Mielisairas Rakkaus - a Crazy Dudesons Love Story

The Wheelchair Surprise!

“So when are you all going back to Finland?” Ape asked as everyone sat at the breakfast table together, for once having a semi-civilized meal, because Nikki wasn’t feeling well. “We would like to stay until Nikki is out of the wheelchair, at least.” Jarppi nodded. “Yeah, I don’t want her trying to get around the airports and everything in that chair.” Dave agreed.

“Then stay! There’s plenty of room here!” Bam shouted, making Nikki jump and wince at the pain it caused in her leg. “I’m sorry,” he frowned as a few tears built in her eyes and she bit her lip while HP comforted her. “It’s okay,” She grunted, “I haven’t taken any meds so it REALLY hurts right now.”

“The reason I was asking, is I was going to grocery shopping, and wanted to know how much of everything I should get.” Ape explained. “I’ll go with you. I’m sure you need help getting so much food… I’ve seen these guys ‘eat’… most of the food ends up on the walls.” Nikki volunteered, but was shot down by Jarno because of her “condition”.

“Nikki, do you want your medicine now? You’ve eaten so it shouldn’t make you sick.” HP asked, pulling the bottle from his pocket when she nodded and held her hand out as everyone else went out to play. “I know you aren’t happy about the wheelchair, but you need to heal yourself before you go out and get hurt again.” He sighed, but she still pouted and gave him the silent treatment until he kissed her neck and made her giggle. “See, I knew you weren’t mad at me.” He smirked and wheeled her into the living room for some video games. If she couldn’t break things outside, she could destroy him in Ninja Boxing.

“Okay guys, she’s obviously bummed.” Dunn sighed as they all set up their stunt outside. “Yeah, what can we do about it though? She’s stuck in a wheelchair… she’s just lucky to still have her fucking foot! I don’t know how to make her any better.” Bam retorted, annoyed by his defeat.

“Hey, she has Nurse HP for that.” Squint laughed before laughing harder at the grin that formed on Lynn’s face. She whispered something to Jarppi who got the same grin and started laughing. “What the hell guys?” Dave frowned. “We are going to get HP a nurses costume!” she squeaked quietly and pulled Bam by the hair to his hummer, ordering him to drive them somewhere to get his costume.

When they came home, six hours later, not only did they have a nurses dress, hat, and white heels for HP, but a very special surprise for Nikki as well to cheer her up.

“Hey! Where’s Nikki?” Dico demanded as they all burst through the door. “She is sleeping, I carried her up to the bed so she could be comfortable.” HP answered, “I was just going back up to check on her.”

“Well bring her back down! We have a surprise for you guys!” Lynn ordered and pushed him in the direction of the stairs. “No wait! Put this on first!” Jukka laughed, and gave him his costume. HP instantly started laughing and protesting, but quickly lost and changed into the nurse’s dress before going up to fetch Nikki.

“Wake up now, they’re back and have a surprise for us.” He explained softly after gently waking her up.

“What is it?” she groaned, not noticing the tight white dress that graced her lover’s body yet.

“I don’t know yet. Come on.” He laughed and picked her up to carry her down to their friends.

When they got down to the bottom of the stairs, Nikki and HP started laughing so hard poor Nikki nearly was dropped. Everyone was in their own wheelchairs, and rolling around trying to do tricks and stunts, and crashing into each other. There was a HUGE pile of art supplies covering the dining room table, too. “You guys!” She laughed as HP carefully put her into her own chair.

“We didn’t think it was very fair to keep you singled out like that, so now we are ALL in chairs!” Squint beamed. “Well, except for HP, who is our nurse.” Bam shrugged.

That was when Nikki noticed her lover’s clothing. “Ohh, roleplay!” she applauded, letting their joke against HP fail as it was made clear that he would be getting lucky while one of them wore that dress.

“Well before this goes from celebration to our cameras filming porn,” Bam coughed, “Let’s decorate these chairs!”

“Is that what the craft stuff is for?” Nikki questioned excitedly.

“Yep! The chair you have just isn’t you, Nikki. You need something that screams ‘NIKKI SITS HERE!’ not ‘Someone got hurt and I carry them around.’” Squint beamed as HP pushed her to the table before helping her into a chair so that she could decorate her wheelchair.

Four hours of arts and crafts later not only was each chair decorated to INSANE levels, but glitter, sequins, feathers, googley eyes, pom poms, cotton puffs, felt, and glue was EVERYWHERE, right along with paint, and Sharpie.

“Well, what do we do while this shit dries?” Raab questioned.

“Clean it up before Ape finds this mess.” Nikki answered with a laugh, making everyone groan. “Seriously, it isn’t fair to make her clean everything up like that. When the cameras are rolling, Bam, you treat your mother like shit. She won’t be here forever, and when she’s gone you can’t take this back.” She sighed.

