Demonic Playground

Demonic Playground

The two of them danced for ages, or what seemed like ages. Until Tyler found them that is. When that happened all hell decided to break loose on the small crowded dance floor.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with her," Tyler growled at Kassian. "She's fucking mine you have no right to even think of her you bastard."

"You know what you pompous little fucker," Kassian stated, "you can go fuck yourself because she's not yours and she never will be." Izabella stood next to him latched onto his arm waiting to see what would happen between the two of them.

"Ha, then why the hell did she move in with me?" Tyler asked.

"Probably because you forced her." Izabella's eyes grew wide. How in the world would he know that. Did he know about the way he treated her too? She cringed back behind him hiding from the both of them. "I also know about the way you treated her and I must say she's not going home with you either."

"Ha, she's coming home with me whether you like it or not you little mutt," Tyler growled.

"Over my dead body." A snarl showed plainly on Kassian's lip as he pounced on Tyler pounding into his face. Izabella let out a small scream and hid in the crowd that was forming around the two of them.

Kassian managed to get quite a few hits in before Tyler threw him back against a wall and stood once again. His face was bloody and already showing bruising. Kassian pulled himself up off the ground as Tyler stood there huffing his eyes were blood red and Kassian's nails slowly got longer and sharper. Izabella realize she had to stop this before people realize what they were.

She pounced easily onto Kassian who swiped his claws across her face easily slicing her face. She let out a scream and pinned his arms down to the ground with all the force she could muster.

"Kassian you have to stop this," she muttered harshly. "Just get up now relax and we'll leave together. Do you understand me." Kassian let out one final growl and nodded showing he understood. Then he pulled himself up and took her hand. They both walked out of there peacefully and went to Kassian's car leaving Tyler there utterly baffled.

"What the hell do they think they're doing," Tyler growled mainly to himself as he saw Izabella and Kassian leave. "I'll get her back, I don't care what that stupid demon does." Then he went back to drinking and flirting with many aimlessly drunk girls.

"So Iz.." Kassian said softly as they drove home. "I'm sorry."

She looked over to him, her face was still bleeding from where she'd been hit and she wasn't quite sure if she was ready to forgive him. He did get her away from Tyler though so she did owe him a bit at least. "It's fine, Kas. I forgive you," she said softly and curled up in the passenger seat.

The rest of the ride was quiet and extremely tense just the same. When they got to Kassian's house Izabella slid out of the car and went straight to her room, not bothering with talking to Kassian tonight. She'd have a much clearer head about what had happened in the morning.

She washed her face up and bandaged it before she went to bed.

Kassian stayed up a while longer. He was so pissed with himself he got a bottle of vodka out and drank pretty much the entire bottle before he passed out on the couch.