Sequel: I'll Love You Forver
Status: finished. read sequel

Long Lost Love

Please Don't Leave

Blake and Maria had been dating for about three months. Maria started to feel sick and went to the doctor one day.

"It looks like your pregnet" the doctor said.

Maria felt her jaw drop and she thought about it. Her and Blake have only had sex twice in the past three months since they dated and they used protection. She couldn't be pregnet again could she? Maria thought it over in her head and realized that she could. It was going to be Blake's kid. Maria's second child.

"How far along am I?" she asked still in shock.

"Six weeks"

Maria nodded her head to let him know she understood.

When she left the doctor's she wondered how would Blake would react. He was the one who told her that she should go to the doctor. She also had the responsibility on one child who's father was in jail. Maria didn't know if he still was or not.

When she got home Blake was on the couch watching t.v. with Chloe laying beside him

"Hey sweetheart. What did the doctor say?" he asked.

"I'm pregnet." she whispered.

"Huh?" he asked. Appeantly he didn't hear her or he couldn't believe it.

"I'm pregnet" Maria said a little louder this time.

He heard what she said now. Shocked appeared on his face and then a smile.

"How far along are you?" he asked smiling.

"Six weeks" she said.

He got up carefully without waking up Chloe and walked to Maria and hugged her.

"I've always wanted a kid" he whispered to Maria and they both smiled. He kissed her softly on her lips.

"Hey, I will be back in a little bit. I have something I need to do" he said.

He kissed Maria once again on her lips and then put his shoes on and left.

'Please don't leave me' Maria thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
will post another chapter in a little bit. comments?