Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

"Hey baby you look like you could use a stiff one!" I said poking Rachel and Judy at the same time, they laughed and shook they're heads at me. "You don't get it? Hairspray...fine...jackasses."

"What time is you're party again?" Judy asked opening her locker, as she ignored my comment.

I threw my book in there, we had to share a locker because some girl took mine, the principle said she could use it, but she annoyed me so I asked Judy if I could be her roomie and she said it was okay.

"Six o'clock at my house, you guys have the directions still, right?" I asked, Judy nodded and Rachel shrugged.

"Ride with Judy then," I mumbled walking with them to the cafeteria, Rachel laughed and nodded as we got in line.

"You're brothers' hot friends going to be there?" Judy asked

"Yes, but they have to supervise me and what comes in the house, I like the second one but not the first, I hate beer and all that jazz, but following me around can get annoying, Zacky does it all the time." I said rolling my eyes.

"Zacky sound like my type, how old is he?" Rachel asked smiling

"Too old for you," I said smiling

"Age, isn't a limit babe, it's an invisible boundary line," Rachel said flipping me off.

"You have a point," I said nodding my head in her direction.

"So, age?" she asked again

"Twenty six, all the guys are around that age," I said shrugging as I grabbed my glass of orange juice, they rolled they're eyes and laughed.

"We'll follow you home today? How about that?" Judy asked

"Want a ride? You have to behave though," I said smirking

"Me behave?" Terry asked sitting down at the table "Never"

"Oh I know you never behave Terr, but please for me?" I whined

"I'll control myself as much as I can," he said putting his hand over his heart.

"Thank you very much," I said with a mouth full.

--------- ---------- ----------

"Run faster!" I yelled as Rachel, Judy, Samantha and Terry ran after me, I ran faster because Terry smoked, Samantha did sometimes, Rachel didn't like running and Judy had asthma.

"I'm fucking running as fast as I can, stop telling me to go faster damn it!" Rachel yelled, I stopped and so did they, either clutching their chest or leaning over.

"Meet my brother's friend Jimmy," I said opening the car door that was beside me, Rachel looked up and mumbled 'Lurch' before she looked at me.

"He looks familiar," she mumbled getting in the back of the car, Samantha nodded but Terry stayed quiet as I winked at him.

"Keep it quiet, I want to see they're faces when they meet the rest," I whispered to him, he nodded with a smile on his face as he climbed in the back.

"Sam sit on my lap, they're isn't any room," Terry said

"You'll grab my ass," she said sitting on Rachel.

"Like I want to hold you're ass," Rachel said pushing her on Terry, Terry smiled and held his hands up.

"No ass grabbing today, promise, well maybe later, but not now," he said shaking his head.

I giggled and got in the front seat, Jimmy looked over and laughed as he put it in drive and set the top back.

"Eek! Convertible!" Judy said as Samantha slumped down.

"Cops can't see can they?" she asked

"No, you're to short," Jimmy said

"Thanks," she said rolling her eyes; I giggled as he saluted her.

"Home sweet home," I said as Jimmy pulled up at the house, the guys cars lined the driveway.

"Holy shit Payge, you didn't tell us you lived here!" Rachel said in shock.

"Sorry," I said laughing as they jumped over the car side and looked up at the house in shock.
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