Sequel: I'll Love You Forver
Status: finished. read sequel

Long Lost Love

I'm Over You (Not Really)

Two more years have past and still nothing about Zach. Maria had graduated from high school and moved to Los Angeles, California. She started working at a restaurant in which she got good tips. She met this guy who was very handsome. He was tall and muscular and had blonde hair. His eyes were a dark reddish - brown. His name was Xander. Maria and Xander started talking all the time. He took her out on a few dates before he asked her to be his girlfriend. Maria was happy around him but not as happy has she was with Zach. She loved Xander but still not as much as Zach. She kept telling herself that she was over Zach and now had Xander.

A few months had past and Maria and Xander started going further with their relationship. Xander said he loved her and she said she loved him back. He asked her one night if she wanted to have sex and she thought about for a moment before she said yes.

A couple weeks later Maria started feeling sick and was throwing up. She went to the nearest pharmacy and got a pregnancy test. She took the test and it turned out positive. She told Xander and at first he was shocked but then he was glad that he was going to have a kid.
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sorry, lots of time skips and its a short chapter. thinking about making a sequel to this. Should I or Shouldn't I? Don't worry I have some more chapters to go until I can make a sequel though.