Bam nodded and ordered everyone to clean up while he answered the door, since Ville had come knocking. He would have stayed in Castle Bam with everyone else but there wasn’t much room with the Dudesons, Dave, Lynn, Squint, and Nikki.

“How are you feeling today?” he asked after greeting his friend and claiming an empty seat beside Nikki on the couch HP had carried her to. “Sore, but that’s okay. I’ve been hurting for days so this is nothing.” She laughed, but no one else thought it was funny. “Hey Nurse, can she take some more pills yet?” Dave demanded, making HP sigh as he checked his watch. “In two horus she can.” He answered, rolling his eyes when he was handed a set of heels to go with his costume.

Once the chairs dryed, everyone in the house, even HP, was wheelchair bound. HP didn’t get to decorate his chair, it was already done for him to go with the costume theme. Nikki felt a lot better not being the only one left out of the games, and Ville had taken to pushing her around while Bam and the others cornered HP using their chairs like bumper cars against him.

“If they come after me, kick them, please.” She pleaded while watching the merciless attack against HP. “Of course.” He chuckled while Bam was flipped out of his chair, and nearly run over by Lynn. Squint kicked Dave over, who grabbed his wheels and tipped him into Rake’s lap before he was pushed onto the floor. Nikki was laughing the entire time, for once feeling like a member of the group again since she got out of the hospital.

“So tell me, how did this happen? I was told that you had broken your ankle, but Bam didn’t go into how it happened at all. He said you were hit by a train and then changed the subject.” Ville questioned, since she still seemed left out, even though they were TRYING to include her, and HP was still caught by Lynn, Squint, and Dico saying that he was getting whipped and needed to get his balls out of Nikki’s pocket.

“I WAS hit by a train,” she laughed, “There was a little boy on the tracks, and he was pushing his baby brother in a stroller, and it got stuck. The train was coming and no one would let his parents get to him because they knew it wouldn’t happen in time; they would just die too. I was able to get past, and pushed him while grabbing the baby, but the train hit my foot. It was almost knocked off, but they were able to attach everything. We’re hoping that it all heals the right way and it will be a normal foot again. I’ll be able to walk again, and run, and snowboard with HP… well, learn to anyway.”

“I don’t mean to deny your optimistic views, but what if it doesn’t heal properly? That is a very serious injury, what if your foot…” he trailed off, not knowing how to word what he was trying to say.

“Ends up like Jarppi’s thumb?”


“Then… I don’t know.” She sighed, looking down at the cast, which had been signed by EVERYONE, “He said he would be there no matter what happens with it… but I won’t be very good as a part of the Dudesons with one foot. He keeps saying that I am officially the first Woman Dudeson in his opinion, but we all know I’m not a Dudeson. There are four, will always be four, and with one foot I’m hardly someone to be taken along on their adventures.” She laughed.

“He won’t leave you because you lost your foot saving two young lives. If anything, he will love you more.” He smiled.

“For someone so EMO, you seem to know a lot about love.” She joked.

“I’ve been there, and back, and there again.” He shrugged as HP walked over panting and grinning. His dress was torn, and nurse’s hat was crooked, his hose had a run in them and his heels were both discarded.

“Do you need to take your medicine? You are able to now, if it hurts you.” He breathed, pulling the pill bottle from his pocket, but she just shook her head and looked once again at the cast.

“When that comes off, you are going to be so happy.” He grinned, sitting on the couch beside her and rubbing her leg, “Then you will be able to scratch your leg when it itches, and take showers without that bag over it, getting dressed will be easier too.”

“Yeah,” she sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder as he put his arm around her.

“Thank you for taking care of her while they kept me away.” He nodded to Ville as she slowly fell asleep.

“You’re welcome,” he smiled in Finnish, “She doesn’t speak the language, does she?”


Ville nodded and looked at Nikki for a while, “She is worried that you will not stay with her if things have gone wrong with her leg. If she loses her foot, she thinks she will lose you too.”

“I know. She is afraid of me leaving her the way Jason did, but I wouldn’t do that to her. She’s one of us now, she’s stuck with us forever.” HP laughed, brushing some hair out of Nikki’s face as she shifted in her sleep.

“Bam told me about him when I called him during his trip to visit you. I was going to have you all meet us in Helsinki for one of our shows, but he was waiting for her to wake up in the hospital. I don’t know everything, and I am guessing that there is a lot he hasn’t told me, but I know enough to despise him as much as you do.”

“I feel sorry for him.”


“I feel sorry for Jason, that he cannot see things clearly. He is as broken as she has been, but unlike her, he will never heal. He will never see the amazing woman he abandoned, or what a wonderful life he could have had with her, and their child. And he will never have those chances again. I can’t hate him, I can only pity him and hate what he has done.”

