

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