Sequel: I'll Love You Forver
Status: finished. read sequel

Long Lost Love

Misty Marie

Blake was holding Chloe and walking around in the hospital waiting room. Maria had gone into labor a week early and was having problems. Every five minutes he would ask a nurse if she was okay. He wanted to be in the room with her but couldn't because he had Chloe and he had nobody to watch her.

An hour went by and Chloe had fallen asleep. Blake finally sat down in one of the chairs and waited. A few minutes later a nurse came over to him.

"Blake?" she said his name to get his attension. He looked up at her.


"Maria is getting ready to have your daughter and would like you in there. But since you have a two year old with you, you will need to have someone watch her, and since she is asleep I will watch her for about twenty minutes." the nurse told him.

Blake's face lit up.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

He got up and and gently handed Chloe over to the nurse. He walked to the room Maria was in and opened it. He walked over to Maria and kissed her lightly on her head.

After about fifteen minutes Maria had her daughter.

"It's a beautiful girl." the doctor told them.

Maria smiled and looked at Blake and he smiled back.

"What's her name?" Blake asked her.

"Misty Marie" Maria told him.

"It's a beautiful name" Blake told her.

The doctor then walked over with Misty, in which was now clean. He carefully handed her to Maria. Maria looked at her newborn daughte and smiled.

"Hi Misty." she whispered to the baby.

Misty had jet black hair and bright blue eyes. She was small but as small as most babies were.

Blake left and went to the waiting room to get Chloe.

"Thank you again." he told the nurse.

He took Chloe he had still been asleep and carried her into the room. He walked over to Maria and laid Chloe down beside her.

"My two beautiful daughters." Maria quietly said.

Blake kissed Maria passiontly. They both looked at the two beautiful girls
♠ ♠ ♠
short chapter