Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

"Oh shit, there's someone from school, hide me," I said digging my head in Brian's neck, he moaned or it could have been a groan, but I'm pretty sure it was a moan, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't do that, it tickles," he said

"Tickles what? Cause dude you just seriously moaned," I said

"Oh shut up!" he said walking forward laughing, I laughed and laid my head on his shoulder, I bit my lip and tried not to laugh as I turned to his ear and blew on it softly.

"Payge, stop that," he mumbled a little irritated

"Sorry, couldn't help myself," I said giggling.

"Right," he said smirking; I giggled and bit my lip again, looking away.

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It's been three months since I met the boys and started school, I'm best friends with Judy and Rachel and Sam and Terry, School's been good, except when I'm teased by Kara about my hair being three different colors, she's such a bitch.

Matt's been an awesome big brother, Val's been the annoying sister but its cool, Zacky's been the best, he acts like a sneak for me, he finds out information and gets me stuff when I'm not allowed it, Jimmy's been like a brother to me, he's more stern than Matt, Johnny's been like a father, he explains things to me and is a real good listener, and Brian.

What can I say about Brian, other than he's my best friend, he can get annoying as hell, but he's always there for me, and like most girls in the world that listen to Avenged Sevenfold, I fell in love with Synyster Brian Haner.

"Brian, for fucks sake, leave my sister alone!" Matt yelled as I ran around the couch from Brian, he was wanting to tickle me into telling him what I wanted for my birthday, Matt was trying to watch Death Sentence, best movie ever.

"I want her to tell me damn it or I'll just get her nothing," he said

"Acoustic Guitar, money and CD's," I said winking as I jumped in the chair with Jimmy, I talk to mom everyday and she loves it that I get along with everyone.

"Good girl," he said smiling; I grinned and leaned back on Jimmy, looking at him with a pouted lip.

"What?" he asked laughing as he did the same.

"I want a party, I've never had a birthday party with friends, it's always been small and at like chucky cheese or something like that," I said

"I can do that," Zacky said smiling, I did a jig as I stood up singing 'oh yeah' to myself.

"She's having a seizure?" Zacky said tilting his head to the side.

"Calm yourself sparky," Jimmy said holding his hand out at me; I frowned and looked down at him since I was standing up. "No beer, no boys, no drugs."

"Brian!" I yelled

"She can't have boys, beers good though," he said looking up from the guitar magazine he was reading, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"No, no beer, but boys are allowed, I have friends that are guys," I stated looking at Matt with my bottom lip pouting.

"Alright, but one of us will have to be with you the whole time, so no boys cop a feel," Matt said pointing at me, I sighed and sat down on the floor, looking at the TV.

"It's better than nothing I guess," I mumbled

"That's right, it is," Zacky said crawling over on his stomach, he laid his head in my lap and watched TV from there, the doorbell rang and I jumped up and looked out the window.

"I got it!"

"Ow my head," Zacky whined as I looked back at the boys.

"Who ordered pizza because they're paying," I said

"Here," Johnny said holding up fifty bucks, I ran over and grabbed it then ran back to the door, paying the guy, he handed me six boxes of pizza.

"Damn boys," I said laughing

"We're growing boys, give me pizza," Zacky said, he was so much like a two year old it's funny, I giggled and handed out whole pizza boxes until one was left.

"Is it cheese?" Val asked, I opened it and nodded, making her smile and walk into the kitchen for plates, since we acted like humans instead of unfed animals.
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Comment, it makes me happy, and I post more when I'm happy!

And when I'm listening to McFLY.

But yeah... :)