Sequel: I'll Love You Forver
Status: finished. read sequel

Long Lost Love


"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you."
Maria watched and sang along as people we singing to Chloe. It was Chloe's first birthday. It didn't even seem a year to Maria but it has. Maria walked over to Chloe and helped her unwrap her gifts while Xander was giving the gifts to them. After Chloe opened her gifts she blew out her candles, well more like Xander did.

After the party Maria went to put Chloe to bed since it was now eight. She kissed Chloe on her head and put her in her crib. When she walked out Xander was standing there looking at Maria. He looked mad and Maria didn't know why he would be.

"You bitch" he yelled.

Maria pushed her back against the door as he walked closer to her. She had forgotten that he had been drinking for the past hour. He stood in front of her and slapped her across the face. Maria started to cry. This wasn't the first time he had done this. None of this started happening until after Chloe was born. Once again he raised his hand and hit her across the face. She knew her cheek was starting to bruise. She could feel it. He then pushed her hard against the wall and started to kiss her.

"Stop" she said quietly.

He didn't stop. Instead he picked her up and took her to their room. Once in the room he threw her down on the bed. He stopped kissing her for a second to take his shirt and her shirt off.

"Stop it now Xander" she yelled.

He looked at her stunned. She had never yelled at him before.

"Bitch don't tell me what to do" he yelled and once again hit her across her face. Chloe heard the yelling and started to cry.

"Now look what you did" yelled Xander. " You woke up the fuckin' baby."

Maria started to cry more.

"Get the fuck out" she screamed.

"Fine I will. It's better then listening to that fucking thing cry."

"Fine. And don't come back."

Xander got his stuff and keys and left. Once he left Maria went to the front and back doors and locked them. She went back to Chloe's room and picked her up.

"It's okay. Daddy's gone." she whispered to the one year old.

She put Chloe back down after she quietened down and went to the phone. She called the police and told them what Xander had done. They said they would arrest him and charge him with assault. Maria hung up the phone and went to her room. She laid down on the bed and fell asleep.