Sequel: I'll Love You Forver
Status: finished. read sequel

Long Lost Love

Can It Be

It's been three months since Maria broke up with Xander. Over these three months Chloe has said her first word, mommy. Maria smiled when Chloe called her mommy. It's probably a good thing she didn't say daddy since he was an asshole.

Maria was out in the mall with Chloe buying clothes for herself and Chloe. In one of the stores she saw a guy who looked like Zach. 'It can't be' she thought. Maria walked up to the guy and tapped him on the should. He turned around and Maria realized it wasn't Zach.

"Sorry I thought you were someone I knew." she said.

"It's alright." the guy said.

Maria finished buying her and Chloe's clothes and then went home. She put Chloe down for a nap and went to her room. She looked at the pictures she put up of Zach after Xander left. She went to her closet and picked up her guitar. She started strumming the chords on her song that Zach wrote just for her.

After she finished she put the guitar against her dresser and went to check on Chloe. She was there laying in her crib sound asleep. Maria walked to the kitchen to start dinner.

A few hours later dinner was ready and she went to wake up Chloe which was still asleep. She took Chloe downstairs and they ate. After they ate Maria read to Chloe and played with her. When it was nine she took Chloe to her room and put her to bed. Maria walked to her room and looked at the pictures before going to sleep. She really wished that was Zach she saw in the mall. She missed him so much.

The next day Maria took Chloe to the park. She watched Chloe as she played in the sand. Sometimes Chloe would try to put the sand in her mouth and Maria would have to tell her no. After a while Maria took Chloe to the swings. While she was pushing Chloe on the baby swing a guy walked over and sat in one of the regular swings. He was about in his early twenties and had beautiful blue eyes and had dark brown hair. He was tall and skinny. He caught Maria looking at him.

"Hi." he said shyly.

"Hi, I'm Maria."

"I'm Blake."

There was a few minutes of silence before Chloe said mommy. Maria looked at her one year old daughter and smiled.

"Yes?" Maria asked even though she knew she wasn't going to get an answer.

Chloe just looked at her then the boy.

"She's beautiful. What's her name?" Blake asked.


When Chloe heard her name she looked at Maria.

"It's alright your not in trouble." Maria told Chloe.

After about ten minutes Maria and Blake started talking.

It had been two hours and Maria and Blake were still talking. Chloe had fallen asleep in the swing. Maira guessed it was a good thing that not many people were at the park and the ones that were didn't want to use the swings.

Maria learned that Blake was 21. He played drums and loved to listen to music. He was also wanting to be in a band. He currently was working at McDonalds.

It was around four in the afternoon when Blake said he had to go.

"Would you like to, um, go out sometime?" he asked. His face was a light shade of pink.

"Sure" Maria said smiling.


They exchanged numbers and Blake asked if Friday was alright and Maria said yes.

Two hours later Maria picked up Chloe who had woken up and they went home. She fixed dinner then put Chloe to bed after they ate. She went to her room and laid down on the bed. Right as she was about to go to sleep her phone vibrated. Blake had sent a text. She read it and it said, 'Your beautiful.' Maria smiled and texted back ' Thank you, your very handsome yourself.' Maria closed her eyes and fell asleep. She liked Blake a lot.
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