Sequel: I'll Love You Forver
Status: finished. read sequel

Long Lost Love

I Believe

The months went by. Zach's birthday came and past and he still wasn't found. The police looked for a year before they stopped looking for him. "I'm sorry. We believe he's dead" is the last thing the police said. Maria never gave up on wondering if he was alive. Neither did Zach's mom.

Maria never forgot about Zach. She was starting to go back to her old self but she never was the same. It couldn't be the same without Zach.

She played her song on guitar and sang her song every night right before she went to bed. She promised herself she wouldn't ever stop doing that until she saw Zach again or until she died. She had his pictures all over her room hanging. Her favorite picture of Zach was near her bed. It was took a few weeks before he disappeared. They were kissing in the picture which is why it was her favorite. It was also the last one that was took. Every time she looked at it she remembered him when he kissed her. How his soft lips would be gently on hers. When she remembered it was like he was still there with her. She looked at that picture every night and would cry herself to sleep.

It was now spring break and Maria was bored as ever. She couldn't stop thinking about Zach. It's been a year and a month since she last saw him. She remembered back to the party. They were just normal teenagers having fun. They danced, talked, laughed, hugged, and kissed. She remembered when he had kissed her that night. A tear escaped from her right eye. She needed something to do and to get her mind off of him. She seemed to become more depressed everyday.

Maria decided to call up some friends to hang out with. They went to the movies and then to the beach. It wasn't making her any happier. She kept remembering the times when Zach took her on dates to the movies and the beach. She also remembered their first kiss on the beach. Maria tried to not let it bother her. She tried to have fun but couldn't. She told her friends thank you for going with her but it wasn't the same without Zach. They nodded their heads and seemed to understand. Maria went home and played her song then cried herself to sleep.
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sorry if this chapter sucks. Comments? Any ideas for the next chapters?