Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

"Let's go inside," I said as Terry ran up and leaned down, I jumped on his back as he ran up to the door and opened it, walking in. "I'm Home!!"

"Payge, we need you to go fix the pools tables and chai- Oh hey, didn't know you brought friends," Matt said walking in the room from the kitchen.

"Holy shit," Samantha said wide eyed

"Meet my brother Matt, the rest of the guys are?" I asked

"Kitchen, Guys come here!" Matt said, they all walked out of the kitchen holding either cake icing, a beer, poster paint and...cheese in Zacky's case.

"Meet Brian with the beer, Johnny with the poster paint, and the one with cake icing and cheese in his hand is Zacky," I said jumping off Terry's back "And this is Rachel with the black hair, Judy with the glasses, Sam with the blond hair and Terry the guy."

"Mother fucker," Rachel mumbled looking at the guys "Excuse me."

"What?" I asked as she grabbed my arm and pulled me back outside.

"Holy shit you're brother and his friends are in Avenged Sevenfold and you never told us? What the hell Payge we could have been spending the night over here sneaking peeks at them all!!!!" Rachel said in one breath, yelling the last bit.

"Breathe Rachel, Breathe," I said softly "And because I didn't want you guys treating me differently."

"We wouldn't have, but all the kids from school coming are a different story," Terry said walking out holding a flyer.

"School?" I asked wide eyed

"You didn't post these did you?" he asked handing me the flyer.

"Payge Sanders birthday party, Rock and Roll bitches, come Friday at six, her house address at bottom," I read off "Oh fuck!"

I ran in the house and stared at the guys as they looked back a little confused, Sam and Judy were almost drooling so Rachel slapped them both.

"Who put the flyers up?" I yelled

"Oops," Brian said sitting the beer down

"Why?" I whispered

"You said that people weren't being nice to you in school, I was going to invite them and break their noses," he said shrugging

"This party was for people outside school, that didn't know me," I said shaking my head.

"To late now," Johnny said pointing at the door where cars were parking outside the house.

"Shit!" I said running upstairs. "Come on guys!"

Rachel grabbed Judy's arm as Terry pulled Sam up the stairs after me. "What are you doing?" Rachel yelled

"Hiding!" I said, Terry let go of Sam and ran up to me, picking me up and walking back downstairs.

"Guys I need some help!" Terry yelled, Jimmy looked over from the door and rolled his eyes.

"What?" he asked

"She wants to hide, I need some duck tape and rope," Terry said cackling

"No rope, no duck tape," Brian said walking over, grabbing me from him.

"What the hell is it with everyone picking me up? You know what? I'm going to eat so much food and get fat just so you won't pick me up! ALL THE FUCKING TIME!" I spazzed

"Wow, Payge has lost it!" Judy sang

"Wouldn't you?" I asked shrugging as Brian patted my butt; I looked over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Don't do that..."

"Why? You know you liked it," he said laughing

I looked back to see Sam, Judy and Rachel raising they're eyebrows as they danced like idiots mouthing the words 'Let's get it on' over and over.

I flipped them off as Brian entered the kitchen. "She went to hide and that guy out there found her," Brian said sitting me on a stool.
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