Things I Do for Idiots

Things I Do For Idiots

"This is Brian's," he said as he stepped back

"Oh he has good taste," I said as I nodded while glancing farther into the room.

"Of course I do, now move shrimp," Brian said from behind me, he picked me up and moved me.

"I'm short but I will not be manhandled!" I said pointing; he smiled at me as he shut the door laughing.

"You just told him!" Jimmy said laughing as he walked away, I whined and walked back to my room, now I had to remove all the white and add green and black and tan.


It was two in the morning when I finished and I was getting high off of paint fumes so I grabbed my green blanket and Spiderman pillow and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Val asked scaring the crap out of me, I looked over to see her and another girl who looked identical but with brown and blonde hair.

"Oh, couch," I said nodding as I walked past them, which must have been her twin Michelle that's Brian's ex.

I threw my pillow on the couch and laid down pulling the blanket close to me. "I thought we gave you a bed?" someone said from above me, I opened one eye to see Zacky.

"You did, I just painted the room," I said closing my eyes

"What color?" he asked hopping over the back of the couch and jumping on my feet.

"Black and Tan," I mumbled moving my feet under his butt and thighs for warmth.

"Cool, anyway what's up?" he asked eating a slice of pizza, making me open one eye and stare at him.

"Dude its two and you're eating pizza," I said

"Yeah and?" he asked with a mouthful

"She wants you to let her sleep smart one," Johnny said slapping him in the back of the head.

"Really?" he asked looking at me.

"Slap the Zacky!" Jimmy said walking downstairs, he went in the kitchen and walked back up to his room with a glass of milk.

"If you stay quiet and watch TV I'd be a lot happier," I said smiling, after I watched Jimmy walk away.

"I can do that," He said smiling


The next morning I woke up to yelling, and cussing, and things being thrown and more yelling.

"Ah!" I said as something broke not to far from me, I jumped up and looked over the back of the couch to see Val's twin fighting with Brian.

"What's going on?" I asked Zacky who was asleep beside me, I kicked his leg and he jumped up awake.

"Huh?" he asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"What's going on?" I asked again

"I don't know, I'll go ask," He said yawning; he got up and walked over to Jimmy who was watching on the stairs.

"Payge come here!" Jimmy said waving me over, I tried to get up but fell over my blanket, I landed on the ground in front of the couch where they couldn't see, cussing my blanket I grabbed hold of the couch cushion with my right hand.

"I'm okay!" I said holding my left hand up as I got up, they laughed as I walked over to them.

"Nice one Payge," Johnny said grinning as I stood in front of them.

"So..." I said tilting my head to the psycho chick and Brian.

"Brian found her here, they started talking and don't take this personally but she doesn't like you," Johnny said making hand gestures to the like you part.

"Why? What did I do?" I asked confused as I rubbed my face.

"We don't even know, she's just been yelling shit," Jimmy said

"Is Matt up?" I asked

"No, go get him," Johnny said picking me up and putting me up the stairs.

"Why does everyone pick me up?" I whispered to myself.

"Because it's easy," he said smiling, I rolled my eyes and walked down the hallway, and I knocked on Matt's door and walked in covering my eyes.

"Are you decent?" I asked

"Yes, what do you want?" he asked, I uncovered my eyes and he was lying on the bed reading with Val beside him watching TV.

"Brian and Val's sister are fighting and the boys sent me up after you," I said
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Comment please.

Oh and answer me this : What is the stars? What do they mean and why the hell do I have one?