Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

After nearly killing Rachel in the dog pile, almost breaking Terry's arm when he hit me upside the head because I 'hurt' Sam's hand when I jumped in said dog pile, we finally went inside out of breath, I jumped over the couch and landed on something not so soft.

"Why did you jump on me?" Zacky mumbled half asleep, I rolled my eyes and rolled over on my stomach so I way laying on him, not the best looking picture from afar but he was far to much like a brother to do anything like that, that's just gross.

"Because you're comfy and I didn't see you," I said rolling off him into the floor, he groaned and sit up, looking over the side of the couch to see everyone else had fell out too.

We are such lazy asses.

"You brought the hell raisers?" he asked, I nodded and smiled as I stood up to see where everyone had fell out at, Rachel had fell on the bottom stairs, Terry had fell in front of the door, Judy had fell in the chair by the door, and poor Sam barely made it in the living room.

"No, it's a figment of you're imagination," Rachel mumbled

"I like her, but she's a smartass," he mumbled lying back down.

A few minutes later, Terry whined, so I stood up and seen the door had slid him over half way. "Should I even ask?" Brian asked when he seen everyone dead somewhere within a five foot radius.

"That would mean I would have to explain, so uh...don't," I said nodding, he shrugged and cut his eyes at the stairs, telling me that he wanted to see me up there, I yawned and stood up walking over Sam, past Rachel and up the stairs. "Be right back guys,"

"Sorry about not picking you up," he said softly as he touched the small of my back.

"It's okay, Jimmy came and showed me his new girlfriend, she's cool?" I said shrugging

"She's pretty cool, I met her, you'll get along with her Jimmy said," Brian said walking with me to his room, I shrugged and nodded.

"Hopefully, I hate fighting with friend's girlfriends," I said

"Well, come here babe," he said pulling me in the room, he pulled a box from behind him and handed it to me.

"What is it?" I asked

"Open it and see," he said smiling, I smirked and opened it to see a letter.

Hey baby, the guys and I wanted to know, if you wanted to accompany us on tour with Guns n' Roses, My Chemical Romance and Good Charlotte, also, look under this paper.

I looked up and smiled "Of course I will," I said kissing his lips lightly

"Lift the paper like it said goofy," he said rolling his eyes, I laughed and lifted the paper to see a beautiful silver ring, it was outlined and embroidered to be a rose.

"Oh it's beautiful," I whispered looking at it; he smiled and pulled it out of the box and put it on my middle finger.

"Happy belated Birthday, I was a fool and kept you from you're party, so here you go," he said smiling

"Thank you," I said reaching up, kissing his lips.

"We leave next week okay?" he said smiling, my smile turned to a frown.

"What about my friends?" I asked

"Well, Matt said you may say that, so he arranged to have a second bus, not as big as ours, but it's like a little RV to take that they can sleep in," he said smiling

"So they can go?" I asked with wide eyes

"They have to get parental consent but yeah," he said nodding

I shrieked and jumped on him, putting my legs around his waist, he laughed, it was deep and happy, I smiled and pecked him on the lips three or four times before I jumped off him and ran down the stairs to tell everyone. "Guys!"

"What?" Terry asked opening one eye.

"Come to my room, I have big news!" I said smiling

"She looks like she's about to pass out, we better go with her," Sam said standing up wobbly.

They walked with me up the stairs, while giving me strange looks, it could be because I was dancing like I had ants in my pants as I ran up and down the steps. "What is wrong with you?" Terry asked walking in the door; he shut the door and sat in the bean bag chair.
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