Ville nodded quietly as Nikki whimpered in her sleep, twitching as another nightmare plagued her rest. “Does this happen often?” he asked as HP tried his best to comfort her without waking her up.

“Every time she is asleep, it seems. She will either wake up in tears, or I will wake her up and she will think that I am Jason. Sometimes I haven’t been able to wake her, and Lynn has come over to slap her awake. The nightmares aren’t as bad as they used to be, though. I think she is getting better.”

“Have you thought about taking her to see a doctor? That may help her.”

“No, she’ll never go.” He laughed as Bam threw himself onto the couch, accidentally hitting Nikki’s leg against the coffee table. Ville was startled and shouted a few Finnish swears while Nikki cried out in pain, and HP chewed him out for it.

“I’m sorry! I forgot about her foot, I swear! She just didn’t look like she was in any pain!” he defended.

“Because I was asleep, Bam!” she grunted, trying with everything she had not to cry, but it hurt so badly that it was nearly impossible for her. “Look, I’m not mad at you. Ville might be, he looks a bit pissed, but I’m not mad at you, Bam. You weren’t TRYING to hurt me.” She sighed once she was able to control her vocal tone. He just stayed silent and looked at her like a beaten puppy. That alone made her giggle.

On television, he always looked like such an emotionless dork to her, but never this sensitive. She liked seeing the Bam that got edited out of the shows. The one that ends up crying in hospital waiting rooms into his mother’s shoulder because he’s scared. The one that gets super ticked off when something doesn’t go his way. The one that was sitting in the floor, looking up at her right now, looking ready to burst into tears because he caused her so much pain and felt guilty. She now couldn’t imagine hating him the way she did when they met.

“I really am sorry,” he frowned.

“I know you are.” She giggled, leaning forward and messing up his hair. He huffed and pushed her hand away before standing up and walking off, mentioning something about a game of bumper cars he had to set up.

“When this leg is healed, I can play those games too.” She sighed, resting her head on HP’s shoulder and giggling softly, “Then I can get ALL of you back for everything. All the accidental hits to my leg, all the games I can’t play, jokes against me… you’re all going down!”

“I have been on your side!” he defended.

“And I’ve done nothing against you.” Ville added, innocently looking off at nothing and making her and HP laugh more.

As time went on though, Nikki’s strength faded, and she had to be taken up to bed early. HP ended up joining her, and wasn’t seen again for the rest of the night. Bam was quite disappointed in the day’s events, since the surprise for Nikki wasn’t as great as they had hoped, she and HP left early, and Squint was on the phone with his brother from the time they went to bed. Ville left a few hours after, having some band business that needed his attention. It wasn’t long at all until everyone was just sitting around in their own little groups, just hanging out and doing nothing.

“You know, it didn’t fail that hard.” Lynn smiled, patting his shoulder as she plopped down beside him at the table. He was just staring blankly at the wall, resting his head in his hands and scrunching his face to look like an alien with the way it was pulled. She giggled slightly and pulled one of his hands away, making him fall for a second before he slapped her hand away and called her a bitch.

“Did you see how happy she was before she got tired? You’re forgetting something Bam. SHE WAS HIT BY A MOTHER FUCKING TRAIN! She’s not the same as she was before; she’s not that strong anymore!”

“I don’t give a shit what happened, Lynn! She’s acting like she’s dying!”

“But she’s not. She’s just in a lot of pain, and really weak. Hell, she’s WHEELCHAIR BOUND! She can’t even walk on crutches, and can hardly walk with two people holding her up right now. Her foot just hurts too much. How about I hit your retarded ass with a train, and see if a wheelchair party makes you feel better, hm? Would that convince you that she DID like the surprise, and was just too weak from getting hit by a train?” she ranted. He just stared at her blankly before standing up. She did the same and before they could continue their fight, Jukka joined the party.

“Hey, what’s going on?” he asked cheerfully, throwing his arms over their shoulders and hanging on them with his goofy grin plastered across his face. “We were talking about Nikki. Bam’s bummed because he’s EMO and thinks she didn’t like the surprise.” Lynn answered headedly. Jukka looked at her, and then at Bam, and started laughing before standing up properly. “She loved it! She is just getting tired easier; the doctors said that that would happen. But she had a great time until that happened! Did you see how much she was laughing?” he asked happily. “And then she got left out again, and had to stay on the couch until she was carried up for bed.” He answered bitterly.

“She’s healing though. Now come on, Jarppi wants some food.” He smirked and pulled both of them into the kitchen to make some super spicy chilli sandwiches.
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Sorry that this isn't my best work... I screwed myself with the whole injury thing. What do you think, skip to the end of recovery, or go through the pain of Nikki? Now I can't decide! I need help from the reader's point of view!