Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

"Home sweet home," He said throwing me on the bed.

"Ohh it's pretty, I'm getting rid of the white though," I said "If I can."

"Knock yourself out doll," He said sitting on the bean bag chair.

"Well, I can't necessarily drive to get the paint, I kind of never learned," I said shrugging

"Never?" he asked as if in shock.

"Not really, tried once, insurance went WAY up," I said ,he laughed and shook his head at my comment.

"Bet you're mom was pissed," He said

"No actually she laughed harder than our insurance agent," I said laughing at my memory of the insurance agent laughing then when my mom found out, she laughed until she cried.

He laughed even harder; Matt walked in and gave Brian and I both a weird look. "What are you laughing at?" Matt asked

"I have to teach you're sister how to drive!" Brian said pointing to me as he looked up at Matt.

"Okay, wait you don't know how to drive?" Matt asked

"Not really, I'm not explaining again, to embarrassing," I said lying back on the bed.

"Anyway, Jimmy is ordering pizza, what do you guys want?" Matt asked as he looked from me to Brian holding his left hand out.

"Pepperoni!" I shouted, no need in it but I did it anyway.

"Same," Brian said

"Alright, we'll call you down when it's here," Matt said walking out the door.

"Well, let's go get you some paint," Brian said standing up, well trying but having major problems, I walked over with a laughing and stuck out my hand, he smiled and looked up at me, taking it.

"Thanks doll," He said smirking as he walked out the door.


"Do I have school here?" I asked as we walked around the closest home depot.

"Yeah actually, you would be a senior right?" Brian asked looking for the paint area, poor boy looked like he was lost, probably was though.

"Yeah," I mumbled as I looked at him strangely, because he was turning around in a circle.

"Then you would start Ocean View high school, the guys and I went there," He said looking up at the signs, he pointed then went running.

"When would I start?" I asked running after him.

"Whenever Matt said, probably next week? Maybe tomorrow, possibly in two days, I have no clue Paygie," He said as he took a sharp right.

"Paygie?" I whispered smiling as I ran after him, almost running into a buggy.

"Well what if I start in four days?" I asked

"More power to ya doll, I was never one for school," He said stopping in front of the paint, smiling proudly at himself.

"Me either, especially somewhere new," I said as I looked around at the colors

"Yeah, I get ya, now pick out a color," He said

"Alright, wait how long do I stay here? Mom never said," I said looking at the color black.

"Matt said something about till Christmas?" Brian said shrugging

"That's a whole year," I said smiling, looking up at him.

"Wow, smart," He said patting my head

"I know I'm still in school," I said smiling

He chuckled and picked up a midnight black color.

"Nah, tan's much more me," I said holding up a sand color tan.

"How about black and tan, black borders?" he asked

"That would be cool and green curtains and sheets and comforters?" I said happily as I grabbed the color papers from his hands.

"I can see we are going shopping at a bedding store after this," He sighed as I smiled brightly.
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