Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

"What? They would ask why she's so smiley and where she was last night, damn!" Rachel said shaking her head.

"But did you have to say it like that?" I asked

"Yes," she said nodding; I shook my head and looked away.

"I'm friends with idiots," I mumbled laughing

"Anyway, Payge, was he sweet about it?" Judy asked leaning forward.

"Actually, yes he was, he was absolutely sweet, but you can't say anything to anyone, we don't want to tell people just yet," I whispered

"Alright babe," Terry said and gave everyone a look that said 'Don't say a word'.

"Alright," they all said smiling

"Can we come over and spend the night tonight?" Judy asked randomly

"Yeah of course, although the guys will drill you Terry because you're the only guy," I said nodding, he laughed and nodded.

"That's fine with me, you all know I wouldn't do anything, except to Sam but she'd kick me in the nuts if I tried," he said laughing

"Damn straight," Sam said laughing

"Alright, so do you have to call you're parents?" I asked

"We can call when we get to your house right?" Judy said

"Yeah, you can," I said laughing

After School

"Who's picking us up?" Judy asked pulling her jacket off, it was now getting warmer now that it was turning spring.

"Brian," I said quietly, making everyone aw.

"Shut up, no saying anything okay?" I said pointing to each and every one of them with my eyes narrowed.

"We promise," they said rolling their eyes.

"I'm just making sure okay?" I said softly, they nodded as we walked down the steps.

"It's a wonder no one walked up to you today and said anything about the party, I really doubt anyone remembers last night though, to much beer," Rachel said, she was actually talking to herself in reference to me.

"It actually is strange not a person said a damn thing about it though," Judy said

"Wait, who's that?" I asked walking towards the car; I knew it was Jimmy's though.

"Meet my girlfriend!" Jimmy said, I raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl, she had long red hair, brown eyes and a smile on her face, not to much make-up either, much better taste than I expected.

"What's you're name?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Shit, sorry, her name's Cassie, Cassie this is Matt's little sister Payge, and her friends," Jimmy said

"This is Rachel, Judy, Terry and Sam," I said pointing the people behind me out, my friends.

"Nice to meet you," she said, southern accent, not from around here.

"Are you from the south?" I asked

"Why yes, Alabama," she said smiling

"Yay," I said jumping in the back of the car. "Where's Brian?"

"He had to go somewhere, not sure why but he asked if I could pick you up," Jimmy said and pointed to everyone "Get in or I'm leaving,"

Judy jumped in my lap and blew me a kiss, which I returned laughing, Terry jumped in beside me and had Sam in his lap, and then Rachel sat at the other end. "I feel left out on the love," she said sighing playfully

"Well, here, as soon as we get out, we'll dog pile you! Is that okay?" I asked, she furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

"Nah that's fine, I'm okay, I feel the love now," she said nodding.

"We're going to do it anyway!" Judy sang bobbing her head side to side like a psycho.
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