Sequel: I'll Love You Forver
Status: finished. read sequel

Long Lost Love


Maria called Zach the next morning and still no answer. Maria became worried so she called Zach's mom. Zach's mom answered and Maria asked where Zach was. Zach's mom said he never came home. Maria became worried and asked if she had called the police. Zach's mom said she hadn't called the police but was going to right now. Maria hung up the phone and started to cry. Within 5 minutes she had cried herself to sleep.

An hour later Maria's mom was at her bedroom door knocking.

"Sweetheart, the police are here and need to talk to you." Maria's mom kindly said.

Maria got up and rubbed her eyes. Her eyes were dry and red from crying. Apparently Maria's mom had already been informed why the police were there. Maria walked slowly down the stairs and went into the living room to sit down on the couch. She looked at the police officer.

"Hello Maria, I am Officer Davis" the officer said. He was tall and a little bit chubby. He had dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes. His cheeks were sort of puffy. He was probably in his mid thirties.

"Hi" Maria replied.

"I need you to tell me some about Zach and about last night" Officer Davis said.

It took nearly an hour for Maria to tell the officer everything and answer his questions.

"Thank you for taking your time to tell me about Zach and last night" Officer Davis said. He shook hands with Maria then her mom. "If I have any information I'll let you know."

"Thank you" Maria's mom had said.

When the officer left Maria went back to her room to look at pictures of her and Zach. She laid down on her bed holding the pictures close to her heart thinking about what had happened to him and hoping he was alive and okay.
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Have any ideas you want me to add into chapter let me know and I might use them.