Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

Name: Payge Sanders
Nickname: Girl, honey, pay
Age: 17
Hair: Red, Orange, Blond
Eyes: Green and Brown
Height: 5'1
Personality: Shy, Friendly, laid-back, understanding
Additional Information: Loves rock doesn't know much new bands, listens to classic rock, going to meet her brother for the first time in her life.

(Character looks like Hayley Williams from Paramore)


"You will love him," My mom said laughing as she handed me my ticket.

"I don't know, if he'll love me," I whispered

Hey, I'm Payge Sanders; I'm seventeen years old, almost eighteen, I'm walking up to my bus, I'm about to go meet my brother, for the first time.

"He will love you Payge! He never met you, you know, he doesn't blame you for never seeing him, he blames me," She said as she stood in front of me.

"I doubt that," I said smiling; I stopped right at the bus doors. "I'll miss ya mah, be good,"

"Always am baby," She said kissing my forehead; she smiled and backed up as I walked on the bus. "Be good and get to know you're brother!"

"Behave and don't party!" I yelled back smiling


Nine hours later, I was to ready to jump off that bus, I hate buses, to many crying babies, snoring fat guys and gossiping ugly chicks. I would have done better on a train or plane then a bus.

I walked silently past the crowd until I reached the information booth.

"Excuse me," I said to the lady with blonde hair, she had it in a tall bun, red lipstick on and to dark of eyeliner around her black bagged eyes.

"What?" she asked popping gum, she was the most stereotypical person I have ever seen, you know, the ones people say, work for airlines or bus terminals that are rude to children.

"My brother is supposed to be picking me up; I was wondering if you could call him over the intercom for me?" I asked pointing to the microphone she held onto.

"Sorry girl, I don't do that," She said closing the window on the desk.

"Um...thanks?" I said stepping back, accidentally into someone.

"Be careful kid," the man said as he helped me stand up straight.

"Sorry mister," I said walking past him, pulling my bag closer.

"It's okay, hey Miss?" he said knocking on the window, the lady opened it up as pulled up the glass, she smiled flirty at the man, and I just stood back and watched, holding my bag with a bewildered look on my face.

"Yes how may I help you?" the lady asked batting her eyelashes, I sat down and stared at her sneering, how I dislike people like her.

"Well, see my friend's little sister is supposed to be arriving here, well about thirty minutes ago and we can't seem to find her, I was wondering if you could call for her over the voice thing?" he asked pointing to her microphone like I had, not moments before.

"Why of course!" she said smiling as she held it up.

"Wait a minute lady!" I said standing up, she gave me a glare but I ignored it. "You said I couldn't call for my brother but yet you're letting this guy? Just because you find him hot? Can you say SHALLOW?"

"I'm calling security!" she said picking up a phone.

"Oh don't damn bother, I'm leaving you stupid tramp," I said grabbing my bags as I started to walking out the doors.

"Wait!" the guy said running after me.

"What?" I asked rolling my eyes as I looked up at him.

"You said you're looking for you're brother right?" he asked as he stuffed his hands in his pants pockets.

"Yes," I said adjusting the bag on my shoulder.

"What's you're name?" he asked

"What's yours?" I asked raised my left eyebrow in mock interest.

"I asked first." He said pointing to me.

"What are you? Twelve?" I asked leaning back.

"No twenty six, now what's you're name?" he said

"Sorry, I don't speak to stranger," I said walking away

"Hey, you just talked to me," He said walking after me
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Hope you liked it :)