Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

"Why are you hiding?" Matt asked sitting down something beside the fridge, I whimpered and looked away.

"I don't like the people from my school, and I get teased enough, now I'm going to go to school Monday and they will want to be friends because they love you guys," I mumbled

"I'm sorry about this Paygie, I thought you would be happy," Brian said hugging me from behind, I shrugged and looked up at Matt.

"I guess I can get use to it," I mumbled

"You're strong, and I know you can fight," Zacky said

"Yeah, is you're arm still bruised?" I asked lifting his sleeved T-shirt.

"It's going away," he said laughing "Slowly."

"Good, sorry about that again, but you really shouldn't steal my eyeliner," I mumbled

"I know now," he mumbled

"Honey, do you want me to make them leave?" Jimmy asked

"No, I'll face the music," I said standing up, he smiled and rubbed the top of my back.

"Let's go," Brian said leaning down, I giggled and jumped on his back, he walked through the door and everyone, which was about ten or fifteen people, they stopped and stared in shock.

"Meet Brian, my brothers' friend!" I said nervously.

"Sup people!" Brian said walking farther into the crowd of shocked people.

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I looked around to see half of everyone either groping one another or drunk lay out on the floor, not my idea of a good time, I was on the stairs watching with my hand holding my head up on my knee.

"This sucks doesn't it?" Brian asked walking up to me, I nodded and he held his hand out. "Come on."

"Why?" I asked, he just gave me that look that says 'Come on or I'll pick you're ass up!' so I obeyed and stood up and followed him.

He pulled me all the way to his room and shut and locked the door. "None of them fuckers are invading my room," he mumbled

"Oh hell! My room!" I said jumping off his bed that I previously laid on.

"I wouldn't go in there," he mumbled grabbing my shoulder; I turned my head to him with wide eyes.

"And why wouldn't I want to go in my room?" I asked gulping.

"Some guy, and girl walked in there," he mumbled trying not to laugh.

"What?!" I yelled

"Kidding, kidding, I locked you're door," he said holding a key up, I put my hand to my heart and laughed.

"You scared me for a second Brian," I said laughing, he chuckled and handed me the key as he walked behind me and laid out on his bed, face up as he stared at his ceiling fan, his hand on his stomach and his legs half hanging off.


"Don't worry, they annoy me too," I said lying beside him, he looked over and laughed.

"Not all teenagers annoy me, there is some I can tolerate," he said laughing

"Am I one of the few Bri?" I asked nodding

"If I say no will you hit me?" he asked grinning

"There is a strong chance of yes in that answer," I said nodding

"Then yes?" he said raising one eyebrow.

"Jerk," I said slapping his arm and laughing, he pushed me laughing and I pushed back until he sat up and leaned over me.

"Stop or I'll tickle you," he said narrowing his eyes.

"Ha! Like you would, I'm the birthday girl!" I said, he rolled his eyes and lay back down. "How did beer get into the party?"

"Don't know, I was in the kitchen trying to keep two guys from fighting, Zacky was talking to that Rachel girl, Johnny was helping some girl find her purse, Jimmy was keeping two girls from fighting and Matt was making out with Val." He said nodding
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The next one will be exciting :)
