Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

"Has you're parents ever let you go somewhere for a very long time?" I asked

"Uh, summer camp..." Terry said shrugging, Sam nodded implying the same.

"My uncles for a year," Judy said nodding

"My cousin's for two years in Finland, why?" Rachel asked

"Because Brian just asked me on tour with him and the guys...and?" I said smiling

"And what? We do not like guessing games," Terry said leaning up in his seat, which was hard because it was a bean bag chair.

"And you guys have been invited to go, they are getting a RV for you guys, and all they need is parental consent," I said smiling, every one of their eyes went wide and they screamed bloody murder.

"That's not it!" I screamed holding my ears

"There's more?" Judy asked

"Guess who's touring with them?" I asked tilting my head to the side with a smile.

"If you say any of the following I will die, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy or The Academy Is..." Rachel said

"Well, My Chemical Romance, Metallica and Good Charlotte," I said smiling, they all screamed even louder, and I followed suit and jumped up and down, Terry ran over and tackled me to the bed, Sam dived on top and then Judy and then Rachel, who was cackling.

"Who's ya daddy now bitch?"

"You so stole that from Snakes on a plane," I said from the bottom.

"I know, but it was on Cobra Starship's CD so technically they stole it," she said as the door opened to reveal Matt and Brian.

"Should we ask?" Matt asked, I wheezed an 'I don't think you should' before they started to get everyone off me. "Did you tell?"

"Yeah," I mumbled

"So?" Brian asked crossing his arms.

"I'm going to call my mom!" Terry yelled running out the door, Rachel's eyes went wide and she shrieked and ran after him

"No I want to call my sister!"

"I'll wait," Judy said leaning back on the bean bag, Sam nodded and walked to my bookshelf.

"So, how did you like you're birthday present?" Matt asked, I smiled and stood up, hugging him.

"Thank you, but uh...I get an actual present right?" I asked smirking

"You little shit," he said laughing, he messed up my hair affectionately before he walked away chuckling about what a trip I was to his imaginary friend.

"Are you happy?" Brian asked crossing his arms.

"Yes I am," I said smiling; Judy giggled and looked at Sam, who looked away from the book she was reading and giggled too.

"What are you giggling about?" Brian asked knotting his eyebrows together, I sent them 'I know where you sleep' looks and they shook they're heads.

"No reason," Judy said trying to get up, she whined and held her hand out, Brian and I both grabbed her hands and helped her up.

"My mom said I could go but she didn't want me to come back and have Sam pregnant," Terry said walking in the bedroom, he shook his head and giggled like a girl "Doesn't she know what protection is?"

"Um..." I mumbled

Brian looked over and he laughed "I was kidding...laugh?" Terry said raising his hand, when no one laughed he sat down on the bed.

"Anyway," I said clearing my throat

"She said I could come get my stuff either tomorrow or tonight and stay a little bit with her to say bye," he said

"I called my sister, she said I could go, but I had to listen to Matt and the guys," Rachel said walking in, she sat beside Terry and high fived him.

"I'll go call my mom," Judy said walking out the door; Sam nodded and followed her mumbling about calling her brother, I smiled at Brian when everyone was busy, he winked and walked to the door.
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