Sequel: I'll Love You Forver
Status: finished. read sequel

Long Lost Love


"Zach was my first boyfriend." Maria began. She had tears in her eyes.

Blake sat there confused. ' If he was her first boyfriend and he's not with her then why is she so sad over the subject? Maybe something happened to him.'

Maria looked at the pictures and then passed them over to Blake.

"We went to a party. He left before me and I left about an hour later. He called every night to tell me good night and that he loved me." Maria stopped and a tear escaped from her eye.

Blake could tell that something bad had happened. 'She must of really loved this guy.' He reached out and wiped the tear from Maria's cheek. He looked down at the pictures. He knew the girl was Maria so he guessed the boy was Zach. The picture looked like it was from about five or six years ago. Blake looked at another picture. A picture that made him a little jealous. Zach and Maria were kissing in it. It was the picture that was Maria's favorite but Blake didn't know that. He looked back up when Maria began to speak again.

"That night he never called and I tried to call him but there was no answer. I thought that maybe he had fallen asleep so I would call him in the morning. In the morning when I called there was still no answer." Maria was starting to cry. " I even called his mom who hadn't seen him since before the party. She called the police but..." Maria couldn't finish the sentence. She just put her head in her hands and cried.

Blake put the pictures down and moved over by Maria. He put his arm around her and hugged her. He knew that what ever happened had bothered Maria. Maria sat up and looked at Blake.

"The police never found him." she said and started to cry even more now.

Blake hugged her tighter and pulled her over to his lap. Maria put her head on Blake's chest. Maria then put her hands on a necklace that she was wearing and brought it to her lips. She kissed it then looked at Blake. He looked at her confused. She opened the black heart locket and Blake read Zachariah & Maria forever. On the other side was the picture that Blake had just saw of Maria and Zach kissing. Blake was starting to get more jealous. Maria put the locket back down against her chest. She then pushed up the bracelets that were covering her tattoo. She showed Blake. Zachariah he read. 'Does she even love me?' he started to wonder.

"Sweetheart, I need to go somewhere" Blake said.

'Great. Now he doesn't like me. I should've just kept my mouth shut.' Maria thought. She felt more tears come to her eyes.

Blake got up and put his shoes on. He grabbed his keys and left. Maria watched him leave but didn't say anything. She just sat there and cried.

After about twenty minutes, Maria gathered the pictures and her guitar. She knew she wouldn't ever show Blake the song Zach wrote for her. Not after they way he reacted. She walked up to her room and put the pictures back where she got them and put her guitar against the wall. She walked to Chloe's room and looked at her. She was sound asleep. Maria put her hand on her stomach and thought about the child that was growing in her. She walked back to her room and laid down. She picked up her phone off the nightstand and looked to see if she had any messages. There was none. She put her phone on silent and slid it underneath her pillow. She laid there and closed her eyes. Listening to see if Blake would come back. After about ten minutes she had fallen asleep.